Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Storm ponds are not like regular ponds. They collect runoff to protect communities from overland flooding and help clean water before returning it to the river. 

Any recreational activity on or in these ponds is not safe and is strictly prohibited under the Stormwater Bylaw.

Why storm ponds are not safe for any activity

Hover your mouse over the numbers to read about the hazard that can be found in storm pond:

  1. The water in these ponds contains sediment and contaminants (e.g. road salt, vehicle fluids, bacteria, fertilizers, pesticides) that are collected as water travels through the community on their way to the storm pond, which can weaken the ice.
  2. Water levels are constantly changing as water moves between inlet and outlet pipes creating unstable air gaps between the ice and water.
  3. Ice thickness can vary across the pond's surface.

Watch the storm pond winter safety video:

Look for the signs

All storm ponds have identifying signage. If you’re not sure if you’re at a storm pond, look for signs like these:

Staying safe around storm ponds

No pets in the storm pond - graphic

Keep your pets away from the water:

Keep your animals away from storm ponds for their health and safety.

Do not enter graphic
No swimming graphic
No boating in the storm pond - graphic

Stay back and stay off

Recreational activities such as:

  • Ice skating
  • Swimming/Wading
  • Boating
  • Fishing

Are dangerous and strictly prohibited.

Additional resources

Calgary has lots of safe places to enjoy winter activities outside

Download this brochure to learn more about storm ponds and how they help protect our rivers and communities:

Have a concern about a storm pond?

Please contact 311 or use the 311 app to report concerns about:

  • People/animals in or on storm ponds
  • Odours
  • Retrieval of items from storm ponds
  • Algae blooms
  • Inquiries or maintenance 
  • Fish in the pond (it is illegal to release fish into storm ponds) 