Inglewood sanitary trunk project
About this project
When water runs down a sink, drain or toilet, it becomes wastewater. To manage this wastewater, sanitary trunks are constructed to deliver wastewater to one of three wastewater treatment plants. The existing sanitary trunk that carries sanitary flow from North Calgary, Airdrie and Cochrane to the Bonnybrook Wastewater Treatment Plant is nearing capacity.
The IST Phase Two project will increase the waster capacity of Inglewood and other north Calgary communities; it involves micro-tunneling beneath the Bow River to connect two existing sanitary pipes. This new trunk is critical to maintaining a high-level of sanitary service to Inglewood and surrounding communities.
Construction update - April 2024
Most construction activity will occur between 7a.m. to 7p.m. Monday through Saturday, unless required due to ground conditions. If evening work is required we will notify residents before.
The community may temporarily experience increased noise and vibration, as well as increased construction traffic and noise. We are working closely with our contractor to mitigate these effects wherever possible. We will be installing a concrete block wall on a portion of the south end of our site to decrease noise for adjacent residents.
The site has access constraints due to existing trees and existing overhead utility lines. To balance the needs of the project with these constraints, we will temporarily change 7 Avenue S.E. to a one-way westbound vehicle flow from 10 Street to 8 Street S.E. (see a map below).
As previously shared in December 2023, we needed to remove trees as part of site preparations within the green space and along the riverbank. At that time, 7 trees were removed in the green space. A section of trees was also removed along the riverbank and was much smaller in area than originally proposed.
Currently, as the crane is now on-site, we have realized that the full area of tree removal along the riverbank needs to be completed. This will allow the crane to swing out, avoiding the overhead powerlines. This work will begin the week of April 8.
Drilling of the concrete piles and material excavation for the shaft is complete. We are now preparing the shaft for the microtunnel machine.
Microtunnelling will start in early May, ending in approximately October, 2024.
The installation of a sound wall along 7 Avenue SE is tentatively scheduled for mid-to-late April, to help with noise reduction during microtunnelling.
We require that a permanent water source to the construction site be installed from a fire hydrant located at the NE corner of the 8 Av SE and 9 St SE intersection. The line will be buried underground in the 9 St SE alley. The line will take approximately a week to install in mid-April. We will have flaggers on site to ensure the flow of traffic and assist with parking.
Project route and timeline
What is the route for the Inglewood Sanitary Trunk?
This essential work will connect two existing trunks on the north and south side of the Bow River by constructing a new sanitary trunk. This will allow us to maintain a high level of sanitary service to Inglewood and surrounding communities. The duration of the project will be 1.5 years, depending on weather and site constraints.
Most construction will happen between 7a.m. and 7p.m. The exception is microtunnelling, which may take place 24 hours a day. During construction you will experience increased construction traffic, light and noise. Pathway and road detours will be provided for all closures. Closures may change as construction progresses.
Click on image to enlarge and view microtunnelling route.
What is microtunnelling?
Microtunnelling is a method of installing utilities by digging shafts and then connecting them by underground pipes rather than digging large trenches. This allows us to install the pipe with fewer disruptions to traffic and community access.
Tree removal, replanting & repurposing
For project work, trees were removed on the North and South side of Bow River. We are working closely with City Parks to develop a remediation plan to replant new trees or repurpose trees that are removed.
Trees removed for the project will continue to play a role in the life of our community.
Some removed trees have been repurposed as benches at the City’s Greenview Area Improvements Project to rest, ponder and enjoy the bustling scene on the North side of the Bow River. This demonstrates the City’s commitment to strong community connections and thoughtful stewardship of natural resources. Removed trees and shrubs have also been sent to the Calgary Zoo for food for the animals or used in exhibits.
Construction progress
Completed work
Spring 2019 to Fall 2020 - Phase One
- Construction of shafts 1 – 8
- Installation of all sections of the trunk
- Inner city tie in work at shaft 1
Spring 2021 – Construction - Phase One
- Landscape maintenance and deficiency work
Fall 2022 – Detailed Design - Phase Two
- Confirm engineering designs
- Confirm size of work areas and tree removals
Early Fall 2023 – Construction Tendering – Phase Two
- Selection of contractor
- Confirmation of construction sites and sequencing
Future work
Late Fall 2023 to Summer 2025 – Phase Two
- Construction start
Summer 2025 – Commissioning Phase Two
- Commissioning of wastewater line
Location | Construction activity | Impact | Anticipated schedule |
Inglewood / Bow River
December 2023 to July 2025 |
December 2023 (complete) |
January 2024 to July 2025 |
January to mid-March 2024 (complete) | |
Mid-March to April 2024 (complete) |
Mid-April 2024 (1 week) (complete) |
May to October 2024 |
November 2024 to February 2025 |
March to July 2025 |
Bridgeland / Bow River
January 2024 to July 2025 |
January 2024 (complete) |
January 2024 to January 2025 |
February to mid-April 2024 (complete) |
Mid-April to May 2024 (complete) |
Weekends in May and June 2024 |
November 2024 to February 2025 |
March to July 2025 |
June 2025 (2 weeks) |
July 2025 |
Inglewood / Bow River
October to December 2024 |
Project background
View the Inglewood Sanitary trunk background below or download the PDF version.
Project description
When water runs down a sink, drain or toilet, it becomes wastewater. The current sanitary trunk servicing Inglewood and Ramsay that carries wastewater to treatment plants is nearing capacity.
The Inglewood Sanitary Trunk project will add 4km of sanitary pipe to meet growing wastewater needs. This is critical to maintaining a high level of sanitary service in Inglewood, Ramsay, and surrounding communities.
Phase One of the Inglewood Sanitary Trunk (IST) was completed in November 2020. It connects the Inner City Trunk in North Ingle- wood to the Bonnybrook Wastewater Treatment Plant (BBWWTP).
Phase Two of the project will build a new sanitary trunk to connect two existing trunks on the north and south side of the Bow River. When IST Phase One and Two are complete, it will serve a growing population in Calgary’s north neighbourhoods to 2076.
Construction methods
A microtunnelling method will be used for this work. Microtunneling is very precise and less disruptive to the community and the environment than traditional construction, which requires land to be dug up, removed, and replaced once work is complete.
We will also construct two shafts east of the Elbow River, and set up a construction staging area on the south side of the Bow River (7 Avenue and 9 Street S.E. intersection). A small staging area will also be set up on the north side of the river.
Tree removal and remediation
Trees will be removed on the south side of the Bow River (December 2023) and north side (January 2024).
Trees removed for the project continue to play a role in the life of our community.
Some removed trees have been repurposed at the Greenview Area Improvements Project for residents to sit, ponder and enjoy the bustling scene on the North side of the Bow River. The City is committed to strong community connections and thoughtful stewardship of natural resources.
Tree removals happen outside the nesting window so birds and species are not disturbed.
Construction impacts
Construction will begin December 2023 with tree removals and site set-up on the south side of Bow River. Most activity will happen between 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Microtunneling will not occur 24 hours a day unless required due to ground conditions.
Area residents may temporarily experience increased noise and vibration, as well as increased construction traffic and noise. We are working closely with our contractor to mitigate these effects wherever possible.
Pathway and road detours will be provided for all closures. Closures may change as the project progresses
Anticipated closures
9 St S.E, and 8 Ave S.E. intersection.
August - September 2024
3 separate, phased detours eastbound Memorial Drive, west of Baines Bridge.
February 2024 - July 2025
Anticipated pathway closures
Detours will be provided for all pathway closures.
Closures may change as the project progresses. We will continue to share information with your community as timelines are confirmed.
Bow River pathway between 8th and 9th St S.E.
December 2023 - July 2025
Bow River pathway between St. Patrick’s Island and Baines Bridge.
January 2024 - July 2025
Tree removal and remediation plan
Trees removed for the project will continue to play a role in the life of our community.
Some removed trees will be repurposed as horizontal seating at the Greenview Area Improvements Project for residents to sit, ponder and enjoy the bustling scene on the North side of the Bow River. This demonstrates the City’s commitment to strong community connections and thoughtful stewardship of natural resources.
Removing a tree is a last resort. Some trees must be removed so work can be done safely and efficiently. We have adjusted our work so we can save trees wherever possible.
We will continue to share information with your community as these timelines are confirmed.