What you'll learn as a fire cadet?
Being a fire cadet is about training, responsibility and leadership – and fun! Each topic has both a classroom and practical, hands-on component.
Here's a sample of what you will experience:
Level One:
- Fire Department History
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Rank Structure and Insignia
- Fire Cadet Teambuilding
- Fire Science and Behaviour
- Rope and Knots
- Search and Rescue Basics
- Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
- Radio Communication
- Non-verbal Communication Skills / Hand Signals
- Vehicle Extrication - Basic
- Search and Rescue with SCBA
- Hoses and Appliances
- Hose Evolutions and Hydrants
- First Aid and CPR Training
- Salvage and Overhaul
- Fire Extinguishers
Level Two:
- Fire Pumpers
- Aerial Apparatus
- High Angle Rope Rescue
- Tour of the Firefighters Museum
- Vehicle Extrication - Intermediate
- Tools and Equipment
- Hose Evolutions and Relays
- Wildland Firefighting
- Disaster Heavy Rescue / Confined Space Rescue
- Aquatic Rescue
- Ventilation
- Visit to the Firefighters Tribute Plaza
- Firefighter Accountability
- Search and Rescue - Intermediate
- Leadership
- Fire Safety
- Incident Command System
- Large Area Team Search and Rescue
- Ground Ladders
- Hot Fire - Building Fire
Level Three:
- Mentoring and Teaching Methods
- Arson Investigation
- Health and Wellness
- Firefighter Safety and Survival
- Community Services
- CPR Recertification
- Advanced Ladder Skills
- CFD Hiring Process
- Job Skills
- Fireground Communication
- Traffic Control / Driving
- Fire and EMS Career Information
- Vehicle Extrication - Advanced
- ATCO Gas and Utility Awareness
- STARS and HAWCS Partnerships
- Calgary EMS / Medical Skills
- Tour of Fire and EMS Dispatching Centre
- Vehicle Fires / Propane Fires
- Search and Rescue - Advanced
Once you finish the three levels and meet your volunteer commitment, you can expect to graduate from the academy with certifications in hand. A large graduation ceremony is held each June to celebrate the achievements of both the Level One class and the graduating Level Three class.
Along with the presentation of the Level One and Level Three Fire Cadet Certificates, the ceremony consists of:
- The Layla Shiber Memorial Award - awarded to a Level 3 graduate.
- The Kevin Coupland Memorial Award - awarded to a Level 1 returning cadet.
- Two $1000 scholarships to graduating cadets - sponsored by ATCO.
- Skills demonstrations by the graduating Level 3 class.
Each year, over 200 people attend the graduation ceremony, and in the past the cadets were featured on the front cover of the Calgary Sun newspaper!