Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Division 7: Industrial - Outdoor (I-O) District


982 The Industrial — Outdoor District is intended to be characterized by:
a uses where materials are stored outdoors;
b a very limited range of uses that are compatible with storage uses;
c large parcels;
d storm water runoff being contained within the parcel;
e few buildings that are small in comparison with the size of the parcel;
f parcels that might have minimal or no City servicing; and
g limiting the visibility of uses where visibility and aesthetics are identified as planning concerns through berming, screening, or landscaped setback areas.

Permitted Uses

983 The following uses are permitted uses in the Industrial — Outdoor District:
a deleted
b Park;
j deleted
k deleted
l deleted

Discretionary Uses

984 1 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Industrial — Outdoor District:
f deleted
2 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Industrial — Outdoor District only if they were legally existing or approved prior to the effective date of this Bylaw:


985 In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
a the General Rules for Industrial Land Use Districts referenced in Part 8, Division 1;
b the Rules Governing All Districts referenced in Part 3; and
c the applicable Uses And Use Rules referenced in Part 4.

Parcel Area

986 The minimum area of a parcel is 1.6 hectares.

Building Size

987 The maximum gross floor area of all buildings on a parcel in the Industrial — Outdoor District is 1,600.0 square metres.

Building Height

988 The maximum building height is 10.0 metres.

Storage of Goods, Materials and Supplies

989 1 Goods, materials or supplies stored outside of a building within 5.0 metres of a property line have a maximum height of 5.0 metres.
2 The height of goods, materials or supplies is measured from grade and includes any pallets, supports or other things on which the goods, materials or supplies are stacked.

Front Setback Area

990 The front setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres.

Rear Setback Area

991 1 Where the parcel shares a rear property line with a parcel designated as:
a a commercial district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 1.2 metres;
b an industrial district, there is no requirement for rear setback area;
c a residential district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres;
d Special Purpose — Transportation and Utility Corridor District, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 50.0 metres; and
e any other special purpose district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres.
2 Where the parcel shares a rear property line with:
a an LRT corridor or street, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres;
b the Headworks Canal operated by the Western Irrigation District, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 7.5 metres; and
c a lane, there is no requirement for a rear setback area.

Side Setback Area

992 1 Where the parcel shares a side property line with a parcel designated as:
a a commercial district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 1.2 metres;
b an industrial district, there is no requirement for a side setback area;
c a residential district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres;
d Special Purpose — Transportation and Utility Corridor District, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 50.0 metres; and
e any other special purpose district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres.
2 Where the parcel shares a side property line with:
a an expressway, LRT corridor or major street, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres;
b the Headworks Canal operated by the Western Irrigation District, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 7.5 metres; and
c a lane, there is no requirement for a side setback area.

Landscaping In Setback Areas

993 1 Where a setback area shares a property line with a Headworks Canal operated by the Western Irrigation District, LRT corridor, street, or parcel designated as a commercial, industrial or special purpose district, the setback area must:
b provide a minimum of 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs:
i for every 35.0 square metres; or
ii for every 50.0 square metres, where irrigation is provided by a low water irrigation system.
2 Where a setback area shares a property line with a lane, there is no requirement for either a soft surfaced landscaped area or a hard surfaced landscaped area.
3 Where a setback area shares a property line with a parcel designated as a residential district, the setback area must:
b provide a minimum of 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs:
i for every 35.0 square metres; or
ii for every 50.0 square metres, where irrigation is provided by a low water irrigation system.

Fencing and Screening

994 1 All materials, supplies and products must be screened from view of the street.
2 A fence must not be located on a property line forming a setback area or in any setback area.

Storm Water Management System

995 1 Every parcel must have a storm water management system approved by the Development Authority.
2 The storm water management system must not be located in any setback area.
3 The storm water management system may have a berm located around the perimeter of the pond area.


996 Garbage and waste material must be stored, prior to collection, in containers in a location approved by the Development Authority.

Mechanical Screening

997 There is no requirement to screen mechanical systems or equipment, when located outside of a building.

Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls

998 deleted

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
