Bridge rehabilitation: Flood mitigation repairs

The City is planning to complete flood mitigation work on three bridges throughout this construction season. The three bridges, situated along Nose Creek, require important repair work to ensure the deteriorated flood mitigation elements are safe and in good working condition.

Project update - May 2024

The contractor for this project will be selected and onboarded in June 2024. Construction is expected to begin in July 2024 and will be substantially complete by Winter 2024. Construction updates and timelines will be posted closer to the construction start date.

Project timelines

  • July 2024 - Construction Anticipated Start
  • Winter 2024 - Construction Substantially Complete

* Construction is dependent on weather, availability of materials, and site conditions. Updates will be provided regularly, but dates may change.

Bridge locations

The following bridges will undergo repairs this year:

41 Avenue over Nose Creek Bridge

Traffic impacts

July – November 2024

  • Traffic accommodations are expected for both 41 Avenue and Edmonton Trail.
  • Construction will be completed in stages and anticipated traffic staging includes lane closures and traffic signal adjustment.
  • One eastbound lane on the 41 Avenue bridge will be closed for the full duration of the project.
  • One westbound lane on the 41 Avenue bridge will be closed periodically during off-peak hours (9 a.m. – 3 p.m.).
  • The posted speed will be reduced to 50 km/hr during construction.
  • Updates to traffic staging and schedule will be posted online. 

Project scope of work

The physical condition of various elements of this bridge has declined to the point where work is required to keep the bridge in service. The project aims to rehabilitate the deteriorated bridge and flood mitigation elements and will extend the service life of the bridge by approximately 30 years.

The scope of work includes:

  • Traffic barrier replacement
  • Girders and deck repair
  • Substructure repair
  • Expansion joints modifications
  • A new multi-use pathway on the south side
  • Replacement of damaged slope protection
  • Improvements to the 41 Avenue and Edmonton Trail intersection

Goddard Avenue and Beaverdam Road Bridges

Traffic impacts

There will be minimal traffic impacts to both the Goddard Avenue and Beaverdam Road Bridges.

  • Both bridges will remain open throughout construction.
  • The posted speed will be reduced to 50 km/hr.
  • Updates to the traffic staging and schedule will be posted online.

Project scope of work

  • Replacement of damaged slope protection elements.

Environmental considerations

  • An Environmental Impact Assessment has been conducted and mitigation measures are in place.
  • Efforts will be made to minimize environmental impacts during the execution of the projects.
  • Necessary Environmental and other Regulatory Permits are approved and in place.


  • Improve the condition, appearance, and safety of the bridges.
  • Improve safety for pedestrians and improve pedestrian connectivity, and
  • Extend the service life of the bridges for many years to come.


The estimated investment for this project is $3.3 million.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
