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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Division 6: Requirements for Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls, Bicycle Parking Stalls and Loading Stalls

General Rules

116 Motor vehicle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls, bicycle parking stalls and loading stalls required for a use may only be located on a separate parcel from the use where:
a the stalls are on parcels that form part of a comprehensive development; and
b all parcels forming part of the comprehensive development are indicated on the same development permit.

Parking Stall Signage

117 1 Permanent signage must identify and restrict the use of motor vehicle parking stalls as being only for the purpose required for:
b residents of Live Work Units;
2 Permanent signage must identify loading stalls for the approved purpose.

Location of Parking and Loading Requirements

118 1 The minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls and bicycle parking stalls for a development are specified in Part 4, General Rules for Multi-Residential Districts and the land use districts.
2 The minimum number of loading stalls is specified in this Part.
3 Where the minimum number of visitor parking stalls, bicycle parking stalls or loading stalls for a development is not specified, the Development Authority must determine the minimum number of stalls for that development in consideration of the minimum number of stalls for other developments with similar characteristics and other relevant information.

Use of Parking and Loading Stalls

119 Motor vehicle parking stalls must be used and made available only for the purpose for which they were approved.

Identification of Required Parking and Loading Stalls

120 A plan forming part of a development permit must:
c label motor vehicle parking stalls for non-residential uses.

Calculation of the Minimum Number of Required Parking and Loading Stalls

121 1 When the calculation of the minimum number of required motor vehicle parking stalls, bicycle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls or loading stalls results in a fractional number of stalls, the next higher whole number must be the minimum requirement for:
2 For uses other than Dwelling Units and Live Work Units, the following must be calculated separately:
3 For Dwelling Units and Live Work Units, the following must be calculated separately:
a motor vehicle parking stalls required for residents of Dwelling Units;
c motor vehicle parking stalls required for residents of Live Work Units;

Required Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls for Calculating Barrier Free Parking Stalls

121.1 Where the minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls is not specified in Part 4, Table 1.2 provides the minimum parking requirements for the purpose of calculating the number of barrier free designated stalls for use by persons with physical disabilities in accordance with the National Building Code.
Table 1.2: Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements for Calculating Required Barrier Free Parking Stalls
Table 1.2: Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements for Calculating Required Barrier Free Parking Stalls — continued 
Table 1.2: Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements for Calculating Required Barrier Free Parking Stalls — continued 
Table 1.2: Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements for Calculating Required Barrier Free Parking Stalls — continued 
Table 1.2: Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements for Calculating Required Barrier Free Parking Stalls — continued 

Standards for Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls

122 1 Unless otherwise specified, the minimum width and depth of motor vehicle parking stalls are illustrated in Table 2.
Table 2: Minimum Dimensions for Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls
Table 2: Minimum Dimensions for Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls
1.1 The minimum width of a motor vehicle parking stall when it abuts a physical barrier, is:
a 3.1 metres when a physical barrier abuts both sides; and
b 2.85 metres when a physical barrier abuts only one side.
2 The angle of a motor vehicle parking stall must be 90 degrees or must be between 75 degrees and 45 degrees. Motor vehicle parking stall dimensions between 45 degrees and 75 degrees must be calculated using a straight line interpolation between dimensions.
3 The minimum depth of a motor vehicle parking stall is 5.9 metres where it is required for:
b a Dwelling Unit where the stall is provided in a private garage intended to be used for the occupants of only one Dwelling Unit.
4 The minimum width of a motor vehicle parking stall required for a Dwelling Unit is:
a 3.0 metres where both sides of a stall abut a physical barrier;
b 2.85 metres where one side of a stall abuts a physical barrier; and
c 2.5 metres in all other cases.
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7 The minimum width of a motor vehicle parking stall for Multi- Residential DevelopmentMulti-Residential Development — Minor, a Townhouse or a Rowhouse Building provided for the exclusive use of a Dwelling Unit is reduced to 2.60 metres where:
a the stall is one of two or more motor vehicle parking stalls that are provided in a private garage;
b the motor vehicle parking stalls in the private garage are for the sole use of the occupants of the Dwelling Unit; and
c the motor vehicle parking stalls are only counted towards fulfilling the minimum motor vehicle parking stall requirements for that Dwelling Unit.
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9 The minimum vertical clearance of a motor vehicle parking stall is 2.1 metres.
10 Motor vehicle parking stall dimensions must be clear of all obstructions, other than wheel stops and structural columns.
11 Where structural columns encroach into a motor vehicle parking stall, such columns:
a must not encroach into the width of the motor vehicle parking stall by more than a total of 0.30 metres;
b must be located within 1.2 metres of either end of the motor vehicle parking stall; and
c must not encroach into a motor vehicle parking stall within 0.30 metres of a drive aisle.
12 Wheel stops:
a must have a maximum height of 0.10 metres;
b must be placed perpendicular to the motor vehicle parking stall depth; and
c must be a minimum of 0.60 metres from the front of the motor vehicle parking stall.
13 The maximum slope of a motor vehicle parking stall is 4.0 per cent in any direction.
14 Motor vehicle parking stalls must not be provided as tandem parking unless otherwise allowed in this Bylaw.
a hard surfaced; and
b located wholly on the subject parcel.

Loading Stalls

123 1 A loading stall must be located so that all motor vehicles using the stall can be parked and maneuvered entirely within the boundary of the site before moving onto a street or a lane.
2 A loading stall must have:
a a minimum width of 3.1 metres;
b a minimum depth of 9.2 metres; and
c a minimum height of 4.3 metres.
3 Minimum loading stall dimensions must be clear of all obstructions, other than wheel stops.
4 Wheel stops must not exceed 0.10 metres in height above the loading stall surface and must be placed perpendicular to the loading stall depth a minimum of 0.60 metres from the front of the loading stall.
5 In commercial, industrial, mixed use and special purpose districts the minimum requirement for loading stalls is:
a 1.0 loading stalls per 9300.0 square metres of gross floor area where the cumulative gross floor area of all buildings on a parcel is greater than 930.0 square metres; and
b 0.0 loading stalls where the cumulative gross floor area of all buildings on a parcel is less than or equal to 930.0 square metres.
6 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (7), the following uses are not included in the calculation of required loading stalls:
e Cemetery;
m.2 Landfill
p Military Base;
s Park;
cc Sewage Treatment Plant;
kk deleted
ll Water Treatment Plant.
7 Where a building contains 20 or more units with shared entrance facilities, a minimum of 1.0 loading stalls is required.

Relaxations of Parking and Loading Stall Requirements

124 1 For uses in buildings listed on the City inventory of evaluated historic resources, the Development Authority may consider a relaxation of the minimum motor vehicle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls, bicycle parking stalls and loading stall requirements. Consideration for relaxations must be based on:
a satisfaction of the test for a relaxation referenced in section 31 or 36.
b the existing ability of the site to accommodate motor vehicle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls, loading stalls and bicycle parking stalls; and
2 The Development Authority may consider a relaxation in the required motor vehicle parking stalls and visitor parking stalls for uses when a transportation demand management measure is approved by the Development Authority and is required to be implemented as a condition in a development permit.
3 Any approved transportation demand management measure must:
a be sustainable throughout the term of the development permit; and
b include requirements that must be incorporated into an approved plan or condition on a development permit.
4 The Development Authority may consider a relaxation in the minimum required motor vehicle parking stalls, visitor parking stalls, loading stalls and bicycle parking stalls for a development when:
a the test for a relaxation referenced in either section 31 or 36 is satisfied; and
b the type of use, the size or shape of the parcel, or the topographical constraints present practical difficulties in accommodating the requirements of this Bylaw; when a relaxation is given for this reason, it and the reasons must be stated on the development permit; or
c an applicant submits a parking study, as part of a development permit application, that demonstrates that the motor vehicle parking stall requirement, visitor parking stall or bicycle parking stall requirement should be less than the requirements of this Bylaw due to unique site, location or use characteristics, and the conclusions of the study are considered acceptable by the Development Authority.
5 The Development Authority may consider a relaxation to the minimum required pick-up and drop-off stalls for a School Authority — School when:
a the proposed development is an addition to a School Authority — School building existing on the effective date of this Bylaw; or
b the proposed development is a new School Authority — School building proposed on a parcel designated as reserve land existing on the effective date of this Bylaw; and
c in the opinion of the Development Authority, it would be difficult to provide the required pick-up and drop-off stalls due to the parcel configuration, area of a parcel and frontage.
6 The Development Authority may consider a relaxation of Section 116 where:
a the test for a relaxation referenced in either Section 31or 36 is satisfied;
b the development permit identifies the locations of the minimum required stalls, including the mechanisms used to maintain the stalls for the duration of the development;
c the stalls referenced in subsection (b) are signed or marked as being available for the development; and
d all parcels forming part of the development are indicated on the same development permit.

Parking Stall Exemptions

124.1 deleted 

Bicycle Parking Stalls

125 1 Bicycle parking stalls — class 1 must be located on hard surfaced areas.
2 Bicycle parking stalls — class 2 may only be located in hard surfaced areas and in hard surfaced landscaped areas.
3 Bicycle parking stalls must not interfere with a pedestrian walkway.
5 A bicycle parking stall that is not an individual locker must be at least 2.0 metres in height.
6 A bicycle parking stall that is not an individual locker and is attached to the ground must be located at least 0.6 metres from any physical barrier.
7 Rows of bicycle parking devices, when affixed on the floor or grade, must be separated by at least 2.0 metres.
8 Bicycle parking devices, when affixed on the floor or grade, must be separated by at least 0.6 metres.
9 Required bicycle parking stalls — class 2 should be located within 15.0 metres of the public entrance of a building containing the uses for which they are required.
10 Directional signage indicating the location of minimum required bicycle parking stalls — class 2 must be provided when the stalls are not obviously visible near the entrance to a building.
11 The area where bicycle parking stalls are located must be illuminated.

Motor Vehicle Pick-Up and Drop-Off Stalls

126 1 All minimum required pick-up and drop-off stalls must be located:
a on the same parcel as the development requiring them; or
b within a street, if approved by the Development Authority and the General Manager of Transportation or his delegate.
2 The minimum dimensions of a pick-up and drop-off stall are the same as those for motor vehicle parking stalls provided in Table 2, except that a pick-up and drop-off stall that is parallel to a street, driveway or curb has a minimum width of 2.6 metres and a minimum depth of 6.7 metres.

Cash-in-lieu: Kensington 10th Street NW Commercial Parking Area

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Cash-in-lieu: 17th Avenue S. Commercial Parking Area

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Cash-in-lieu: 4th Street SW Commercial Parking Area

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Map 4: Kensington 10th Street N.W. Commercial Parking Area


Map 5: 17th Avenue S. Commercial Parking Area


Map 6: 4th Street S.W. Commercial Parking Area


This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
