Noise Barrier Retrofit Program

The Noise Barrier Retrofit Program (NBRP) was established to provide residents of existing residential areas, adjacent to Parkways, Arterials and Skeletal Roads, with relief from excessive traffic noise impacts through construction of noise barriers.
The Intake Process
Potential locations for the retrofit program are identified on a complaint basis. The first intake step for a noise measurement is by initiating a 3-1-1 inquiry by phone or submitting an online service request via
All candidate locations and complaints must be first assessed for compliance with the Surface Transportation Noise Policy (i.e., road classification, building type, existing conditions, etc.). If the location is deemed appropriate for a noise measurement, the homeowner initiating the response is responsible for obtaining the signatures of supportive neighbours through a petition process and providing permission to The City to conduct noise measurements on their private property.
The Noise Barrier Retrofit Program requires a minimum of two-thirds of impacted homeowners be in support of pursuing noise attenuation. This is to ensure affected residents are supportive of the potential for a noise barrier being constructed adjacent to their property.
Once the petition and permission are obtained, the location will be included in the noise measurement program, which runs during July and August.
If the noise measurement results are higher than the threshold set in the Surface Transportation Noise Policy, further noise modelling occurs to verify the results. Future traffic volume forecasts will be used to assess the noise barrier requirements (length and height), to ensure it will continue to be effective within the 20-year horizon.
Once the wall requirements are determined, a cost estimate is established, and the location is placed on the candidate list for evaluation and prioritization. The City of Calgary prioritizes the construction of noise barriers according to technical and economic feasibility. Candidate locations are ranked according to the expected benefit/cost ratio of the project based on factors such as the severity of the noise levels, the amount of noise reduction and the number of residential units that will benefit. To obtain a form, please submit your request to
Location Evaluation/Prioritization
The evaluation and prioritization of candidate locations typically occurs every four years, to align with Council’s budget cycle. This frequency is dependent on available funding opportunities.
Depending on the number of additional requests for noise measurements that are submitted for the 2022 program (there are currently 17 locations scheduled), The City will attempt to include as many locations as possible in the evaluation process. After the evaluation period in July 2022, any remaining locations will be included in the next evaluation and prioritization process.
Noise Barrier Construction
If funding becomes available for the program, the prioritized list of locations is then scheduled for design and construction. Typically, one to two walls can be built each year; this is highly dependent on internal City resources and the location and size of the wall. The construction manager will communicate directly with the benefitting homeowners to provide information on design, timing and impacts of construction.
If you have any further questions or would like to request a form, please do not hesitate to contact my office at
Categories: General, Transportation