Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

About the policy

A Conflict of Interest policy exists to protect the interests of both the organization and its employees by providing a measure by which conflict of interest situations can be gauged. The revised policy, and this site, provide examples of conflicts of interest situations that you could encounter. However, we didn’t think of every situation. If you have questions, or feel you may be in a conflict of interest, talk to your exempt supervisor, manager, Director, General Manager or Labour Relations or HR Business Partner for support.​ There are six sections within this policy:​

Policy section Conflict
Outside interests

The City encourages its employees to undertake responsibilities of service in the improvement of our community, but not to use City time or resources for these activities without the prior agreement of their exempt supervisor.

Example of conflict: A City employee volunteers their time to coordinate a community sports program and uses a City photocopy machine to make copies of team lists for the coaches and parents.

Gifts, hospitality and other benefits

Many City employees interact with consultants, vendors, industry organizations and other external contacts regularly. This can result in a third party sending an employee a gift, paying for meals, or offering them invitations to social events. In some circumstances, accepting such offers can be considered a conflict of interest. Employees need to understand when they can or cannot accept benefits offered to them because they work for The City of Calgary. 

Example of conflict: A management consultant who has done a lot of work with your area, and who is currently competing for another contract through the procurement process you’re involved with, invites you for dinner and a hockey game and you accept the invitation. ​

Furthering private interests

As an employee of The City of Calgary, you cannot use your position to further your personal interests or those of the people in your private life..

Example of conflict: A friend asks you to put in a good word for their daughter who is seeking a job at The City.

Using City assets

We use tools and resources given to us at The City to perform our roles and do not share them or use them in a different way unless we have permission to do so. This is consistent to the terms set out in the Acceptable Use of City Technology Resources Policy. 

Example of conflict: An employee uses work tools from work at home to complete some yard work.

Using confidential information

Employees are entrusted with information and data needed to perform their jobs. This can be sensitive, confidential or merely associated with The City. This information cannot be shared with anyone outside of The City without permission.  

Example of conflict: You learn through work where a Calgary Flames player lives. You are tempted to share this information with a friend who considers this player a hero so they can drive past their home.

Political activity

Employees can be politically active; however, this must occur on personal time outside of the workplace. An employee who is running for office should not identify themselves as a City of Calgary employees in campaign materials.  

Example of conflict: You are a candidate in an election and list your specific accomplishments at The City in your campaign materials.
