What is the Fire Cadet uniform?
Fire Cadets are proud representatives of the Calgary Fire Department, and, as such are expected to dress in accordance with our high standards.
Cadets are expected to wear the following to each class:
- A short-sleeved grey Fire Cadet uniform shirt, tucked in
- Black Fire Cadet T-shirt (while on the training ground)
- Black Fire Cadet uniform pants
- Black belt with a Fire Cadet buckle
- Black Fire Cadet tie
- Black shoes
- Black socks

Upon acceptance into the program, cadets will receive a uniform shirt, uniform pants, belt & buckle, tie, t-shirt and jacket. They will also receive a Fire Cadet t-shirt and shorts for use during weekly physical activity.
All other uniform items (shoes, socks, etc.) are the responsibility of the cadet.
Due to safety concerns and professional standards, while in uniform, either in class or at volunteer functions:
- No jewellery may be worn.
- Hair must be worn in accordance to the Hair and Jewellery Standards. No facial hair is allowed, cadets must be cleanly shaven and sideburns must be in accordance to our policy.
Cadets are representatives of the Calgary Fire Department when in uniform. Cadets are not allowed to wear their uniforms when they are not attending a cadet class, volunteering at cadet functions or without prior permission from the Cadet Training Officer. If a cadet is caught wearing their uniform in public when not involved in a CFD function, they could be subject to immediate dismissal from the program.