Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Ward 2 - Jennifer Wyness

May Newsletter

I have heard from many residents that they are constantly boarding empty CTrain cars during their morning commutes. In an attempt to increase Transit ridership, I put forward a Notice of Motion at the March 30th Council Meeting to launch a temporary pilot project to explore allowing all bicycles on CTrains during all hours of operation, including peak commuting hours. Previously, only folding bicycles were permitted during weekday peak periods between 6:30am and 9am, and between 3:30pm and 6pm.

Council approved my motion, and beginning on May 16th, 2022*, cyclists are now permitted to bring their bikes directly onto CTrains without any time restrictions. This pilot will run until August 31st, 2022. After the pilot concludes, City Administration will evaluate the project and recommend next steps to Council.

Thanks to the recent provincial government funding announcement, Transit’s existing resources can now cover any costs arising from this motion. This pilot project is just one way to make it easier for Calgarians to make a sustainable travel choice. My intent for this pilot is to incentivize and encourage those in the outer wards to utilize Transit rather than choosing to drive, with gas prices at an all-time high. This pilot has potential to support an increase of ridership by providing access to LRT for communities that are underserved by bus service or for the many Calgarians who live within biking distance to a CTrain station.

I hope you will participate in this pilot and help us get the data needed to find solutions so more can enjoy our beautiful city and all the services available for Calgarians. Please send your feedback to my office or to 311.

*May 1st was previously indicated and incorrectly published in the Great News Publishing community newsletters. Apologies for any confusion.

Categories: Calgary Transit, General, Transportation
