Emergency services
Our goal is to accommodate filming requests that involve Calgary’s emergency services; however, we must first consider whether filming will affect our ability to carry out our responsibilities to public safety and respond to critical incidents.
Calgary Police Service
Founded in 1885, Calgary has the largest municipal police service in Alberta and the third largest municipal force in Canada (behind Toronto and Montreal).
There are circumstances when police presence is needed during filming:
- To control traffic when roads are closed (see Streets and sidewalks).
- To control traffic for any stunts or special effects.
- For any filming involving weapons that will be visible to the public (whether guns will be fired or not).
- For more information regarding pay duty police officers, please visit Hiring police officers for special events

Calgary Fire Department
Recognized as an industry leader with an impeccable reputation, the Calgary Fire Department (CFD) consists of four platoons of firefighters located in 43 fire stations across the city.
When we receive filming requests that involve CFD services, representatives of the production team will likely be required to attend a pre-production Fire and Safety meeting in which all logistics and impacts will be discussed. Only after this meeting will permits be considered.

Use of special effects, weapons, explosives, pyrotechnics and stunts
Use of these may require the presence of Police and/or Fire. A permit is required when production involves any of the following:
- The transport of any explosives and/or fireworks.
- The use of any explosives, fireworks or pyrotechnics.
- The burning of any buildings or vehicles, etc.
Information you’ll need to provide
- A complete run-down of each block where special effects and/or prop firearms are to be used.
- A product list/complete description of the devices, materials, etc. being used to create special effects and how they will be used.
- Proof of insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 (2 million) CAD.
- Detailed information on the safety precautions and apparatus that will be used to protect the public, cast and crew.
Things to know about the storage, display, handling and transportation of firearms
- You’ll need to let us know at least 3 weeks in advance if firearms will be used and seen by the public, whether they will be fired or not. Please provide us with the time and location of filming, the nature of the firearms used, and the name, permanent address, phone number and date of birth of the gun wrangler.
- Armourers/gun wranglers must be able to provide a Possession & Acquisition License (PAL). They must be familiar with Canadian laws with respect to storage/transportation/regulation of permitted/prohibited firearms.
- All restricted and/or prohibited weapons must have an “Authorization to Transport” permit issued by the Canadian Firearms Centre (CFC). The CFC can be contacted at 1-800-731-4000.
Public notifications
- When filming with loud special effects, gunfire, fireworks, etc., verbal and written notification must be provided to notify residents and/or businesses in the general vicinity. We may ask you to make these notifications before permits are issued.

Fees specifically related to Police services
All fees are subject to change and 5% Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Position | Fee |
Constable | $154.61 per hour |
Sergeant | $179.95 per hour |
Staff Sergeant | $195.56 per hour |
Marked vehicle |
$40.00 per hour Maximum $480.00 per vehicle per day |
- A minimum of three weeks' notice is needed for Calgary Police services.
- A minimum three-hour charge per officer/vehicle applies.
- A three-hour charge per officer will apply if less than 24 hours’ cancellation notice is given.
- The City will determine which Police personnel are required to be involved in filming based on production needs.
More information on hiring Police personnel for filming activities or special events is available here. Please note that pay duty requests for filming activities should be made to our Film Friendly Team rather than directly to the Calgary Police Service.
Fees specifically related to Fire services
All fees are subject to change and 5% Goods and Services Tax (GST)
A one-hour minimum charge may apply.
Service | Fee |
Open flame | $159.00 per location |
Pyrotechnics | $381.00 per location |
Fireworks | $381.00 per location |
Safety codes officer standby |
$120.00 per hour $231.00 per hour on nights and weekends with a two hour minimum |