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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Division 3: Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District (CC-MHX)


1132 The Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District:
a is intended to provide for Multi-Residential Development on sites within the Centre City area of the city;
b has Multi-Residential Development that will provide intense development;
c has Multi-Residential Development where intensity is measured by floor area ratio to provide flexibility in building form and Dwelling Unit size and number;
d provides a building form that is street oriented at grade;
e has a maximum base density with the opportunity for a density bonus over and above base density to achieve public benefit and amenities within the same community; and
f is primarily residential with a limited range of uses in the Care and Health Group, the Culture and Leisure Group and a limited range of support commercial uses, restricted in size and location within the building.

Permitted Uses

1133 1 The following uses are permitted uses in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District:
c Park;
f.1 deleted
2 The following uses are permitted uses in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District if they are within existing approved buildings:
c deleted
g deleted
h Office;
n deleted
3 The following uses are permitted uses on a parcel in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District that has a building used or previously used as a School Authority — School:

Discretionary Uses

1134 1 Uses listed in subsection 1133(2) are discretionary uses if they are located in proposed buildings or proposed additions to buildings in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District.
2 Uses listed in subsection 1133(2) are discretionary uses if they are proposed in a buildings which, at the time the application is made, had a use not listed in this District.
3 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District:
b.1 deleted
j Hotel;
k.1 deleted
t deleted
4 The following uses are additional discretionary uses if they are located in buildings used or previously used as a School Authority — School in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District:
b Museum;
5 The following uses are additional discretionary uses on a parcel in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District that has a building used or previously used as a School Authority — School:
6 The following uses are additional discretionary uses in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District if they are located on a parcel that is used or was previously used as Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling:
c deleted
d deleted


1135 In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
a the General Rules for Centre City Multi-Residential Land Use Districts referenced in Part 11, Division 1;
b the Rules Governing All Districts referenced in Part 3; and
c the applicable Uses And Use Rules referenced in Part 4.

Maximum Floor Area Ratio

1136 1 The maximum floor area ratio is 5.0.
2 The maximum floor area ratio may be increased in accordance with the bonus provisions contained in Part 11, Division 7.
3 Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (1) to (2), where a development provides units with three or more bedrooms in the form of Assisted Living, Dwelling Units, Live Work Units or Multi-Residential Development, the Development Authority may exclude the three or more bedroom units from the gross floor area ratio calculation, up to a maximum of 15 per cent of the total units in the development.

Setback Area

1137 The depth of all setback areas must be equal to the minimum building setback required in section 1138.

Building Setbacks

1138 1 The building setback from a property line shared with a street for the following streets is a minimum of 1.5 metres and a maximum of 3.0 metres:
a 1 Street SE;
b 11 Street SW;
c 12 Avenue SW; and
d 16 Avenue SW.
2 The building setback from a property line shared with all other streets is a minimum of 3.0 metres and a maximum of 6.0 metres.
3 The minimum building setback from a property line shared with a lane or another parcel is zero metres.

Floor Plate Restrictions

1139 Each floor of a building located partially or wholly above 25.0 metres above grade has a maximum:
b horizontal dimension of 37.0 metres.

Building Height

1140 There is no maximum building height.


1141 A minimum of 30 per cent of the area of the parcel must be a landscaped area.

Use Area

1142 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (3) and (4), the maximum use area for uses on the ground floor of buildings in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District is 300.0 square metres.
2 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (3), there is no maximum use area requirement for uses located on upper floors in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District.
3 The total of all use areas for Health Care Service within a building must not exceed 600.0 square metres.
4 The following uses do not have a ground floor use area restriction:
d Hotel;

Location of Uses Within Buildings

1143 1 Health Care Service, Instructional Facility — Inside, Office, and Service Organization uses must not be located on the ground floor of buildings.
2 "Commercial Uses" and Live Work Units:
a must be located on the first 2 floors only, with the exception of Hotel uses;
b may be located on the same floor as Addiction Treatment, Custodial Care, Dwelling Units, Hotel and Residential Care;
c must not share an internal hallway with Addiction Treatment, Custodial Care, Dwelling Units, Hotel and Residential Care;
d must have a separate exterior entrance from that of the Dwelling Units; and
e must not be located above any Dwelling Unit.
4 A minimum of 80 per cent of the gross floor area of buildings in the Centre City Multi-Residential High Rise Support Commercial District must contain Addiction Treatment, Assisted Living, Custodial Care, Dwelling Units, Hotel, Live Work Units, Place of Worship — Small, Place of Worship — Medium, Protective and Emergency Service, Residential Care or Utility Building uses.
a only be located between a street and the use to which it is subordinate; and
b not be located on the same block face where Dwelling Units or Live Work Units are located at grade.

Hotel Uses

1144 Hotel uses must:
a consist of guest rooms and the ancillary reception functions and restaurant uses only;
b not provide convention, banquet and meeting room facilities;
c provide only the reception and other ancillary functions and restaurant uses on the ground floor; and
d locate guest rooms above the ground floor.


1144.1 The minimum number of required motor vehicle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls, bicycle parking stalls — class 1 and bicycle parking stalls — class 2 is the required specified in the General Rules for Centre City Multi-Residential Land Use Districts referenced in Part 11, Division 1.

Use of Parking Areas

1145 1 Only those uses listed in the Residential Group of Schedule A to this Bylaw, with the exception of Hotel uses, may share an area of a parking structure with residential uses.
2 All uses may share an entrance to areas of a parking structure.

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