Why is Calgary considering hosting the games again?
From idea
The idea began in 2016 when The Calgary Sport Tourism Authority (CSTA) recommended The City explore a bid to host the Games. The CSTA felt there were considerable benefits of bidding for and hosting the Games, and also saw the potential for the Games to align closely with The City’s long-term goals around economic opportunity, sport development, social development, and cultural enrichment.
As a result, City Council funded the Calgary Bid Exploration Committee (CBEC) to determine whether a bid would be feasible. Based on CBEC’s work, The City of Calgary, Province of Alberta and Government of Canada, funded a bid corporation, called Calgary 2026.

To concept
Calgary 2026 then developed and presented its Draft Hosting Plan Concept (draft hosting plan) to City Council. The draft hosting plan was a proposed approach that included projected costs and infrastructure required for Calgary to host the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in 2026.
To support City Council in its consideration of the draft hosting plan, The City Secretariat was directed to undertake an analysis of the draft hosting plan and a potential bid and present a report to City Council in September 2018.
To analysis
On September 11, 2018, The City Secretariat submitted a report to City Council outlining opportunities, benefits, issues, risks and costs that could come from hosting the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
The City determined there were potential benefits and legacies for our city and residents that might result from an investment in hosting the 2026 Games. It also determined the draft hosting plan aligned with identified citizen priorities, City Council directives policies, strategies and plans.

To engagement
As part of its process in considering whether or not to submit a bid, City Council approved and implemented a public engagement program. This program worked with Calgarians to understand their views on this guiding question: Will hosting the Games help or hinder Calgary’s future? The resulting What We Heard report was used by Council to help them understand what Calgarians see as the key issues, concerns and opportunities of the potential bid.
A What We Heard report is now available with the results of the program.