Potential bid for the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games

Results of Vote 2018
The official results of the vote of the electors, Vote 2018, are available at Vote2018.Calgary.ca.
The Returning Officer provided Council with a report on the official results at the Regular Meeting of Council on Monday, Nov. 19.

Public engagement: What We Heard report

Cost-Benefit Analysis
The City of Calgary commissioned Ernst & Young, an independent expert, to undertake a cost-benefit analysis of the Calgary 2026 bid corporation’s Draft Hosting Plan Concept and proposed Public Funding Summary. View the report here.

Draft Hosting Plan Concept
The Calgary 2026 bid corporation developed and presented a Draft Hosting Plan Concept, showing what a Calgary 2026 Games could look like. The Plan includes examples of benefits and risks to Calgary, including Community, Venues and Facilities, Environment, Economy and Cost.