Grades 10-12

The 35th annual Mayor’s Environment Expo will run virtually June 3-6, 2024 and in-person June 4 to 5, 2024.

See the listings for this grade range below. In-person sessions are on the left and virtual sessions are on the right.

Download the 2024 Teacher’s Manual for detailed information about both the virtual and in-person Expo. Join the mailing list to receive updates and registration information. 

Have questions about the Mayor’s Environment Expo? Contact

Don’t forget to complete the event registration form

Although the Expo is free and open to everyone, we request teachers register to ensure space in workshops and for security purposes. 

The deadline for in-person registration is May 27, 2024. You can register for virtual events right up until the start of each session.


Alberta Council for Environmental Education (ACEE)

Green Careers for Youth

ACEE's Green Careers for Youth program connects students with green industry volunteers for a presentation that will inspire and inform students about careers related to sustainability and the environment!

Suitable for Grades 8 - 12

Calgary Region Airshed Zone

Breathing Easy: Understanding and Improving Air Quality

Join an Air Quality Scientist and learn about the importance of air quality for human health and the environment. What is air quality, what are the health impacts of poor air quality, how do we monitor the air quality, and what can we do to help?

This will be an interactive presentation where students can ask questions and engage in discussion about air quality-related topics.

Suitable for Grades 5+

CPAWS Southern Alberta & Thimbleberry Learning

Mindful Nature Moments

This program will occur outside. Please dress for the weather.

When the hustle and bustle of downtown gets you feeling rushed, come unwind under the shade of a Schubert Chokecherry or stretch out on the lawn at Olympic Plaza. CPAWS is teaming up with Thimbleberry Learning to bring you a well-deserved chance to slow down and connect to the natural world. These Mindful Nature Moments will combine active movement, sensory exploration, and present-moment awareness in a fun and accessible way. Don’t leave Expo without treating yourself and your students to the gift of mindful connection in nature!

Suitable for Grades K - 12

Elements Society

EcoCooks Food Waste: Save Food, Save the Planet!

Did you know that 1/3 of the food that the world produces is wasted? Come join EcoCooks educators to learn why this is such a problem for our planet and more importantly, how you can help. Whether it’s at home, school, or out in the community, there are many ways we can reduce, reuse and recycle our food waste and live more sustainably!

Suitable for Grades 7 - 12

Soil 2 Soul

Healthy Earth, Happy Me: The Wonderful Connection Between Nature’s Secrets and Our Well-being!

Embark on a sustainable living journey with "Healthy Earth, Happy Me." This presentation explores three pillars shaping our food system's future. Discover the impact of regenerative agriculture and sustainable farming, addressing both nutritious crops and planetary health. Dive into food waste solutions, focusing on the power of composting for a more sustainable lifestyle. Uncover the microbiome's role in personal and environmental well-being, understanding the balance between humans and the environment. Gain insights to empower you for a greener, more sustainable tomorrow. "Healthy Earth, Happy Me" is your gateway to a thriving future for both the planet and its inhabitants.

Suitable for Grades 7 - 12

Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo

Mission Climate Action

This workshop delves deep into the scientific principles behind climate change. Through interactive stations and data analysis exercises, participants will not only gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of carbon in the climate system but also explore the cutting-edge solutions that can shape a sustainable and resilient future for our planet.

Suitable for Grades 7 - 12

Virtual sessions

Opening Ceremony - The City of Calgary

Opening Ceremony – 35th Annual Mayor’s Environment Expo

Join Mayor Gondek as she kicks off our 35th annual Mayor's Environment Expo. She will share her passion for climate action and environmental stewardship while welcoming students and teachers to join The City in its climate and environment initiatives through Environment Expo sessions, exhibitors and programming. EcoSchools Canada's delivery partner, the Alberta Council for Environmental Education (ACEE), will then announce and celebrate the EcoSchools in Alberta that have achieved certification this year.

Suitable for Grades K - 12

Virtual, Monday June 3, 2024, 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Alberta Council for Environmental Education (ACEE)

Green Careers for Youth

ACEE's Green Careers for Youth program connects students with green industry volunteers for a presentation that will inspire and inform students about careers related to sustainability and the environment!

Suitable for Grades 8 - 12

Canadian Wildlife Federation

Get WILD Outside with Citizen Science!

NOTE: Times as booked by each teacher (8 sessions available). Register to book a time block and CWF will be in touch to work with you to find the best time for your class.

Are you looking for ways to contribute to conservation in your day-to-day life? Or perhaps you’re interested in a career doing field research? Join our WILD Outside staff in this fun and engaging game-show-style session to unveil the power of a photograph and learn how citizen science can be a force for good in our world. If you are a teen looking to get involved in the outdoors or try hands-on conservation skills while meeting other like-minded people, you will want to hear about the WILD Outside Program and how you can get involved.

Suitable for Grades 10 - 12

Break the Divide

Climate Emotions and Community Connections

This workshop offers a deep dive into the intersection of environmental challenges and mental health, providing students with both insights and practical tools to navigate these complexities. By delving into personal reflections and shared experiences, students will gain a deeper understanding of their own climate emotions and how these feelings intersect with broader environmental issues. 

From mindfulness techniques to creative outlets, attendees will discover a range of practices to foster emotional resilience and cultivate a sense of empowerment in addressing climate-related concerns. At the heart of our workshop lies the Break The Divide approach, which emphasizes the power of community connections in fostering collective resilience and action. Students will explore how shared experiences and mutual support can serve as powerful catalysts for positive change in their local and global communities.

Suitable for Grades 4 - 12

Virtual, Tuesday June 4, 2024, 11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Émotions climatiques et liens avec la communauté - Français

Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, il est essentiel pour les étudiants de comprendre les dimensions émotionnelles du changement climatique. Notre séminaire, "Emotions climatiques et liens avec la communauté", propose une plongée en profondeur dans l'intersection des défis environnementaux et de la santé mentale, fournissant aux étudiants à la fois des idées et des outils pratiques pour naviguer dans ces complexités.

À travers des discussions engageantes et des activités interactives, les participants exploreront les impacts émotionnels profonds du changement climatique, allant de l'anxiété et du désespoir à la résilience et à l'espoir. En se plongeant dans des réflexions personnelles et des expériences partagées, les étudiants acquerront une meilleure compréhension de leurs propres émotions liées au climat et de la manière dont ces sentiments s'entrecroisent avec des questions environnementales plus larges.

En outre, notre atelier dotera les étudiants de stratégies concrètes pour gérer leurs émotions liées au climat, en soulignant l'importance de l'autonomie et du bien-être face à l'incertitude. Des techniques de pleine conscience aux moyens créatifs, les participants découvriront un éventail de pratiques visant à favoriser la résilience émotionnelle et à cultiver un sentiment d'autonomie dans la gestion des problèmes liés au climat.

Suitable for Grades 4 - 12

Virtual, Tuesday June 4, 2024, 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Calgary Region Airshed Zone

Breathing Easy: Understanding and Improving Air Quality

Join an Air Quality Scientist and learn about the importance of air quality for human health and the environment. What is air quality, what are the health impacts of poor air quality, how do we monitor the air quality, and what can we do to help?

This will be an interactive presentation where students can ask questions and engage in discussion about air quality-related topics.

Suitable for Grades 5+

Virtual, Tuesday June 4, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Elements Society

EcoCooks Food Waste: Save Food, Save the Planet!

Did you know that 1/3 of the food that the world produces is wasted? Come join EcoCooks educators to learn why this is such a problem for our planet and more importantly, how you can help. Whether it’s at home, school, or out in the community, there are many ways we can reduce, reuse and recycle our food waste and live more sustainably!

Suitable for Grades 7 - 12

Re.Climate and University of Calgary

Preparing Albertans for Climate Change

Developed in partnership with the Prairie Climate Centre and Re.Climate, the "Preparing Albertans for Climate Change" e-course features local voices discussing climate impacts and exploring solutions that align with Canada's climate goals. Learn about the impacts and choices that Albertans will be faced with as we work towards a net-zero future. Each module provides insights on the policies that are driving climate action, examples of local projects and initiatives helping to create a more climate-resilient Alberta, and tangible actions individuals can take in day-to-day life. The modules include:

  • Climate Change in Alberta
  • Diversifying Energy
  • Resilient Communities
  • Transportation Choices
  • Efficient Homes
  • Sustainable Food

Suitable for Grades 10 - 12

Solar Alberta

Solar 101 in Alberta

The sun’s radiant energy can be used to provide lighting and heat for buildings and to produce electricity. It is a renewable resource and unique for its ability to generate energy in a quiet, clean, and consistent manner. In this presentation, we will review how rooftop solar installations typically work in Alberta, the growth of the solar industry, emerging trends in the industry, and how to get involved with solar energy.

Suitable for Grades 6 - 12
