Submit an integrity and ethics complaint

The Integrity and Ethics Office complaint process is used for concerns about Council Member conduct.

The Integrity Commissioner does not have the authority to investigate Council Members who are not re-elected, City employees or the City Auditor. The Integrity Commissioner has authority to investigate Council Members election conduct in limited circumstances.

Complaint process - To find out what happens after submitting a complaint, see complaint process.

For complaints about City employees, see the Whistle-blower Program.

For city election-related complaints, see Elections Calgary complaints and inquiries.

Information to include in the complaint

A complaint must be submitted within 90 days of the incident and must include your contact information or it may be dismissed. It is recommended the complaint includes:

  • your name;
  • your residential address; and
  • your email address.

The complaint should include the folowing information or it may be dismissed for lack of information:

  • the name of the Council Member;
  • date(s) of the incident;
  • specific details of the allegation(s) / the conduct you are complaining about;
  • why you believe the conduct breached the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials; and
  • any supporting recordings, documents, photos or witness contact information.

All information submitted is held in confidence according to Section C of the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.A 2000 c. F-25.


You may request that the Integrity Commissioner allow your complaint to proceed anonymously. Every reasonable effort will be made to maintain your confidentiality, but your identity may be disclosed as required by law. If disclosing your identity is necessary to continue the investigation, you will be given the option to withdraw the complaint.

If your identity is anonymous to the Integrity Commissioner, the Integrity Commissioner has discretion to investigate or dismiss the complaint, but  you may  not receive any further communication from the Integrity Commissioner.

Submit complaint

Submit formal complaints about a Council Member in one of four ways: online, email, or mail.


Reporting site operated by Clearview Connects.



Integrity Commissioner
Integrity and Ethics Office
P.O. Box 2100, Station M, #8001
Calgary, AB T2P 2M5
