Rangeview, Ricardo Ranch: Water Infrastructure Project

Project update - December 2022

Work on the Ogden feedermain will continue into 2023 due to supply chain issues. In mid-January, weather dependent, crews will be returning to install steel valves along the feedermain, and the line will be fully tested in March. In the spring, the contractor will also return to finish the landscaping work in the area. 

About the project

Development is approved and is being planned for the east side of Deerfoot Trail at the southern edge of Calgary. For these new communities to go ahead, new water infrastructure must be built. There are three infrastructure projects taking place:

Rangeview sanitary sewer trunk
This trunk will provide wastewater services for projected flows from future Calgarians. It will connect to the Cranston Sanitary Chamber before travelling through our wastewater system to a treatment plant.

Seton storm trunk
This pipe will carry projected stormwater flows deriving from rainfall or melting snow.

Ogden Feeder main
This project will lay the infrastructure to provide future developments, as well as, expansion of Mahogany and Seton Town Centre with high quality drinking water.

The estimated timelines for these projects are: 2019 (preliminary design) – 2022 (final construction completion).

Project map

Click image for full size map.

For more details on these projects contact 311. For information on the developing communities, see the Area Structure Plans for Ricardo Ranch and Rangeview.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
