Ward 7 - Terry Wong

Council of Communities 2022 June

Our first Ward 7 Council of Communities (“COC”) convened 21 Communities and 5 Business Improvement Areas together at Fort Calgary, at the Confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers and where people traditionally have gathered for millennia. This was a spectacular opportunity for both our Ward 7 office and fellow community members to learn, listen and collaborate. We captured a general sense of our constituents concerns and aspirations on the Ward 7 website and we gathered feedback about what we love about our communities for our artist’s community amenity map, which will be unveiled next time.

On June 25, we held our second COC at the University of Calgary to share information about Resilient Calgary: Council’s Strategic Direction 2023-2026 for the next four years as we embark on planning for the City of Calgary’s next four-year budget cycle and business plans. The City is also going through its Rethink to Thrive organizational realignment, encompassing planning, capital, operations, programs and services and corporate governance and more coordination, resiliency and better outcomes. The City is also committed to social equity, economic resilience and climate responsibility.

Attendees also took this time to gain insights and updates from presenters from Calgary Police Services, Calgary Transit, Calgary Bylaw Services, and our partners from Alpha House and the Drop-In & Rehab Centre to talk about safety and supporting vulnerable Calgarians with shelter and dignified access to resources.

We were pleased to see the cross- collaboration between not only the City of Calgary units, but our local social service agencies in working towards common goals on challenging and often complex issues. Our office has been working diligently with partner agencies in Ward 7 towards safer outcomes.

Click to read the notes from Ward 7's lastest CoC.

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Categories: Council of Communities, Updates, Ward 7,
