Ward Community Event Fund

Ward Community Event Fund (WCEF)

The Ward Community Event Fund (WCEF) supports community organizations, non-profits, and other community groups with funding to host events or undertake initiatives that enhance their community. 

Each Councillor is allocated up to $10,000 per year to support events or initiatives within their respective wards. Organizations may apply for any amount necessary to support their proposed expenses. The actual funds awarded is at the individual Councillor's discretion and depends on the available funds remaining.

Since funding is limited, we strongly encourage organizations to apply well in advance of your planned events. Applications open annually on December 15 for the following year. A minimum of six to eight weeks is recommended to allow time for processing, approval, and payment.

Please review the detailed fund guidelines for additional requirements before submitting your application. 

WCEF application process

  • Review WCEF guidelines


    Review the pre and post-event requirements before applying for funding.

  • Submit your application


    Download the fillable PDF application form with event details and proposed expenses.

    (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to proceed with this step.)

  • Complete the post-event requirements


    Once funding is granted, you must submit a post-event summary within 90 days after the event.

    Review - WCEF guidelines 4. Post-event Summary Requirements for details.

community kids event

More grant programs

The City of Calgary offers several other grant programs suited to a variety of events and community initiatives. Learn more about the other opportunities available below:

WCEF guidelines

1. Purpose of the Ward Community Event Fund (“WCEF”)

  • The purpose of the WCEF is to assist Calgary non-profit, not-for-profit associations, charitable or community-based groups (“Qualified Applicants”) to host events or undertake initiatives which enhance their community.

2. General Considerations

  • Applications are recommended for approval by an individual Councillor for events or initiatives in their wards​.
  • Applications from individuals will not be accepted.
  • Funding is limited and shall be awarded equitably per ward, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • It is recommended applications be received by the WCEF Administrator approximately six to eight weeks before an event to allow time for processing, approval and payment.
  • Councillors may consider funding events that cover multiple wards.
  • The City of Calgary or any Member of Council, individually or collectively, is not in any way financially or legally responsible for any deficits, cost over-runs or incidents arising or occurring in relation to any event or initiative.

3. Applying for a WCEF Grant

  • A completed WCEF Application Form needs to be completed and must accompany each application.
  • It is the responsibility of the Qualified Applicant to provide sufficient background information to support an application in order to receive a WCEF award.
  • Applications for events in any calendar year will be received starting December 15 of the previous calendar year.
  • Post event summaries are mandatory and must be submitted to the WCEF Administrator within 90 days post event for which the grant was received. Refer to the “Post Event Summary Requirements” section for additional information.
  • Completed WCEF applications and supporting documentation are to be submitted via the online form or may be faxed to 403-268-3823, Attention: WCEF Administrator.

4. Post-event Summary Requirements

  • Post-event summaries must be in writing and submitted either in hard copy or by email to the WCEF Administrator.
  • Post-event summaries must include actual revenues and expenses, attendance figures and a brief description of what was achieved as a result of the event or activity.  
  • Post event summaries should also show the amount of the WCEF grant funds awarded as part of the event or initiative revenue.
  • Future WCEF applications will not be considered until such time as a post event summary has been received by the WCEF Administrator.
  • If an applicant has not submitted a post event summary for a WCEF grant received within five years of the current application date, their application will not be considered until a post event summary has been submitted to and reviewed by the WCEF Administrator.

5. Funding Limitations

  • In an election year, the annual WCEF Ward allocations will not be pro-rated.
  • Funds will not be awarded for capital-related purchases or for regular operating costs of the Qualified Applicant, such as playground equipment and/or staff salaries.
  • Funds will not be awarded to alcohol-related expenses, which include, but are not limited to, the purchase of alcohol, the payment of salaries or fees associated with serving alcohol, and corkage fees.
  • Funds can only be used for the event or initiative approved with the original application including the specific date of the event or initiative. Refer to the “Cancelled Events” or “Rescheduled Events” sections for more information should an event or initiative need to be cancelled or rescheduled. 
  • If a Qualified Applicant does not use all of its WCEF grant funds for the approved event or initiative then such funds must be returned to the City of Calgary. See the “Unused WCEF Grant Funds” section for more information.

6. Unused WCEF Grant Funds

  • Any portion of WCEF funds awarded but not used for the purpose requested must be returned to The City of Calgary within 120 days of the event (“Returned Funds”).
  • A cheque should be issued to “The City of Calgary” for any unused WCEF grant funds and returned to the City of Calgary to the following address:

         WCEF Administrator
         Office of the Councillors
         Mail Code: 8001
         City of Calgary
         PO Box 2100, Stn M
         Calgary, AB T2P 2M5
  • Returned Funds received will be credited to the granting ward’s current year annual allotment.
  • The WCEF Administrator will coordinate all Returned Funds and will prepare a monthly report.

7. Cancelled Events

  • Should an event for which a WCEF grant has been received need to be cancelled, the WCEF grant funds must be returned to the City of Calgary, within 60 days of an event being cancelled, to the following address:

         WCEF Administrator
         Office of the Councillors
         Mail code: 8001
         City of Calgary
         PO Box 2100, Stn M
         Calgary, AB T2P 2M5

8. Rescheduled Events

  • If there is a need for a Qualified Applicant to reschedule a pre-approved event or initiative which has been given a WCEF grant and the Qualified Applicant wants to redirect its WCEF grant funds to the same event being held on a new date (“Redirected Funds”), then a formal request must be made.
  • Rescheduled events must occur within 120 days of the original event or initiative in order to be considered for Redirected Funds. Contact the WCEF Administrator for more information on how to make a formal request for Redirected Funds.
  • Any rescheduled event that falls outside of 120 days of the original event or initiative will not be considered for Redirected Funds. In such instance, unused WCEF grant funds must be returned to The City. Refer to the “Unused WCEF Grant Funds” for more information.
  • A Qualified Applicant may submit a new WCEF grant application for a rescheduled event that falls outside of 120 days of the original event or initiative without having to submit a post event summary.

9. Annual Audits

  • Each year during its December meeting, the WCEF Administrator and Team Lead of Office of the Councillors shall conduct random audits on WCEF grant recipients for the current calendar year (“WCEF Audit”).
  • The WCEF Administrator will provide the Team Lead, Office of the Councillors with a summary of WCEF grant recipients for the current calendar year. The Team Lead, Office of the Councillors will use this information to select which Qualified Applicants will be selected for audit.
  • After the WCEF Audit has been completed, the Manager, Office of the Councillors will confirm the Qualified Applicants randomly selected for audit. The WCEF Administrator will distribute a formal letter notifying Qualified Applicants of the request for audit (the “WCEF Audit Letter”).
  • If selected for such an audit, Qualified Applicants agree to, within 90 days from the date of notification, provide documentation regarding all revenues (donations/tickets/sales) and expenses including copies of receipts in support of the event.
  • For purposes of the WCEF Audit, the date of notification shall be the same date listed on the WCEF Audit Letter.
  • The WCEF Administrator will conduct the audit of the materials received in response to the WCEF Audit Letter.
  • The Qualified Applicant will receive follow-up correspondence once a WCEF Audit has been completed.
  • The WCEF Administrator may contact the Qualified Applicant anytime throughout the WCEF Audit should there be questions or additional information be required.
  • Future WCEF grant applications will not be considered until such time that a WCEF Audit has been completed and follow-up correspondence sent to the Qualified Applicant.
  • Failure to respond to a WCEF Audit request will negate any future consideration for a WCEF grant.

10. Public Disclosure

  • The Office of the Councillors will post a report on the WCEF granted on a quarterly basis (the “Quarterly Report”).
  • The Quarterly Report will be posted on www.calgary.ca within 30 days of the end of a quarter.
  • The Office of the Councillors will post an annual report on the WCEF grants for a calendar year (the “Annual Report”).
  • The Annual Report will be posted on www.calgary.ca in Q1 of the following year.
  • All online reports will contain the name of the organization, the approving Ward office, the name of the event or initiative, the amount approved, the month the grant was approved, and running totals, among other information.

11. Contact Information

  • More information on the WCEF can be found at www.calgary.ca. Search: Ward Community Event Fund.
  • Questions or requests for information can be made to the WCEF Administrator: by phone, 403-268-2430 or via email at ProgramsOOTC@calgary.ca.

Past WCEF allocations

Allocated funding for the current year is updated on a quarterly basis. Annual funding reports are completed each year. 

community event

Contact us

For questions or information, contact the WCEF Administrator.
