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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Division 12: Commercial – Regional 3 f#h# (C-R3 f#h#) District


880 1 The Commercial — Regional 3 District is intended to be characterized by:
a comprehensively planned and designed subdivision and development with multiple buildings on multiple parcels;
b orderly phased subdivision and development of large tracts of land over time;
c opportunities for a variety of building sizes and use areas;
d parcels that are created and designed to support efficient access to the uses intended for those and nearby parcels;
e buildings, uses, vehicle access and pedestrian features on a site that link with each other and adjacent parcels;
f pedestrian access from public transit, to and between buildings and pedestrian amenities;
g flexibility regarding a building's density, established through individual floor area ratios for individual parcels; and
h varying building height established through maximum building heights for individual parcels.
2 Areas of land less than 6.0 hectares should not be designated Commercial — Regional 3 District.

Permitted Uses

881 1 The following uses are permitted uses in the Commercial — Regional 3 District:
a Park;
2 The following uses are permitted uses in the Commercial Regional — 3 District if they are located within existing approved buildings:
a deleted
b deleted
c.1 deleted
g deleted
q deleted
r Museum;
s Office;
aa deleted
bb deleted
cc deleted
dd deleted
dd.1 deleted
ii deleted
3 Unless otherwise stated in subsection 882(2.1), the following uses are permitted uses in the Commercial — Regional 3 District if they are located within existing approved buildings and if the public area is less than 300.0 square metres:

Discretionary Uses

882 1 Uses listed in subsection 881(2) are discretionary uses if they are located in new buildings or proposed additions to existing buildings in the Commercial — Regional 3 District.
1.1 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Commercial — Regional 3 District if they are located within existing approved buildings and if the public area is 300.0 square metres or greater.
1.2 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Commercial — Regional 3 District if they are located in proposed buildings or proposed additions to existing buildings:
2 Uses listed in subsection 881(2) are discretionary uses if they are proposed in an existing building that does not have at least one commercial use that has been approved after the parcel was designated as a commercial land use district.
2.1 The following uses are discretionary uses if they are proposed in an existing building that does not have at least one commercial use that has been approved after the parcel was designated as a commercial land use district:
3 The following uses are discretionary uses in the Commercial — Regional 3 District:
c deleted
d.2 deleted
h Cinema;
o Hotel;
p.1 deleted
p.2 deleted
y deleted
z deleted
ee.1 deleted


883 In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
a the General Rules for Commercial Land Use Districts referenced in Part 7, Division 1;
b the Rules Governing All Districts referenced in Part 3; and
c the applicable Uses And Use Rules referenced in Part 4.

Floor Area Ratio

884 The maximum floor area ratio for parcels designated Commercial — Regional 3 District is the number following the letter "f" indicated on the Land Use District Maps.

Building Height

885 The maximum building height for parcels designated Commercial — Regional 3 District is the number following the letter "h" indicated on the Land Use District Maps, expressed in metres.


886 All developments in the Commercial — Regional 3 District must have:
a road networks within parcels and motor vehicle access connections to existing or anticipated streets;
b direct motor vehicle connections through parcels to provide access to adjacent parcels; and
c motor vehicle connections between parking areas and the road networks.

Building Orientation and Design

887 1 The main public entrance of buildings must be identifiable and accessible.
2 Public entrances must be accentuated by a minimum of one example of three or more of the following features:
a arcades;
b arches;
c awnings;
d pitched or raised cornice roof forms;
e porticoes;
f recesses or projections; and
g windows.
3 The finishing materials and design of the façade where the main public entrance is located must be used on the other façades of the building.

Front Setback Area

888 The front setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres.

Rear Setback Area

889 1 Where the parcel shares a rear property line with a parcel designated as:
a Commercial — Regional 3 District, there is no requirement for a rear setback area;
b any other commercial district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres;
c an industrial district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres;
d a residential district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; and
e a special purpose district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres.
2 Where the setback area shares a property line with an LRT corridor or street, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres.
3 Where the parcel shares a rear property line with a lane and the lane separates the parcel from a parcel designated as:
a a residential district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; and
b a District, other than a residential district, the rear setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres.

Side Setback Area

890 1 Where the parcel shares a side property line with a parcel designated as:
a Commercial — Regional 3 District, there is no requirement for a side setback area;
b any other commercial district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres;
c an industrial district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres;
d a residential district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; and
e a special purpose district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres.
2 Where the parcel shares a side property line with an LRT corridor or street, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres.
3 Where the parcel shares a side property line with a lane and the lane separates the parcel from a parcel designated as:
a a residential district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 6.0 metres;
b a District, other than a residential district, the side setback area must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres.

Landscaping In Setback Areas

891 1 Where a setback area shares a property line with an LRT corridor or street, the setback area must:
b provide a minimum of 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs:
i for every 35.0 square metres; or
ii for every 50.0 square metres, where irrigation is provided by a low water irrigation system.
2 Where a setback area shares a property line with a parcel designated as a residential district, the side setback area must:
b provide a minimum of 1.0 trees:
i for every 30.0 square metres; or
ii for every 45.0 square metres, where irrigation is provided by a low water irrigation system; and
c provide trees planted in a linear arrangement along the length of the setback area.
3 Where a setback area shares a property line with a lane or a parcel designated as a commercial, industrial or special purpose district, the setback area:
a be a soft surfaced landscaped area;
b may have a sidewalk along the length of the building; and
c must provide a minimum of 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs:
i for every 35.0 square metres; or
ii for every 50.0 square metres, where the irrigation is provided by a low water irrigation system.

Minimum Required Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls

892 deleted

Reductions of Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Requirement

893 deleted

Excess Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls

894 Where the number of motor vehicle parking stalls required for uses, not including Dwelling Units and Live Work Units, is in excess of 6.0 stalls per 100.0 square metres of gross usable floor area, those excess stalls must be located in either underground or structured parking.

Exclusive Use of Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls

895 deleted

Required Bicycle Parking Stalls

896 1 The minimum number of bicycle parking stalls — class 1 for an "Enclosed Mall" is 2.0 per cent of the number of motor vehicle parking stalls
2 The minimum number of bicycle parking stalls — class 2 for an "Enclosed Mall" is 3.0 per cent of the number of motor vehicle parking stalls.
3 In this section, "Enclosed Mall" means a building containing two or more retail stores that are accessible by an enclosed common corridor.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
