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Griffith Woods self-guided walk

Self-guided walking tour Griffith Woods Park

This extensive park covers 93 hectares and is primarily a natural environment park. There are many trails throughout this park, both paved and unpaved. All of the trails at Griffith Woods Park are flat and easy to walk. The stopping points on this self-guided walk are wheelchair-accessible, bicycle, and dog-friendly. At each stop and throughout the park, you can enjoy and immerse yourself in a provincially significant forest home to a diverse mix of flora and fauna, some of which are not commonly found anywhere else in the city.

Additionally, three bonus stops are for those looking for more adventure or for those on mountain bikes (i.e., not wheelchair accessible). If you visit these three stops, you may discover the identity of the second bonus animal in the ‘name game’.

Total distance: Approximately 4.5 km (not including the bonus stops)

Start location: Parking lot

Please be respectful of other park users and follow Parks Bylaws:

  • Stay on designated trails
  • Do not litter
  • Do not disturb or feed wildlife, including birds
  • Dogs are permitted, but on leash only
  • Pick up your dog's waste
  • Do not collect plant or animal material

Enjoy your walk!

Follow the tour on Google Maps

Stop 1: Start

During the walk, numerous hints will be given at each stop to make visiting the different stopping points on this walk more fun. These hints will lead you to discover the secret animal of the 'name game.'

Enjoy the many birds, animals and different plants you will see here. Visit all the stops, or as many as you like, in any order. It is possible to discover the name of the secret animal without visiting all the stops. 

The main stops are all on the paved pathway and are accessible to all. Additionally, three bonus stops are for those looking for more adventure or for those on mountain bikes (not wheelchair accessible). If you visit these three stops, you may discover the identity of the second bonus animal in the ‘name game.’

Name game hint

Throughout the park, you will find many informative signs with interesting facts. If you read carefully at the starting point, you will learn about a rare plant found in Griffith Woods, which shares the first letter in the spelling of its name with that of the secret animal of the 'name game' today. But don't expect the secret animal to want to eat this 'round-leaved' plant or any plant, as the secret animal prefers a more 'scales and tails' sort of diet.

Stop 2: Stormwater Retention Pond

Stormwater retention ponds have been engineered to handle stormwater runoff from nearby neighbourhoods. When it rains and snow melts, water flows from our rooftops, driveways, lawns, streets, and sidewalks.

The stormwater system carries water to storm ponds, where it is held long enough to settle sediments and pollutants. In Calgary, we have wet and dry stormwater ponds. The secret animal has fantastic eyesight and can often be seen looking down into the Stormwater ponds and rivers of Calgary for something good to eat.

Name game hint

Here in Griffith Woods, past and present beaver activity in some of the wetlands and along the Elbow River is easy to see. Like the beaver, our 'name game' animal shares an interconnectedness with the water and the fifth letter in its name.

Stop 3: “A wild river by any other name”

The Elbow River naturally fluctuates in flow rate depending on the amount of precipitation the front ranges of the Rockies receive, as well as how much and how fast the snow is melting within its watershed (river drainage basin) in spring. Typically, you can expect the river to be flowing at its highest between late May and early July. 

Exercise caution around the Elbow and Bow River, whatever the season, as they are cold and wild like many of the rivers in 'Wild Rose Country'. 

Name game hint

This native four-lettered flower, unlike the red and white varieties sold in flower shops, is pink and has all four of its letters present in the name of the secret animal, possibly soaring over your head right now!

Stop 4: "Berry beary good meal"

Whatever direction you choose to take, whichever route you decide to take, ensure you look at one of the many trail maps available throughout the park to avoid getting lost.

Stay on the designated trails and well-worn paths, and be aware of your surroundings. You are in bear country. Look around and notice many of the plants along the trails with berries. 

Plants such as Saskatoon berry and buffaloberry are favourite high-calorie foods for both species of bears found in Alberta.  Although you are not likely to see either a black bear or grizzly bear in Griffith Woods, they have both been seen here over the years, and the possibility exists. 

Name game hint

Speaking of bears, the larger of the two, the one with long claws evolved for digging, shares the last letter in its name with our secret animal today.  

Stop 5: Where to build a home?

On the main paved path, you may see a couple of nesting cavities in a large balsam poplar to the north. While these are great nesting spots for some birds, they aren't suitable for me, the mystery animal of the 'name game.' I would instead build my nest of sticks on a tall structure with a good vantage point, such as the many power poles you see above. But as you can imagine, it is not safe for me to unknowingly build my nest on or near such high electricity lines, and so humans often make me very tall poles with nesting platforms at the top to safely create a nest while still having a great view of my surroundings. Who am I?

Stop 6: Three-way intersection

Here is a great intersection to take a break in the shade and/or explore the immediate area. If you choose to learn about a nymph whose name starts with '?', then you might discover the second letter in the 'name game's' secret animal's name. 

Likewise, if you are taking a break on the bench, you'll be enjoying the shade of a coniferous tree whose name also starts with '?', the second letter in the secret animal's name.

Stop 7: Giants of Griffith's

At this intersection, you can find some of Calgary's biggest specimens of this native tree species. It starts with the letter 'S', the second letter in the 'name game's' mystery animal's name. These two big trees at this stop are not the 'black' species found in the muskegs and bogs of northern Alberta. They are common in all regions of Alberta and although they are not the color of snow, it is in their name.

Name game hint

They have a sub-alpine-loving cousin named Engelmann here in Alberta, too, and just east of here on the main trail, there is a really 'burly' example, which stands as an enormous 'snag.'

Stop 8: Cattails and mare's tails

What's in a name? Well, many common names of plants can be confusing. In this wetland marsh in front of you, you will find what is commonly called cattails, which are tall marsh plants. And behind them, you can see mare's tail marsh plants growing. Mare’s tail is a common aquatic plant in Griffith Woods, not to be confused with the similar-looking horse's tail growing throughout Griffith's Woods on the forest floor.

The common name wolf-willow given to the silvery-leafed shrub growing around the information sign at this stopping point is equally confusing. Sometimes also called silverberry, this shrub is not a willow at all despite the name. Alas, move the shrub branches and read the sign to obtain the real ***.

Name game hint

Although you will not find the mystery animal pictured on this sign, the Belted kingfisher on the sign is eating something that I, too, enjoy. “Unlike the Kingfisher who dives beak first into the water to catch fish, I prefer to thrust my talons forward at the last second in order to catch my dinner. Have you figured out who I am yet?”

Bonus stop 1: Bridge

If you come here at a quiet time of day, you may catch a glimpse of a common goldeneye. It's a type of duck that dives underwater for aquatic insect larvae and other small organisms. You may also spot a few American goldfinch flying and chasing each other amongst the understory, as many happy songbirds do.

Name game hint

But the bonus mystery bird is the most 'golden' of them all, and if you are ever fortunate enough to see one, I'm not talking about its distant 'bald' cousin. You are more likely to be looking way up in the sky, where you'll see it soaring and gliding effortlessly on thermal air currents. “Who am I?”

Bonus stop 2: Creek crossing

The 'bonus' mystery animal can rarely be seen catching fish in Alberta's rivers and lakes. Unlike other fish-eating bird species, this raptor prefers to swoop down and pluck large fish right out of the water before simply flying away with the prey in its talons.

Bonus stop 3: Multi-stemmed

At this stopping point, you will notice a multi-stemmed balsam poplar growing. Look a little closer, and you may notice that one of those tree trunks is unlike the others.

Name game hint

Large poplars like this are great nesting trees for the other more well-known raptors of this name in Alberta. But this bonus animal in the 'name game' prefers to nest on rocky cliffs or outcroppings vs. a tree.

Thank you for joining us on this walking tour. We hope you enjoyed exploring and look forward to seeing you on future adventures!

Name game answers

  1. Osprey Pandion haliaetus
  2. (Bonus) Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos