Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

Learn more

Employee Resources List

The resources below are intended to support you through the accommodation process. For further information, please contact the Return to Work Coordinator assigned to your business unit.

How can we help you?

I am requesting a temporary or permanent accommodation as a result of an illness or injury, supported by documents on my medical restrictions.


I need general information and advice on health and wellness in general.

I need help reporting time for Sickness and Accident (S&A).


I need support with WCB or long-term disability payments.

Contact Corporate Pay

I need additional support regarding an accommodation outside my base position.


I need support as my case is complex and may have potential to impact my collective agreement.


I'm not sure where to start and need to talk it through

HR Support Services (403-268-5800)

Links and Information within The City:

Safety: Information on how to keep yourself safe and healthy within the workplace.

WCB Process: Information on your role as a leader when your employee is going through a worker's compensation claim. The process is broken down in basic steps.

Unconscious Bias: Become more familiar with your unconscious biases and how they may impact behaviours within the workplace.

Wellness Resources: Provides information on health and wellness services to keep employees active and healthy.

Links and Information from External Sources:

WCB Alberta: Workers Compensation Website for information on the WCB legislative changes and the process.

Alberta Human Rights Legislation: Outlines the employment rules, practices, conditions or requirements required to meet prohibited grounds status.

Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP): Provides coaching and counselling for you and your families.


If you need further help with your accommodation request, workplace issues and concerns, contact your leader, Return to Work Coordinator/Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant, HR Support Services, and/or your union representative.
