September Newsletter

Micro Clover Pilot
At the end of July, Micro Clover seeds were planted in Nolan Hill (along the centre median along Nolan Hill Drive NW) as a trial to help crowd out dandelions. There may be some hurdles that may make this challenging to implement on a wider scale, but this pilot will be a great way to figure out those hurdles and assess how we may be able to get over them at a low cost for this year. Please let me know your thoughts during this pilot, and hopefully if this proves successful, we can broaden the implementation to other communities.
Micro Clover pros:
- It is dog pee resistant and salt tolerant;
- It can handle human and pet traffic;
- It fixes its own nitrogen so requires less fertilizer;
- It is reasonably drought tolerant and will out compete weeds;
- Flowers encourage bees;
- It requires less mowing when established; and
- It costs less than most turf grass per square metre.
Please visit to read the full update.
The Parks Wayfinder Map
Summer may be winding down, but there are still a few weeks left of beautiful outdoor weather to enjoy. There are many public open spaces in the city, and The Parks Wayfinder Map will help you find all the amenities available. You can search for the nearest washroom, drinking fountain, waste/recycling disposal, firepit, picnic table, off-leash area, sports field, park vendor, and many other amenities available in City parks. Visit to plan your next outdoor activity.
Traffic Information Map
As students head back to school, our roads will be getting busier. To help citizens return to their regular schedules, an online map is available that shows the location of construction projects, road closures, traffic incidents, and traffic cameras within Calgary. The Traffic Information Map can help you look for alternative routes if needed. Visit to safely plan your next route.
These maps and more are all available to Calgarians on the Map Gallery at
Categories: General, Parks, Roads, Tips, Transportation