February / March Newsletter

Over the last four years, I have door knocked throughout Ward 2 and have heard many great ideas. As Council is currently working on our next four-year strategic plan, I think is it important that Ward 2 works together to shape the next budget while making the best use of limited resources to improve quality and abundance of services. The City is now requesting your input regarding your priorities for the 2023-2026 One Calgary Service Plans and Budgets, and we want to hear from you!
Visit https://engage.calgary.ca/yourservices to have the opportunity to help shape Calgary’s next four years. Below are some key estimated costs of potential improvements in Ward 2:
Roads – Repairs, Improvements, and Enhancements
For each infrastructure repair, improvement, or enhancement, there is a cost associated that draws down on the approved budget for the four-year business cycle. Throughout the City, there are a variety of improvements that Roads can complete which include, but aren’t limited to:
- Traffic Calming Curb Extensions (approx. $3,000)*
- New Traffic Signals (approx. $250,000 - $375,000)*
- Pedestrian Crossing Devices such as Overhead Flashers or Flashing Beacons (approx. $40,000 - $120,000)*
- Signed and Marked Crosswalks (approx. $3,500 - $4,000)*
- Paving Arterial Roads such as Crowchild (approx. $146,000/lane-km or $40/m2)*
- Paving Collector Roads such as Hawkwood Dr (approx. $110,000/lane-km or $30/m2)*
- Paving Local Roads such as Hawkfield Cr (approx. $73,000/lane-km or $20/m2)*
- Concrete Sidewalks (approx. $250/m2)*
*It’s important to note that each of these items must be warranted based on pre-determined criteria, and not just on a request basis.
New Traffic Calming:
Traffic Safety improvements planned include traffic calming C curb extensions / treatments planned at these locations:
- Citadel Link & Citadel Hills Cir NW
- Hamptons Dr & Hampstead Rd NW
- Evanston View & Evansbrook Link NW
New Traffic Signals:
New traffic signals depend on factors such as size, complexity, accessibility, concrete repair or rehabilitation costs, power supply, and utility conflicts. New signals planned for 2022:
- Evanston Drive-Symons Valley Parkway NW
- Sage Valley Boulevard-Shaganappi Trail NW
- Evansford Circle/Evanspark Circle - Symons Valley Parkway NW
Calgary Transit – Increase to Service
With more residents moving to Ward 2, it is pertinent that they have the mobility to move around the city, Calgary Transit being an important resource. Below are estimates to give you an idea of the cost of adding transit routes:
- Weekday Peak-Only Service (approx. $500,000 - $700,000)**
- Weekday Peak and Midday Service (approx.$900,000 - $1.2M)**
- Full Service - Base Level (approx. $1.8M - $2.2M)**
- On Demand (approx. $500,000 - $2M)**
**These estimates are based on:
- Typical community routes that operate primarily as feeders to connect to the CTrain, MAX lines, and BRT’s;
- Service levels are assumed (15 min peak and 30 min off-peak frequency);
- Longer routes require more buses to provide the same level of service as a shorter route. Communities further away from connections to CTrain stations and bus terminals will see costs at the upper end of the ranges. Many of the new communities in Ward 2 would require a longer route; and
- The size of the community and ridership demands.
As residents of Ward 2, you see firsthand what your community needs. Please help us advocate on your behalf and tell us where you would like to see improvements made. Do you have a location that needs to be evaluated? We want to hear from you.
Categories: 2023-2026 One Calgary Service Plans and Budgets, Budget, Engage, One Calgary, Strategic Plan