Fish Creek West Sanitary Trunk
Project Status – November 2024
We have successfully completed the Fish Creek West Sanitary Upgrade project.
The sanitary trunk has been operating since November 2023 and in November 2024, the final stage of the project was complete as we opened the new multi-use pathway, connecting the pathway from the Anderson Road pedestrian bridge east to 24 Street S.W.
Thank you for your support and understanding during the construction of this important infrastructure project.
Project map

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About the project
The Fish Creek West Sanitary Trunk will transport sanitary flows (wastewater) from the communities of Woodbine, Woodland, and Canyon Meadows, as well as wastewater from Tsuut’ina Nation. This wastewater will travel through Calgary’s wastewater collection system to the Fish Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Construction began in September 2022. The sanitary trunk was in service in November 2023, and the new multi-use pathway opened November 1, 2024.
Multi-use pathway
The pathway is located on the south side of Anderson Road from the Pedestrian Bridge to 24th Street SW.

Odour control building
The odour control building, located near Canyon Meadows Drive S.W. and Macleod Trail, was built to mitigate odours due to the train/LRT crossing.

Additional alignment information
- The sanitary pipe alignment extends 6.3 kilometers, along existing Road and Utility Rights of Way.
- This alignment was approved as it minimized impact to interested parties:
- Do not need to cross (excavate) Canyon Meadows Golf Course
- No construction needed on Tsuut’ina lands and no crossing of Tsuut’ina Trail required
- No disruption to private property/residences
Further, to minimize traffic impact in the area, approximately 50 per cent of installation will occur on grass berm or boulevard areas.
Project timeline
- Design: Spring – Fall 2021 (Complete)
- Construction started: Fall 2022
- Construction completion: Fall 2024
Frequently asked questions
Overall Project
Why is this project required?
Due to current and projected growth in the area, quite simply, there will be more wastewater (sewage) than the existing infrastructure can accommodate. We need to do this work to accommodate projected wastewater flows.
Have you done any consultation?
The City works closely with our regional customers regarding water and wastewater Master Servicing Agreements.
- Throughout the project, we worked with residents and interested parties to ensure a clear understanding of the scope of work required.
- We have consulted with Tsuut’ina Nation on various matters relating to this project.
- We commit to providing timely project updates as we complete this important work for Calgarians.
What about the proposed off-leash multi-use area in Woodbine?
Visit for more information.
Pathway Paving
What work is being done?
The project is now complete. The Fish Creek Sanitary trunk was completed over summer and the pathway and maintenance access road was compete and open on November 1, 2024.
Why is this work being done?
An access road is required for vehicles to access and maintain the new sanitary manholes along the top of the berm adjacent to Anderson Road. Due to the proximity of the access road to the existing pedestrian bridge, The City is using this opportunity to pave the road so it can also be used a multiuse pathway.
We have heard from Calgarians that improving walking and cycling connections as part of the City’s 5A network is an important initiative. The pathway will connect the existing pathway along Stoney Trail and the pedestrian bridge across Anderson Road to 24 Street, providing improved mobility connections for walking and cycling in the community.
Where exactly will construction take place?
Construction will take place on the south side of Anderson Road, from the pedestrian bridge adjacent to Woodbrook Way SW to 24th Street SW
What’s the timeline for this work?
Work is anticipated to take place in Spring and Summer of 2024.
How will this affect traffic in the neighborhood?
Most of the construction traffic will take place along Anderson Road, however some construction traffic will be required inside the community.
Are there road closures or detours planned?
We expect that some road closures will need to take place – these closures will be communicated before construction begins and updates will be posted here.
What should I do if I’m looking for more information about this project?
If you have questions about this project please call 311
Is there any other work planned in this area?
Capital Priorities is working on the pathway design to connect 24th to 14th Street along Anderson Road. If the schedule allows, this work will be completed at the same time.