Improving odour control
We understand odours are unpleasant for people living in the area and we’re committed to reducing odours as part of our upgrade.
The existing odour control facilities will be replaced and upgraded with biofilters. New biofilters will also be added for new process facilities being constructed on site. This is state-of-the-art technology that will greatly improve the odour control from the plant.
What are biofilters?
Biofilters are biological systems that use microorganisms to remove odours and pollutants from the air or water. They are often used in industrial settings, such as wastewater treatment plants, composting facilities and livestock barns.
How they work
The biofilter consists of a packed bed of filter media designed to sustain and support the growth of naturally occurring microorganisms. As contaminated air passes through the biofilter, these microorganisms metabolize the odorous compounds, breaking them down into harmless byproducts such as carbon dioxide, sulfates, water, and nitrogen.
A well-maintained biofilter can reduce odours, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia by more than 80 per cent.