Assessment and Tax
What We Do
Assessment & Tax is part of Corporate Planning & Financial Services.
Our focus is to prepare property assessments and collect property taxes on behalf of The City. Together, the property assessment and taxation services generate approximately half of The City’s operating revenue, enabling us to make life better every day.
To do this, we:
- Prepare accurate assessments in collaboration with interested parties to ensure fair and equitable distribution of tax responsibility.
- Provide timely, accurate, and reliable collection of tax revenue.
- Serve our customers and explain our services with honesty, respect, and transparency.

Services and information
The City of Calgary annually prepares property assessments within Calgary for the purpose of taxation. Through fair and equitable assessments, the resulting property tax supports City services Calgarians rely on everyday.
Property tax is calculated and billed annually using the property's assessed value and the Council-approved property tax rate.
Property assessment and taxFor General Inquiries
Property assessment inquiries: 403-268-2888
Property tax inquiries: 311