Water development resources - home
Below you will find water development approval submission information, including tools, guides, checklists and templates for each step in the development process:
- Planning
- Development
- Delivery
For quick access to our online development approval tools
- City Online - online store for City of Calgary
- Water ePay services
- Urban development online
Latest news, updates and bulletins
See information related to processes, guidelines and available services for water development approvals. Visit industry bulletins.
City of Calgary building, planning and business
Find information on The City of Calgary's guidelines for permits, development and business applications.
Visit City of Calgary Building and Planning.
Water drainage bylaw for homeowners
Find information about our drainage bylaws including guides on downspouts, swales and lot drainage.

Find planning tools, guides and resources:
- Guidelines and specifications
- Low impact development
- Irrigation demand estimation
- Precipitation and temperature data
This section also includes our contact information (industry contacts and area contact maps) and a background on the water resources development strategy.
See water development approvals - planning
Find reports, plans, construction drawings and submission guidelines:
- Stormwater management reports
- Staged master drainage plans
- Pond submissions
- Construction drawings
- Development site servicing plans
- Geotechnical reports
- Sanitary servicing studies
- Erosion and sediment control plan reviews
This section also includes information on how to sign-up for and access our POSEIDONOnline and water ePay services online tools.
See water development approvals - development
Find information and guidelines on:
- Development inspections
- Cathodic protection requirements
- Cathodic documentation requirements
- Approved indemnified contractors
- How to become an indemnified contractor
- Sewer-as-built reviews

Find information and guidelines on:
- Team structure – contacts
- Subdivision utilities
- Subdivision surface
- Indem utilities
- Indem utilities surface works