Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Ward 4 - Sean Chu

North Calgary Water Servicing Project Soil sampling portion



As part of a long-term plan for the water supply system, The North Calgary Water Servicing project is now underway. A new water supply line (main) is required to service future development and to ensure the sustainability of the water supply system in north Calgary.

The Nose Hill Park portion of the project will be completed in two phases:

Phase 1: Soil Sampling (Mid-February – Early April 2017)

Phase 2: Construction (Summer 2017– Summer 2018)

Phase 1 – Soil Sampling

Photo Courtesy of AECOM

The City of Calgary is beginning soil investigations to confirm route selection for the north Calgary Water Servicing project. You will see drilling equipment like the unit shown at right, from mid-February until early April.

The crew will be taking soil samples in Nose Hill Park to gather information that will be used to confirm the route of the water supply line. 

Confirmation requires soil testing along the proposed route by means of drilling 21, 15cm (6”) bore-holes and determining the soil properties below the surface. The process is known as Geotechnical Drilling.

Phase 2 – Construction

The proposed alignment of pipe traverses Nose Hill Park from the southwest to the northeast. The method of construction would involve the use of tunneling due to the pipe depths proposed. Construction would cause minor surface disruption in the southwest and northeast corners at the entrance and exit of the proposed tunnel. No other surface work would be required in the park.

Protecting the Environment

To protect the surface environment, drilling will be completed during winter months when the ground is frozen. Rare plant and bird surveys will be conducted prior to drilling. Mitigation measures will be in place to conserve protected species.


Please contact 311 if you have any questions or concerns. You can also visit for more information about this Water Services project. 

Geotechnical investigation will take place at the locations on the map. There will be impacts to the areas adjacent to these test locations. These impacts will be rehabilitated, prior to leaving the site.


The City of Calgary, Water Services has an established program of evaluation, planning and upgrading of infrastructure to ensure appropriate levels of service is provided to customers while protecting the environment and public health. The City of Calgary annually invests in upgrade projects that address both capacity and lifecycle needs.


Categories: Water Services
