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Public notice improvements

Help us build Calgary together

We're making it easier for you to get informed and involved on applications that propose changes to the land use of a site (redesignation or rezoning), or proposes a development on a site in your community.

In addition to improving our notice, we’ve also launched to enable Calgarians to learn more about an application in progress, determine its status and leave us comments 24/7.

Learn more about what we’re doing to help citizens, communities and customers.

New notices

Thanks to your feedback our newly redesigned development notices are simple, informative and engaging. These notices encourage you to learn more about a land use or development application in your community, and provide your thoughts on

Look for our newly redesigned notices in your community starting in October 2018.

Features of our new notice include:

  • Plain language text that describes the proposed development.
  • A visual map that clearly identifies the property included in the proposed development.
  • Clear direction to resources that allow you to learn more about and provide your input on the proposed development.
  • A visual rendering of the building – where applicable and submitted by the applicant

Notice are placed on or near sites where a land use or development application has been received by The City. You can view any land use or development application in our city 24/7 by visiting

Land Use Amendment (Rezoning)
Land Use Amendment
Public hearing
Proposed Development application

Applicant information

If an application is more significant in nature the applicant may be required to post a large format notice.

To determine when a large notice is required the notice posting size guidelines have been developed. If a large format notice is required, the applicant will receive an email from The City when the notice is to be posted, including the image of the notice to be posted, and the Customer’s Guide to Posting Large Format Notices. If you have questions about if a large format notice will be required for your development or land use change please speak with your file manager.

If a large format notice is not posted by the applicant within the timelines required by The City, the decision process will be delayed or you may miss a scheduled public hearing.

Rendering requirements

For some applications applicants can submit a rendering that can be included on the notice. The image type that is acceptable is outlined on the application requirement checklist. For Land Use Amendment (LOC) and change of use development permit applications a rendering cannot be added to the notice.

Applications that can include a rendering on the notice posting include:

Small notices

  • Backyard suite – site plan or rear elevation
  • Duplex dwelling (when discretionary) – streetscape or elevation
  • Semi-detached dwelling (when discretionary) – streetscape or elevation
  • Single detached dwelling (when discretionary) – streetscape or elevation

Large notices

Most notices for these applications will require a large notice. Please check at the time of pre-application if you should submit a rendering for a large or small notice.

  • Addition or new building in a multi-residential land use district – streetscape or elevation
  • Addition or new building in a commercial, industrial or special land use district.​
  • New rowhouse, or addition to existing rowhouse, in the developed area – streetscape or elevation

There are currently two ways to submit a rendering for the notice:

  • At the time of submission in-person
    1. Hard copy submission required
    2. Small notice: 8.55”x16”, landscape view, minimum 300 DPI
    3. Large notice: 26”x21”, landscape view, minimum 300 DPI
  • By email to
    1. Digital file to be emailed as an attachment
    2. Small notice: 1560 pixels x 789 pixels, landscape view
    3. Large notice: 2431 pixels x 2243 pixels, landscape view

The City is working to develop a process to also receive renderings through the online submission process. It is anticipated that Planning and Development should be able to receive renderings online by the end of 2018 / early 2019.

Sample renderings

Elevation examples:

Streetscape example:

Streetscape example

Notice posting journey

The City began reviewing its notice posting process in 2016, piloting design options and encouraging citizens to comment. Thanks to citizen feedback, a few modifications were made to the 2016 notice pilot to create a second pilot version.

In the summer of 2017, The City encouraged citizens to comment on our second notice pilot, which included a larger version measuring four by eight feet. An online survey linked to this pilot was used to validate initial citizen input and ensure the new notices are simple, informative and engaging.

In December of 2017, Council asked Administration to return with a redesigned notice. In April 2018 Council reviewed the redesigned notice and supported the changes. The first new notices were installed at land use and development application sites October 2018.

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This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
