Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Division 4: Special Purpose – Community Service (S-CS) District


1033 The Special Purpose — Community Service District is intended to:
a accommodate education and community uses located in buildings;
b accommodate a limited range of small scale, public indoor and outdoor recreation facilities; and
c have limited application to parcels that are not designated reserve pursuant to the Municipal Government Act or its predecessors.


1036 In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
a the General Rules for Special Purpose Land Use Districts referenced in Part 9, Division 1;
b the Rules Governing All Districts referenced in Part 3; and
c the applicable Uses And Use Rules referenced in Part 4.

Front, Rear and Side Setback Area

1037 The setback area from every property line must have a minimum depth of 3.0 metres.

Landscaping In Setback Areas

1038 1 All setback areas on a parcel, not including those portions specifically required for motor vehicle access, sidewalks, or any other purpose allowed by the Development Authority, must be a soft surfaced landscaped area.
2 All setback areas must provide a minimum of:
a 1.2 trees for every 70.0 square metres for the use of School Authority — School;
b 1.2 trees for every 70.0 square metres for any use contained within a building previously used for School Authority — School; and
c 1.0 trees and 2.0 shrubs for every 45.0 square metres for all other uses.

Additional Landscaping Requirements

1039 1 All areas of a parcel must be a soft surfaced landscaped area, unless specifically allowed by the Development Authority.
2 All soft surfaced landscaped areas on a parcel with buildings used or previously used for School Authority — School do not require an underground irrigation system.
3 Every building on a parcel must have at least one sidewalk connecting the public entrance to a public sidewalk, or in the case where there is no public sidewalk, to the nearest street.
4 Where a building contains more than one use, every use that has an exterior public entrance must either:
a have a sidewalk connecting the public entrance to the sidewalk referenced in subsection (3); or
b have a sidewalk connecting that public entrance to a public sidewalk or to the nearest street.
5 Every building on a parcel must have at least one sidewalk connecting the parking area to the public entrances of the building.
6 Every sidewalk provided must:
b be a minimum width of 2.0 metres;
c have a different surfacing than the surfacing of parking areas on the parcel; and
d be raised above the surface of the parking area, when located in a parking area.

Reductions to Minimum Required Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls

1040 deleted

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