Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Measuring Calgary’s climate action

Climate action Measuring Calgary’s climate action

Measuring and tracking Calgary’s progress on climate action gives transparency to how we, as a community, are progressing toward our goals of a net-zero and a more climate-resilient city by 2050. It allows us to review the progress and impacts of our actions and change our approach if our projects and programs are not achieving the desired results. 

The City of Calgary is committed to working with all Calgarians to lower our collective carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050 and reduce the impacts of climate change by planning and building a climate-resilient city. Climate action positions Calgary as an attractive city - both locally and globally - to live, do business, invest and visit.

Calgary’s progress on climate action

The 2023 Climate Progress Report provides an update on The City’s first year implementing the 2023-2026 Climate Implementation Plan.

It also tells us how this work progresses Calgary’s efforts to decarbonize and adapt to our changing climate over the next 30 years.

Climate and Environment Dashboard

The Climate and Environment Dashboard is a tool that helps you learn about what we are doing to make Calgary a more sustainable and environmentally friendly place to live. It tracks our progress in addressing our climate and environment objectives in one easy-to-access location. It allows Calgarians to monitor climate and environment metrics and track the status of our actions and their impacts.

View the dashboard

At The City, we're holding ourselves accountable on our role and effort in leading climate action. We have developed this dashboard to support how we evaluate, measure, and report on our progress. As we get farther down the pathway to 2050, our approaches will evolve and likely change depending on new data, new technologies, or new approaches to taking climate action.
