Glenmore Landing proposed sale: Summary of past & current events
A Council directed initiative that would support comprehensive redevelopment and fit with Council’s Strategic Direction.
Advertisement of the proposed sale pursuant to Section 70 of the Municipal Government Act:
First ad
Public Notice ads appeared in the Calgary Herald on October 5 and October 12, 2023, with an October 23, 2023, deadline for submissions to be received.
Second ad
Revised Public Notice ads are scheduled to appear in the Calgary Herald on November 2, 4, 9 and 11, 2023, with written submissions to be received no later than November 20, 2023, and petitions to be received no later than sixty (60) calendar days after November 11, 2023, which is Thursday, January 11, 2024.
The opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed land sale is through the public advertising process. All responses received from the First and Second Advertisements and the period in between (October 23 and November 2) will be collected, provided to, and summarized for Council’s review and consideration at its Tuesday, January 30, 2024, meeting.

Council authorizes the proposed sale of two remnant parcels between the Glenmore Landing Shopping Centre and the roadway, subject to specific terms and conditions. |
- The City and the Purchaser have entered in to a conditional agreement for the sale of the City Lands. The City remains the owner of the City Lands.
- The proposed sale is of two remnant parcels between the existing shopping centre development and the roadway as pictured.
- Business sensitive details, such as the terms and conditions, of the transaction are confidential.
- The proposed sale is not considered closed until formal municipal processes are completed (public advertising and report back to Council, as per the Municipal Government Act), all conditions within the agreement are satisfied and/or waived by the parties, a transfer of the title from The City to the Purchaser is submitted to Alberta Land Titles Office, and the purchase price has been paid.
Notice of Motion 2015-02
Council directs Administration to “work directly with the Glenmore Landing Shopping Centre owner to explore the disposition of surplus City owned lands to be included in the overall comprehensive redevelopment, including opportunities for the provision of non-market housing within the future development” and “report back to Council for approval of any resulting terms and conditions of sale.”
Frequently asked questions
1. Will the report back to Council on the submissions received in response to the Public Notice ads be inclusive of a public hearing?
- Administration will provide a copy of all responses received through the Advertisements, and a summary of all public feedback, in a report to Council for their consideration.
- The planning application separately underway has its own set of processes, including a public hearing. Follow the planning process here.
- Note: The two processes (1. Proposed Sale; 2. Planning application) are separate and distinct. Council will hear and decide on each one separately and each on their own merits.
2. How will the City Lands within the Advertisement be described?
They will be described with legal descriptions and municipal addresses.
3. Will the responses provided under the First Advertisement be combined with the Second Advertisement?
Yes, all public responses that have been properly submitted during both notice periods, including the time between the two periods (October 23 and November 2), will be retained and included in the report to Council for consideration. |
4. Why is the proposed sale being advertised for a second time?
In order to ensure compliance with the advertising requirements of the Municipal Government Act.
5. What is the significance of the registered instrument on title to the shopping centre that pertains to the City lands?
The registered instrument sets out the responsibilities of the Shopping Centre owner and The City, in regard to the City Lands. The registered instrument imposes certain obligations on the parties that arose from the 1983 land use application for the Shopping Centre.