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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Division 5: Signs


67 This Division is intended to regulate signs in order to:
a balance the need for signage and expression with safety and aesthetics;
b support a hierarchy of signs which places informational and directional signs at a higher order than commercial signs through the regulation of the size, location and structure of signs;
c provide many opportunities for the identification of businesses and buildings; and
d prevent sign proliferation, to ensure that the effectiveness of informational and identification signage is not undermined through visual clutter.

Classification of Signs

Development Permits

69 1 Unless specifically exempt from the requirement to obtain a development permit, all signs, structures for signs and any enlargement, relocation, erection, construction or alteration of a sign, require a development permit.
2 A development permit is not required for routine maintenance and repair, changing the copy, or reducing the copy area of a legally existing sign.
3 All signs containing a digital display must obtain a development permit.

Comprehensive Sign Program

70 1 The Development Authority may require that any or all signs placed on a building or parcel comply with a comprehensive sign program as set out in a development permit affecting the parcel where signs are to be located.
2 The comprehensive sign program may set out a designated area for signs attached to or projecting from the face of a building or for any signs that are freestanding to be located on the parcel and any proposed signs must be located in the designated area or location for signs specified in the applicable development permit.
3 The designated area and locations for signs referenced in subsection (2) replace any rules regarding designated area or location contained in this Division that would normally apply to the specific sign type.
4 Where a development permit application for a sign is proposed that would conflict with the comprehensive sign program, the Development Authority will evaluate the application as if the proposed sign required a relaxation of the rules of this Bylaw.
5 A comprehensive sign program is only in place when a condition on a development permit affecting the parcel where signs are to be located clearly indicates that a comprehensive sign program has been approved.
6 When the architectural and site drawings that form part of a development permit indicate areas on a building wall for future tenant signage or parcel locations for signs that will be freestanding, these areas and locations are not to be interpreted as a comprehensive sign program unless a condition on the development permit clearly indicates that a comprehensive sign program has been approved.

Comprehensive Sign Program for Pedestrian Corridors

71 Where a building is proposed, or an existing building is undergoing exterior redevelopment on a parcel in one of the locations referenced in subsection 89(2) the Development Authority must consider implementing a comprehensive sign program in accordance with section 70 that would require signage that is appropriately scaled for pedestrians and takes into consideration the following:
a a requirement for Projecting Signs or Canopy Signs to be installed so that business identification signage is visible to pedestrians on a public sidewalk;
b the location and type of Fascia Signs that will be allowed on the building wall;
c the method of sign illumination; and
d the number and locations for any Temporary Signs or Freestanding Signs that would be located on the parcel.

Development Authority's Discretion

72 1 Where a type of sign is listed as a permitted use in a District, but does not comply with all of the applicable rules of this Part, the Development Authority's decision to relax a rule must be guided by the:
a test for a relaxation referenced in section 31;
b purpose statement of this Part;
c rules relating to opportunities for signage;
d character of the District where the sign is proposed to be located;
e amount of signage in the nearby surroundings; and
f extent to which the sign does not comply with the rule proposed to be relaxed.
2 Where a type of sign is listed as a discretionary use in a District, the Development Authority's exercise of discretion must be guided by the:
a test for a relaxation referenced in section 36 where the relaxation of a rule is requested;
b purpose statement of this Part;
c rules relating to opportunities for signage;
d character of the District where the sign is sought to be located; and
e amount of signage in the nearby surroundings.

Rules Governing All Signs

73 1 All signs regulated by this Bylaw must be located on a parcel.
2 No sign, other than a Special Event Sign or an approved Sign — Class F or Sign — Class G, may display third party advertising.
3 Where a rule in this Division provides a maximum height for a sign, the height must be measured from grade at any point adjacent to:
a a building to the highest portion of the sign when the sign is located on or projects from a building; or
b the sign support structure to the highest portion of the sign when the sign is freestanding.
4 A sign must not:
a have the position, shape, colour, format or illumination which is similar to a traffic sign, signal or device; or
b display lights which is similar to lights generally associated with danger or those used by police, fire, ambulance or other emergency vehicles.
5 Signs in residential districts must not be internally illuminated, but may be illuminated indirectly in a manner that prevents the trespass of light onto adjacent parcels.
6 Signs, sign supports and structures for signs must be located a minimum of 0.75 metres back from a curb line.
7 Signs must not be placed in or on motor vehicle parking stalls or loading stalls and must be placed to not reduce the number of motor vehicle parking stalls or loading stalls required pursuant to this Bylaw or a development permit.
8 Signs must not be placed within a corner visibility triangle where any part of the sign is higher than 0.75 metres and lower than 4.6 metres above the lowest elevation of the street.
9 Signs, sign supports and structures for signs must not be located in the Required Setbacks referenced in section 53 and Table 1.
10 The Development Authority may only relax the requirements in subsection (9) if the sign owner agrees, in writing, to remove the sign from its location within 30 days of being asked to remove it by the City.
11 Signs may project over sidewalks or road rights-of way provided:
a the sign owner agrees in writing to remove the sign from its location within 30 days of being asked to remove it by the City;
b the sign will have a minimum clearance of 4.6 metres over a City owned driveway, lane or alley; and
c the sign will have a minimum clearance of 2.4 metres in any instance not referenced in subsection (b).
12 Trees and shrubs must not be removed or damaged to erect a sign, to make a sign more visible, to maintain a sign, or to change copy on a sign.
13 The Development Authority may only relax the requirement of subsection (12) if the Development Authority is satisfied that new trees or shrubs will be planted to replace any trees and shrubs that are removed or damaged and that the new plantings are consistent with any conditions respecting landscaping on a development permit for the parcel where the sign is located.
14 When a panel on a multi-panel sign or a sign structure is removed it must be replaced with a blank panel until such time as a new panel is installed.

Rules Governing All Signs in the Stephen Avenue Mall Heritage Area

73.1 1 In addition to the rules contained in this Division, signs located in the Stephen Avenue Mall heritage area must not obscure or adversely impact historical architectural details of a building's facade.
2 Notwithstanding section 93(3.1), signs located within the Stephen Avenue Mall heritage area may utilize only the following means of illumination:
a incandescent lighting;
b fluorescent lighting not visible to pedestrians at grade;
c neon lighting when used only for text or imagery in a sign area; and
d LED lighting.
3 All back-lit signs must have opaque backgrounds with illumination only visible through the text.
4 With the exception of signs referenced in sections 90 (3) and 99 (5), the text of a sign located in the Stephen Avenue Mall heritage area must not occupy more than 60.0 per cent of the total sign area.

Rules Governing Signs containing Digital Displays

74 1 Copy shown on a digital display must be static and remain in place for a minimum of six (6.0) seconds before switching to the next copy.
2 The maximum transition time between each digital copy must not exceed 0.25 seconds.
3 deleted
4 Copy must not be shown on the digital display using full motion video or otherwise give the appearance of animation or movement, and the transition between each digital copy must not be displayed using any visible effects, including but not limited to action, motion, fading in and out, dissolving, blinking, intermittent, or flashing light or the illusion of such effects.
5 Copy must not be shown in a manner that requires the copy to be viewed or read over a series of sequential copy messages on a single digital display, or sequenced on multiple digital displays.
5.1 All signs containing a digital display must be equipped with an ambient light sensor.
5.2 A sign containing a digital display must not increase the light levels adjacent to the digital display by more than 3.0 LUX above the ambient light level.
6 The sign owner must ensure that while the sign is in operation, the light output for the digital display must be set in accordance with the following maximum luminance levels when measured from the sign face at its maximum brightness:
a from sunrise to sunset, 7500 Nits in all districts; and
b from sunset to sunrise:
i 500 Nits in the industrial districts;
ii 350 Nits in the C-COR 1, C-COR2, C-COR3, C-R1, C-R2, C-R3, S-CRI and S-FUD Districts; and
iii 300 Nits in all other districts not referenced in subsections (i) and (ii).
7 deleted
8 If any component on the sign fails or malfunctions in any way or fails to operate as indicated on the approved development permit plans, the sign owner must ensure that the sign is turned off until all components are fixed and operating as required.
9 The sign owner must provide the Development Authority with a name and telephone contact information of a person(s) having access to the technology controls for the sign, who can be contacted 24 hours a day in the event that the sign malfunctions.
10 deleted

Maintenance of Signs

75 1 A sign owner must ensure that its signs do not become unsafe or unsightly.
2 Where a sign has been defaced, damaged or destroyed the sign owner must:
a immediately repair the sign to its original condition;
b replace it with a new sign that complies with any applicable development permit or the rules of this Bylaw where a development permit is not required; or
c remove the sign.
3 Where a sign is no longer related to a business, event, product or commodity located on the same parcel as the sign, the sign must be removed by the sign owner or the owner of the parcel on which the sign is located.

Parcels in Related Function

76 Where abutting parcels have the appearance and function of a single site by virtue of having cross-access easements, shared parking, connecting internal roadways, or common access points, a sign that relates to a use on any of the parcels will not be considered a Third Party Advertising Sign simply because it is located on another parcel.  

Rules Governing Class A Signs

77 A Sign — Class A does not require a development permit when "Sign — Class A" is a listed use in the District and the sign meets all applicable rules.

Address Sign

78 1 Where an Address Sign is sculpted out of the face of a building and is not illuminated, there is no maximum copy area restriction.
2 Where an Address Sign is affixed to a residence or a private garage, the maximum copy area is 0.30 square metres.
3 Where an Address Sign is neither sculpted out of a building or affixed to a residence or private garage, the maximum copy area is 1.2 square metres.
4 Any proposed Address Sign that exceeds the maximum copy area set out in this section will be considered a Fascia Sign or Freestanding Sign and must comply with the rules applicable to those signs.

Art Sign

79 1 An Art Sign may contain a maximum of 10.0 per cent of the area of the sign as written copy.
2 An Art Sign may only contain written copy acknowledging:
a the name of the business occupying the building where the sign is located; and
b the name of any individual, organization or business that sponsored or contributed to making the Art Sign.
3 When an Art Sign takes the form of a Window Sign it must follow all rules applicable to a Window Sign as referenced in section 90.

Banner Sign

80 1 A Banner Sign may:
a be primarily decorative;
b temporarily promote the buying or selling of products or services;
c be used to announce the opening of a business; or
d temporarily be used in place of a Fascia Sign.
2 A Banner Sign that is used to temporarily promote the buying or selling of products or services or to announce the opening of a business:
a may be erected for a maximum of 90 days in a calendar year; and
b is limited to one per business provided there is not more than one Banner Sign located on a building at any one time.
3 A Banner Sign that is used in place of a Fascia Sign may only be placed in the designated signable area and locations referenced in section 92 for a period not exceeding 90 days following the issuance of a development completion permit or occupancy permit granted under the Building Permit Bylaw for the development to which the sign relates.
4 A Banner Sign may have a maximum sign area of 5.0 square metres.
5 A Banner Sign must not project above, or be located on, the roof of a building.
6 A Banner Sign may be:
a affixed to the wall of a building; or
b freestanding provided it does not exceed 3.0 metres in height when measured from grade to the highest part of the sign.

Construction Sign

81 1 All Construction Signs relating to undeveloped parcels, or parcels where the development is being carried out in accordance with a development permit:
a may have a total cumulative maximum sign area of 6.0 square metres; and
b must be removed within seven days following issuance of the development completion permit.
2 A Construction Signs relating to parcels for which a development permit is not required, may:
b in other districts, have a maximum sign area of 1.5 square metres; and
c in all cases, be displayed for a maximum of 30 days.

Directional Sign

2 A Directional Sign must not have any advertising copy or slogans, but may have logos and written identification copy.
4 A Directional Sign may be located anywhere on a parcel.
5 A maximum of two freestanding Directional Signs may be located near any point of ingress or egress to the parcel when the Directional Sign intends to direct a vehicle or pedestrian onto the parcel.
6 The maximum height of a freestanding Directional Sign is 4.0 metres.

Flag Sign

83 1 A Flag Sign:
a may have a maximum sign area of 2.0 square metres;
b is limited to three per parcel where the parcel has a frontage of 30.0 metres or less; and
c is limited to six per parcel where the parcel has a frontage greater than 30.0 metres.
2 A Flag Sign and the structures they are on must not extend higher than the maximum height allowed for a Freestanding Sign as referenced in section 97.
3 A Flag Sign must not be located on the roof of a building.

Gas Bar Sign

84 1 The maximum sign area for a Gas Bar Sign is 1.0 square metres.
2 A Gas Bar Sign must not be illuminated.

Pedestrian Sign

85 1 Each business in a building that is located on the floor closest to grade may have one Pedestrian Sign provided it does not exceed:
a 1.0 metres in height; and
a may only be displayed during the hours that the business it relates to is open and operating;
b must not be placed on a public sidewalk; and
c must not be illuminated.
3 A Pedestrian Sign must be located within 3.0 metres of a public entrance that serves the business to which the sign relates unless it is located on a parcel in one of the locations referenced in subsection 89(2).

Real Estate Sign

86 1 A Real Estate Sign may take the form of any other type of sign or be incorporated into an existing Freestanding Sign.
2 When a Real Estate Sign is freestanding:
a there must not be more than one Real Estate Sign per frontage;
b the Real Estate Sign may have a maximum sign area of 1.5 square metres and a maximum height of 2.0 metres above grade, if the frontage is equal to or less than 30 metres; and
c the Real Estate Sign may have a maximum sign area of 3.0 square metres and a maximum height of 3.0 metres above grade, if the frontage is greater than 30.0 metres.
3 When a Real Estate Sign takes the form of a Fascia Sign it must follow all rules applicable to a Fascia Sign as referenced in section 92 and 93.
4 When a Real Estate Sign takes the form of a Banner Sign it:
a must not be located above the third storey of a building; and
b must not be erected for more than 90 days in a calendar year.

Special Event Sign

87 1 A Special Event Sign located in a low density residential district may only be located on a parcel that does not contain a Dwelling Unit.
2 A Special Event Sign must not contain advertising copy beyond copy that promotes the special event, but may contain copy acknowledging the name of an individual, organization or business that sponsors or contributes to the special event.
3 A Special Event Sign may take the form of any other types of sign.
4 A Special Event Sign may be displayed for up to 15 days prior to the date of the special event to which it relates and for the duration of the special event, but must not be displayed for more than 30 days in total.

Show Home Sign

88 1 A Show Home Sign may have a maximum sign area of 3.0 square metres.
2 The maximum total sign area for all Show Home Signs on a parcel is 6.0 square metres.

Temporary Sign

89 1 A Temporary Sign must not be located on any parcel such that the copy on the sign is visible from:
a Airport Trail from 36 Street N.E. east to the City Limit;
b 14 Street from Glenmore Trail to Anderson Road S.W.;
c Anderson Road;
d Barlow Trail from Peigan Trail to Deerfoot Trail;
e Beddington Trail from Country Hills Boulevard to Deerfoot Trail;
f Country Hills Boulevard from Shaganappi Trail to Beddington Trail;
g Crowchild Trail;
h Deerfoot Trail;
i Glenmore Trail;
j John Laurie Boulevard from Shaganappi Trail, east to McKnight Boulevard;
k Macleod Trail from Anderson Road south to the City limits;
l Marquis of Lorne Trail;
m McKnight Boulevard from Edmonton Trail, east to the City limits;
n McKnight Boulevard from 4 Street N.W. to John Laurie Boulevard;
o Memorial Drive from Barlow Trail to Edmonton Trail;
p Metis Trail;
q Peigan Trail;
r Sarcee Trail N.W. from 34 Avenue N.W. to Glenmore Trail;
s Shaganappi Trail;
t The Transportation and Utility Corridor;
u Spruce Meadows Trail;
v Trans-Canada Highway from Deerfoot Trail, east to the City limits;
w Trans-Canada Highway from Crowchild Trail to Bowness Road;
x Trans-Canada Highway from the junction of Home Road, west to the City limits;
y 17 Avenue S.E. from the east City limit to Stoney Trail;
z 114 Avenue S.E. from the east City limit to Stoney Trail; and
aa Symons Valley Road NW from the north City limit to 144 Avenue NW.
2 A Temporary Sign must not be placed on a parcel that is located in the following pedestrian corridors:
a 9 Avenue S.E. from 8 Street S.E. to 15 Street S.E.;
b the south side of 17 Avenue S.E. from 33 Street S.E. to 36 Street S.E.;
c Bowness Road from 47 Street N.W. to 42 Street N.W.;
d Kensington/Louise Crossing Business Revitalization Zone;
e Fourth Street Business Revitalization Zone;
f Marda Loop Business Revitalization Zone;
g Uptown 17 Business Revitalization Zone;
h Victoria Park/First Street S.W. Business Revitalization Zone; and
i Bowness Road from 62 Street N.W. to 66 Street N.W.
2.1 A Temporary Sign must not be placed on a parcel where an approved Digital Message Sign is operating.
3 A Temporary Sign must be stabilized and anchored in a way that ensures it will not be unintentionally moved, blown over or dislocated.
4 Sandbags and guy wires may only be used to stabilize or anchor a Temporary Sign if the sign is located on a hard surface.
5 A Temporary Sign must not be located within 7.5 metres of a motor vehicle access to a parcel.
6 In residential districts, the maximum sign area of a Temporary Sign is:
a 1.0 square metre if a Dwelling Unit is located on the parcel where the Temporary Sign is located; and
b 3.0 square metres if there are no Dwelling Units located on the parcel where the Temporary Sign is located, with the exception of election signs.
7 In all other Districts not addressed by subsection (6), the maximum sign area of a Temporary Sign is:
a 1.5 square metres if the frontage of the parcel where the Temporary Sign is located is 30.0 metres or less; and
b 5.5 square metres if the frontage of the parcel where the Temporary Sign is located is greater than 30.0 metres.
8 The maximum height of a Temporary Sign is:
a 1.5 metres if the sign area is 2.5 square metres or less;
b 2.0 metres if the sign area is greater than 2.5 square metres, but less than 3.0 square metres; and
c 3.0 metres if the sign area is 3.0 square metres or more.
9 A Temporary Sign with a sign area greater than 1.5 square metres must be located on a Temporary Sign Marker that has been approved in accordance with the rules for Sign — Class E and must:
a be no further than 1.0 metres away from the Temporary Sign Marker; and
b not be closer to the street than the Temporary Sign Marker.
10 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (11) a maximum of one Temporary Sign may be located on a parcel.
11 Where a parcel has a frontage:
a less than or equal to 75.0 metres, a maximum of one Temporary Sign may be located on that parcel;
b greater than 75.0 metres, but less than or equal to 200.0 metres, a maximum of two Temporary Signs may be located on that parcel; and
c greater than 200.0 metres, a maximum of three Temporary Signs be located on that parcel.

Window Sign

90 1 The total copy area of one or more Window Signs must not exceed 30.0 per cent of the window area.
2 For the purposes of subsection (1), "window area" includes all contiguous panes of glass, including panes of glass that would be contiguous if not separated by mullions, but does not include contiguous panes of glass on a doorway.
a exceed one per window area;
b be located in windows above the second storey except where there is a use with a use area that is wholly contained on a floor above the second storey;
c be located within 1.8 metres of a window where the sign is internally illuminated and facing outward from inside a building; and
d contain copy greater than:
i 0.15 metres in height when located in a window at or below the second storey; and
ii 0.23 metres in height when located in a window above the second storey;

Rules Governing Class B Signs

91 A Fascia Sign does not require a development permit when:
a Sign — Class B is listed as a permitted use in the District;
b the sign area is not larger than 1.5 square metres; and
c the sign meets all applicable rules.

Designated Signable Area and Locations for Fascia Signs

92 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (4) and (5), Fascia Signs must be located within the designated signable area described in this section.
2 For a single or two storey building:
a the upper limit of the designated signable area is:
i the eaveline, or
ii if there is a parapet then the upper edge of the parapet; and
b the lower limit of the designated signable area is 2.4 metres above grade.
3 For a building that exceeds two storeys:
a the upper limit of the designated signable area is the floorline of the third storey; and
b the lower limit of the designated signable area is 2.4 metres above grade.
4 A Fascia Sign may be located above the second storey provided:
a the sign consists of individual letters, symbols or logos that are directly attached to the building face;
b there is no more than one sign per building face above the second storey; and
c the sign area does not exceed 2.5 per cent of the area formed by multiplying the clearance of the sign from grade by the width of the building.
5 A Fascia Sign may be located below the designated signable area referenced in subsections (2) and (3) provided:
a the sign consists of individual letters, symbols or logos that are directly attached to the building;
b the portion of the sign below the signable area occupies a maximum of 30.0 per cent of the area of the wall of the building below the signable area; and
c the copy area of the sign below the designated signable area is less than 9.3 square metres.
6 The following diagrams illustrate the rules of subsections (2), (3) and (4):

Sign Illustration 3: Designated Signable Area Subsections 92(2), (3) and (4)

Rules for Fascia Signs

93 1 A Fascia Sign does not have a maximum sign area when located on a primary building wall and within the designated signable area on that wall.
2 The maximum total sign area for all Fascia Signs located on a secondary building wall is 30.0 per cent of the designated signable area on that wall.
3 A Fascia Sign located on a secondary building wall may be illuminated, but must only be indirectly illuminated when the copy of the sign is visible from:
a an adjacent parcel designated as a residential district; or
a have a height greater than 0.6 metres;
b contain copy that is greater than 0.4 metres;
c be located within 0.6 metres of each edge of a facade parallel to Stephen Avenue Mall; and
d be internally illuminated.
4 The following diagrams illustrate the rule in subsection (2):

Sign Illustration 4:

Sign Area on Secondary Building Wall

Subsection 93(2)

Rules Governing Class C Signs

94 1 A development permit is not required to add additional panels to a legally existing Freestanding Sign when:
a the Freestanding Sign was previously approved through a development permit;
b the panel sought to be added is the same length as any message panels already on the Freestanding Sign;
c the panel does not extend beyond or protrude from the outer limits of the existing sign structure; and
d the addition of the panel would not result in the Freestanding Sign violating any rules respecting maximum height, copy, clearance or location or any conditions of the approved development permit for the Freestanding Sign.

Rules for Freestanding Signs

95 1 A Freestanding Sign must not interfere with vehicle parking or traffic circulation.
2 The electrical power supply to a Freestanding Sign must be located underground.
3 Anchor bolts securing the base of a Freestanding Sign must be permanently covered.
4 A proposed Freestanding Sign must be located a minimum of 30.0 metres from any other Freestanding Sign located on an adjacent parcel that is:
a facing the same oncoming traffic; and
b on the same side of the street.
5 A Freestanding Sign must not be located within the Stephen Avenue Mall heritage area.

Number of Freestanding Signs

96 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2) and (3), a parcel may have a maximum of one Freestanding Sign facing each street that provides access to the parcel.
2 Where a parcel has a frontage equal to or greater than 200.0 metres, one additional Freestanding Sign for every 200.0 metres of frontage is allowed on the applicable frontage in addition to the Freestanding Sign allowed in accordance with subsection (1).
3 Where a parcel is designated the C-R2 or C-R3 District, two additional Freestanding Sign are allowed per frontage in addition to those Freestanding Signs allowed in accordance with subsections (1) and (2).

Size and Height Restrictions for Freestanding Signs

97 1 In the C-N1, C-N2 and C-C1 Districts:
a the maximum sign area of a Freestanding Sign is 9.5 square metres; and
b the maximum height of a Freestanding Sign is 6.0 metres.
2 In the C-COR3 District:
a the maximum sign area of a Freestanding Sign is 18.5 square metres; and
b the maximum height of a Freestanding Sign is 12.2 metres.
3 In the CC-ET and CC-EIR Districts, and all other commercial and in all industrial and mixed use districts:
a the maximum sign area of a Freestanding Sign is 14.0 square metres; and
b the maximum height of a Freestanding Sign is 9.0 metres.
4 In the CC-EMU, CC-EPR, CC-ERR, CC-MH, CC-MHX, M-H1, M-H2, M-H3, M-X1 and M-X2 Districts where the parcel contains commercial multi-residential uses:
a the maximum sign area for a Freestanding Sign is 7.0 square metres; and
b the maximum height of a Freestanding Sign is 6.0 metres.
5 In the low density residential districts, the H-GO District and the M-CG, M-C1, M-C2, M-G, M-1 and M-2 Districts:
a the maximum sign area of a Freestanding Sign is 5.0 square metres; and
b the maximum height of a Freestanding Sign is 4.0 metres.
a the maximum sign area of a Freestanding Sign is 7.0 square metres; and
b the maximum height of a Freestanding Sign is 6.0 metres.

Rules Governing Class D Signs

98 1 A development permit is required to erect a new canopy, awning, marquee or projecting structure intended to display a Sign — Class D and must follow any applicable dimensional standards referenced in sections 99, 100, 101 and 102.
2 A development permit is not required for a change in copy for a Sign — Class D when the canopy, awning, marquee or projecting structure legally exists even if the applicable sign structure does not meet the dimensional standards referenced in sections 99, 100, 101 and 102.

Rules for Canopy Signs

99 1 The copy area on a Canopy Sign must not exceed 50.0 per cent of the total area of the canopy which will be measured by the vertical height of the canopy multiplied by the length of the canopy or awning.
2 The Canopy Sign must not extend beyond the structure on which it is displayed.
3 A structure used to display Canopy Signs must:
a have a minimum clearance of 2.4 metres from grade;
b not extend any further than the line on which street light or power line poles are located;
c not extend further than 2.4 metres from the wall of the building to which it is attached; and
d not exceed 1.5 metres in height measured from the lowest point of the structure to the highest point of the structure.
4 The following diagram illustrates the rules in subsection (1) and (3)(a).

Sign Illustration 5: Rules for Canopy Signs Subsections 99(1) and (3)(a)

a must have a horizontal slope of 45.0 degrees when measured relative to grade which is directed downward from the building facade;
b has a maximum copy area not greater than 30.0 per cent of the total area of the canopy which will be measured by the vertical height of the canopy multiplied by the length of the canopy awning;
c must not be located above the sign area referenced in section 92(2) and (3); and
d may contain a valance with copy that is no greater than 80.0 per cent of the height of the valance.

Rules for Signs under Canopies

100 Signs hanging or attached under canopies and other building projections:
a must have a minimum clearance of 2.4 metres from grade;
b may be a maximum of 0.30 metres in height;
c may have a maximum sign area of 1.0 square metres; and
d must be a minimum of 4.5 metres from each other.

Rules for Projecting Signs

101 1 The maximum number of Projecting Signs a business may have on a primary building wall is one.
1.1 In the Stephen Avenue Mall heritage area, a Projecting Sign must be limited to a maximum of one for every 7.5 metre section of building façade parallel to Stephen Avenue Mall;
2 The edge of a Projecting Sign closest to the wall of the building to which it is attached must be within 0.30 metres of that wall.
3 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (4), the maximum height of a Projecting Sign is 6.0 metres from grade when measured to the top of the sign.
4 Where a Projecting Sign relates to a Hotel, Retail and Consumer Service or a Parking Lot — Structure with a height of 18.5 metres or greater, the maximum height of the Projecting Sign is 21.5 metres above grade so long as:
a the sign does not project more than 2.0 metres from the building; and
b the sign area is 18.5 square metres or less.
5 (5) The minimum clearance between the bottom of a Projecting Sign and grade is 2.4 metres.

Size Restrictions for Projecting Signs

102 1 In the C-N1, C-N2, C-C1, CC-EIR, CC-EMU, CC-EPR, CC-MH, CC-MHX, M-H1, M-H2, M-H3, M-X1 and M-X2 Districts, the maximum sign area for a Projecting Sign is 2.3 square metres.
2 In the C-COR3 District, the maximum sign area for a Projecting Sign is 9.3 square metres.
3 In all other commercial districts, in all industrial and mixed use districts and in the CC-ET and CR20-C20/R20 Districts the maximum sign area for a Projecting Sign is 4.5 square metres.
4 In all other Districts not referenced in subsections (1) through (3), the maximum sign area for a Projecting Sign is 1.0 square metres.
a must not have a dimension greater than 0.91 metres by 1.22 metres except where the only other sign on the façade of the building is a Window Sign; and
b when located above the designated signable area referenced in section 92(2) and (5) must not have a:
i sign area greater than 1.1 square metres;
ii vertical dimension greater than 1.2 metres; and
iii horizontal dimension that is parallel to the building façade greater than 0.20 metres.

Rules Governing Class E Signs

103 Every Sign — Class E requires a development permit.

Digital Message Sign

104 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2), a Digital Message Sign may only be approved in a commercial district, industrial district, mixed use district, S-R, CC-ER or CR20-C20/R20 District.
2 A Digital Message Sign advertising events, activities or services offered, may only be approved in the residential districts, CC-MH, CC-MHX, S-SPR, S-CS, S-CI, S-URP, CC-EMU, CC-ET, CC-EPR, CC-EIR and CC-ERR Districts, when they are associated with one of the following uses:
d Museum;
f Park;
3 A maximum of one Digital Message Sign may be located on a parcel with the exception that corner parcels may have one Digital Message Sign on the street side of each street.
3.1 deleted
4 Subsection (3) does not apply to a Digital Message Sign with copy that only displays the date, time, temperature, motor vehicle parking stall information, motor vehicle fuel price or a Drive Through menu board.
5 Notwithstanding subsection (3), a Digital Message Sign must not be located on a parcel adjacent to Deerfoot Trail, Spruce Meadows Trail, Stoney Trail, or any provincial highway under the Highways Development and Protection Act when the copy on the sign is visible from these streets or highways.
5.1 Notwithstanding subsection (5), a Digital Message Sign may be located on a parcel adjacent to Deerfoot Trail, Spruce Meadows Trail, Stoney Trail or any provincial highway under the Highways Development and Protection Act when in accordance with Table 1.1.

Table1.1: Maximum Digital Message Sign areas facing the same oncoming traffic and minimum distance from Deerfoot Trail, Spruce Meadows Trail, Stoney Trail or provincially controlled highway

Table 1.1
5.2 The Development Authority must not relax the minimum distance from the edge of pavement to a Digital Message Sign as shown in Table 1.1.
a where located in a commercial district, industrial district, mixed use district, S-R, CC-ER or CR20-C20/R20 District has a maximum sign area:
i of 5.0 square metres when attached to a building;
ii not exceeding the lesser of 2.5 square metres or 30.0 percent of the window area, where used as a Window Sign;and
iii of 50 per cent of the sign area of a Freestanding Sign; and
7 Where the digital display of a Digital Message Sign is visible from and located within 125.0 metres of a building containing a Dwelling Unit, the sign must not operate, or must only display a black screen when located in:
a a commercial district, industrial district, mixed use district, S-R, CC-ER or CR20-C20/R20 District, between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.; or
b one of the districts and associated with one of the uses listed in subsection (2), between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
8 A Digital Message Sign, or any digital copy on a Digital Message Sign must not be located on or attached to a roof of a building.
9 The Development Authority must not approve any sign containing a digital display with a sign area greater than 2.0 square metres if the sign is located less than 30.0 metres from an intersection, pedestrian crosswalk, or railway crossing.
10 The electrical power supply to a Digital Message Sign must be provided underground.
11 A Digital Message Sign may display copy that acknowledges sponsors of activities or programs when the sign is associated with one of the following uses:
d Museum;
f Park;
12 A development permit for a Digital Message Sign may only be issued for a period not exceeding three (3) years, except where copy only displays the date, time, temperature, motor vehicle fuel price, or Drive Through menu board.
13 Prior to a development permit expiring for a Digital Message Sign, and upon receipt of a new development permit application for the same Digital Message Sign, the Development Authority:
a must ensure the location of the Digital Message Sign does not interfere with information signs in road rights-of-way;
b must, when a sign is located in a district referenced in subsection (1), apply the rules referenced in subsection (7); and 
c may approve the development permit for a Digital Message Sign that was approved prior to March 1, 2013, and is adjacent to Deerfoot Trail.

Inflatable Sign

105 1 An Inflatable Sign is not allowed in those locations referenced in subsections 89(1) or 89(2).
1.1 An Inflatable Sign must not be located within the Stephen Avenue Mall heritage area.
2 An Inflatable Sign must not be located on the roof of any building or structure.
3 An Inflatable Sign must be tethered or anchored and must touch the surface to which it is anchored.
4 An Inflatable Sign must not extend higher than the maximum height allowed for a Freestanding Sign as referenced in section 97.
5 Only one Inflatable Sign may be located on a parcel at any time.
6 The maximum number of Inflatable Signs that may be on the same parcel in a calendar year is two.
7 The maximum time period an Inflatable Sign may be displayed on a parcel is 30 days.

Painted Wall Sign

106 1 A Painted Wall Sign may be located anywhere on a building wall.
1.1 In the Stephen Avenue Mall heritage area, a Painted Wall Sign must only be located on a building façade perpendicular to Stephen Avenue Mall.
2 If a Painted Wall Sign is removed, the wall it was displayed on must be refinished to be consistent with the rest of the building.

Roof Sign

107 1 A Roof Sign may be approved only in the following Districts:
c the S-CI and S-SPR Districts, and
d the CR20/C20-R20 District.
2 A Roof Sign may only identify, by name or symbol, the use, business or occupant of the building on which the sign is located.
3 Supports and structures used for a Roof Sign must not be visible.
4 A Roof Sign and the supports for a Roof Sign, must not extend beyond the maximum building height applicable to the District where the sign is located.
5 The sign area of all Roof Signs on each face of a building must not exceed 2.5 per cent of the area formed by multiplying the clearance of the sign from grade by the width of the building.
a be visible to pedestrians at grade on Stephen Avenue Mall; and
b employ more than three colours.

Rotating Sign

108 1 A Rotating Sign may only be approved in commercial and industrial districts.
2 A Rotating Sign must not exceed the maximum height and maximum sign area allowed for a Freestanding Sign as referenced in section 97.

Temporary Sign Markers

109 1 A Temporary Sign Marker is not allowed in those locations where a Temporary Sign is not allowed as referenced in subsections 89(1) and 89(2).
2 A Temporary Sign Marker must be:
a constructed of concrete, landscape pavers or similar hard surfacing material;
b constructed of a different surfacing material than the surfacing surrounding it so that the marker clearly stands out in its surroundings;
c maintained so as to always be visible and clear of obstructions;
d a minimum of 0.4 square metres; and
e anchored or set into the ground.
3 The number of Temporary Sign Markers allowed on a parcel must not exceed the number of Temporary Sign allowed on the applicable parcel as referenced in subsections 89(10) and 89(11).
4 A Temporary Sign Marker must not located within 7.5 metres of a motor vehicle access to a parcel.
5 If a Temporary Sign is intended to be illuminated, the Temporary Sign Marker must have an underground power supply.
6 A Temporary Sign Marker must be accessible from the parcel on which it is located so that no person has to cross a different parcel, or City owned boulevard in order to install, do maintenance on, or remove a Temporary Sign.

Rules Governing Class F Signs -- Third Party Advertising Signs

110 deleted

Prohibited Locations For Third Party Advertising Signs

111 1 deleted
2 deleted
3 Third Party Advertising Signs are prohibited on any site where the sign is positioned such that the copy on the sign is visible from:
a 14 Street N.W. from John Laurie Boulevard, north to Country Hills Boulevard;
b 14 Street S.W. from Glenmore Trail S.W., south to Canyon Meadows Drive S.W.;
c 52 Street East, from 17 Avenue S.E., north to McKnight Boulevard;
d 85 Street N.W. from Bowness Road, north to Bearspaw Dam Road;
e 87 Street N.W. from Bearspaw Dam Road, north to Nose Hill Drive;
f 17 Avenue South from the eastern City limit, west to the Canadian National Railway crossing of 17 Avenue South near 52 Street S.E.;
g 32 Avenue N.E. from 36 Street N.E., east to the City limits;
h 64 Avenue N.E. from 36 Street N.E., east to the City limits;
i 96 Avenue N.E from Harvest Hills Boulevard to Deerfoot Trail;
j 144 Avenue N.W.;
k 162 Avenue S.W. from 37 Street S.W., east to Macleod Trail;
k.1 Airport Trail;
l Anderson Road;
m Barlow Trail from the north City limits, south to the junction of McKnight Boulevard;
n Bearspaw Dam Road from 87 Street N.W., east to 85 Street N.W.;
o Beddington Trail;
p Bow Bottom Trail;
q Bow Trail from the junction of Sarcee Trail S.W., east to the junction of Crowchild Trail;
r Canyon Meadows Drive;
s Chaparral Boulevard;
t Country Hills Boulevard;
u Crowchild Trail;
v Deerfoot Trail;
w Falconridge Boulevard N.E.;
x Glenmore Trail from Elbow Drive S.W., west to the City limits;
y Glenmore Trail from the Bow River, east to Ogden Road S.E.;
z Harvest Hills Boulevard;
aa Heritage Drive from 14 Street S.W., east to Haddon Road S.W.;
bb Heritage Drive from Bonaventure Drive S.E., east to Blackfoot Trail;
cc John Laurie Boulevard from Nose Hill Drive, east to McKnight Boulevard;
dd Macleod Trail from 162 Avenue S.W., south to the City limits;
ee McKenzie Lake Boulevard S.E.;
ff McKenzie Towne Boulevard S.E.;
gg McKenzie Towne Drive S.E.;
hh McKnight Boulevard from Deerfoot Trail east to Barlow Trail and from 36 Street N.E., east to the City limits;
ii Memorial Drive N.E. from 39 Street S.E., east to the City limits;
ii.1 Metis Trail;
jj Nose Hill Drive;
kk Peigan Trail;
ll Sarcee Trail N.W. from Crowchild Trail, north to the Transportation and Utility Corridor;
mm Sarcee Trail from the Trans-Canada Highway, south to the junction of Glenmore Trail and from Southland Drive, south to the City limits;
nn Shaganappi Trail;
oo Shawnessy Boulevard from west City limits, east to Shawnessy Drive S.W.;
pp Southland Drive from west City limits, east to Haddon Road S.W.;
qq Southland Drive from Bonaventure Drive S.E., east to Deerfoot Trail;
rr Sun Valley Boulevard from Macleod Trail, east to Chaparral Boulevard;
ss the Transportation and Utility Corridor;
tt Trans-Canada Highway from the Bow River, west to the City limits; or
uu Trans-Canada Highway from 6 Street N.E., east to the City limits.
4 Third Party Advertising Signs are prohibited on sites adjacent to Bowness Road from 62 Street N.W. to 65 Street N.W.
5 Third Party Advertising Signs are prohibited on street or utility right-of-way.
6 Third Party Advertising Signs must be a minimum of 450.0 metres from:
a major parks as referenced in section 115;
b escarpments and pathways;
c riverbanks; and
d natural area,
when the copy is visible.
7 Notwithstanding subsection 111(3)(tt), existing Third Party Advertising Signs positioned such that the copy is visible from the Trans Canada Highway between the Bow River and Bowfort Road and approved prior to November 19, 1990 may be renewed from time to time in accordance with subsections 114 (10) and (11).
8 Notwithstanding subsection 111(3)(y) and (uu), existing Third Party Advertising Signs positioned such that the copy is visible from Glenmore Trail S.E. or from the Trans-Canada Highway between 6 Street N.E. and 36 Street N.E. respectively, may be renewed from time to time in accordance with subsections 114 (10) and (11).
9 Notwithstanding subsection 111(3), freestanding-flush and wallmounted Third Party Advertising Signs in commercial or industrial districts may be allowed along those public thoroughfares referred to in subsections 111(3)(f)(q)(u) and (nn) where:
a the sign is contained within the line and form of the building to which it is attached;
b the sign is not positioned such that it can be viewed from a land use district other than a commercial or industrial districts; and
c the sign area does not exceed 19.0 square metres.
10 Notwithstanding subsection 112(4), where an existing Third Party Advertising Sign complies with this Bylaw, except for the provisions of subsection 111(4), it may be renewed from time to time in accordance with subsections 114 (10) and (11).
11 Notwithstanding subsections 111(3)(hh) and (kk), where an existing Third Party Advertising Sign complies with this Bylaw, except for the provisions of subsections 111(3)(hh) and (kk), it may be renewed from time to time in accordance with subsections 114 (10) and (11).
12 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (13), and upon receipt of a new development permit application for the same Third Party Advertising Sign, no Third Party Advertising Sign may be approved within the Inglewood Main Street Area after November 9, 1992.
13 A development permit for a Third Party Advertising Sign may be approved in the Inglewood Heritage Main Street Area if such sign replaces an existing Third Party Advertising Sign of the same or greater area at the same or another location in the Inglewood Heritage Main Street Area provided always that the approval of such a sign may only be allowed where it will result in a visual improvement to the character and streetscape of the area and either:
a a reduction in the overall number of Third Party Advertising Sign faces in such area; or
b the design is appropriate for enhancing the specific location.
14 A development permit for a Third Party Advertising Sign may only be approved in the Mainstreet portion of Bowness Road NW when such a sign:
a replaces an existing Third Party Advertising Sign of the same or greater area at the same location provided; and
b results in upgrading of the quality of the proposed sign.

Siting of Third Party Advertising Signs

112 1 A Third Party Advertising Sign must not be located within 30.0 metres of any Freestanding Sign, facing the same oncoming traffic, except where the separation is between existing signs approved prior to November 19, 1990.
2 A Third Party Advertising Sign must be removed from a parcel upon expiry of the development permit for such sign if a development permit application for a Freestanding Sign is approved within 30.0 metres of the Third Party Advertising Sign.
3 A Third Party Advertising Sign must not be located within 75.0 metres of any other Third Party Advertising Sign facing the same on-coming traffic and must not result in more than two (2) freestanding Third Party Advertising Signs greater than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area within a 225.0 metre radius of each other facing the same street, except:
a where the separation is between an existing Third Party Advertising Sign, approved prior to June 19, 2000;
b for a Third Party Advertising Sign located on the same structure; or
c for a Third Party Advertising Sign, less than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area, where the separation must be 30.0 metres.
4 Subject to subsections (1) and (3), a Third Party Advertising Sign, less than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area, must not be located closer than 30.0 metres to any other Third Party Advertising Sign less than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area.
5 A Third Party Advertising Sign must be located such that no portion is less than 6.0 metres from any property line adjacent to a public thoroughfare except for Third Party Advertising Signs less than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area.
6 Notwithstanding subsection (5), where an existing Third Party Advertising Sign complies with this Bylaw, except for the provisions of subsection (5), it may be renewed from time to time in accordance with subsections 114 (10) and (11).
7 Trees required under an approved development permit shall not be removed or altered in any way to accommodate the placement or visibility of a Third Party Advertising Sign.
8 A Third Party Advertising Sign must not be located on, or attached to, a roof of a building.
9 A freestanding Third Party Advertising Sign must be separated from:
a a Directional Sign, exceeding 3.0 square metres in sign area, in a street right-of-way;
b a street intersection or railway crossing; and
c the curbline or edge of a major street, expressway or freeway; to the satisfaction of the General Manager Transportation or his delegate.

Height and Size of Third Party Advertising Signs

113 1 The maximum height of a wall-mounted or a freestanding-flush Third Party Advertising Sign is 10.5 metres and it must not extend above the eaveline.
2 The maximum height of a freestanding Third Party Advertising Sign is 8.3 metres, and if any portion of a freestanding Third Party Advertising Sign is located within 6.5 metres of a building less than 8.3 metres in height, the sign must not exceed the height of that building or 6.5 metres, whichever is greater.
2.1 In the C-COR1, C-COR2, CC-X and CC-COR Districts, where located outside of pedestrian-oriented areas as referenced in subsection 113 (6), the maximum height of a Third Party Advertising Sign is 4.6 metres and the maximum sign area is 4.5 square metres.
3 The dimensions of the sign area of a Third Party Advertising Sign must not exceed a vertical dimension of 5.8 metres by a horizontal dimension of 7.0 metres, with allowance for a 1.5 metre cut-out to the top and face and a 0.70 metre cut-out to the sides and bottom of the Third Party Advertising Sign.
4 The maximum area of a Third Party Advertising Sign must not exceed 25.0 square metres and only one face of a double-faced sign may be used to calculate sign area.
5 Where an existing Third Party Advertising Sign complies with this Bylaw, except for the provisions of this section, it may be renewed from time to time in accordance with subsections 114 (10) and (11).
6 Third Party Advertising Signs are prohibited in the following pedestrian-oriented areas:
a 9 Avenue S.E. from 8 Street S.E. to 15 Street S.E.;
b 17 Avenue S.E. from 26 Street S.E. to 61 Street S.E.;
c Bowness Road from 47 Street N.W. to 42 Street N.W. and from 62 Street N.W. to 66 Street N.W.;
d Fourth Street Business Revitalization Zone;
e Kensington/Louise Crossing Business Revitalization Zone;
f Marda Loop Business Revitalization Zone;
g Uptown 17 Business Revitalization Zone; and
h Victoria Park/First Street S.W. Business Revitalization Zone,except for Olympic Way S.E.

General Rules for Third Party Advertising Signs

114 1 The applicant for a development permit for a Third Party Advertising Sign must show that the Third Party Advertising Sign is compatible with the general architectural lines and forms of nearby buildings and the character of the streetscape or area within which it is to be located, and does not severely obstruct the horizon line.
1.1 Third Party Advertising Signs with a sign area greater than 4.5 square metres may only be located in the CR20-C20/R20 District where:
a it forms part of a comprehensive development; and
b it has been incorporated into the design of a building or structure.
2 A Third Party Advertising Sign must not block natural light or the sky from the surrounding buildings' windows and doors.
3 The lighting or orientation of a Third Party Advertising Sign must not adversely affect any neighbouring residential areas.
4 A Third Party Advertising Sign must utilize lighting fixtures which are not readily discernible or obtrusive.
5 An auxiliary sign or other material must not be attached to, on, above or below a Third Party Advertising Sign.
6 The backs of all Third Party Advertising Signs and all cut-outs must be enclosed.
7 The space between the faces of double-faced Third Party Advertising Signs must be enclosed.
8 Electrical power supply to Third Party Advertising Signs or base landscaping must be underground unless otherwise allowed by the Development Authority such as, but not limited to, situations where reasonable access to an underground power source is not available or the Third Party Advertising Sign is located in an area where underground power has not commenced.
9 A development permit for a Third Party Advertising Sign may only be issued for a period not exceeding five (5) years.
10 Prior to a development permit expiring for a Third Party Advertising Sign, and upon receipt of a new development permit application for the same Third Party Advertising Sign at the same height, size and location, the Development Authority may apply the rules referenced in subsection (11).
11 When considering a development permit application for a Third Party Advertising Sign referenced in subsection (10), the Development Authority:
a must consider if the proposed Third Party Advertising Sign is compatible with the general architectural lines and forms of nearby buildings and the character of the streetscape or area within which it is to be located, and does not severely obstruct the horizon line;
b must not approve the development permit if a Freestanding Sign has been approved and constructed within 30.0 metres of the Third Party Advertising Sign;
c may only approve the development permit for the Third Party Advertising Sign when the use is listed in the District;
d may approve the development permit for the Third Party Advertising Sign if it is located in pedestrian-oriented areas as referenced in subsection 113 (6) at its current size and height provided the parcel has not been approved for redevelopment; and
e may approve the development permit for the Third Party Advertising Sign if it is located in areas referenced in subsection 113 (2.1), when the height of the sign exceeds 4.6 metres and the area exceeds 4.5 square metres at their current size and height provided the parcel has not been approved for redevelopment.

Major Parks

115 Map 3 identifies the following major parks:

1.         West Nose Creek Park

2.         Nose Hill Park

3.         Nose Creek Park

4.         Prairie Winds Park

5.         Confederation Park

6.         Baker Park

7.         Bowness Park

8.         Bowmont Park

9.         Shouldice Park

10.       Edworthy Park

11.       Lawrey Gardens

12.       Riley Park

13.       Millennium Park & Science Centre

14.       Prince's Island Park

15.       Olympic Plaza

16.       Fort Calgary

17.       Calgary Zoo & St. Patrick's Island

18.       Tom Campbell's Hill

19.       Pearce Estate Park

20.       Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

21.       Valleyview Park

22.       Marlborough Park

23.       Elliston Park

24.       Richmond Green Park

25.       Lindsay Park

26.       Stanley Park

27.       River Park & Sandy Beach

28.       North Glenmore Park

29.       Weaselhead Natural Area

30.       South Glenmore Park

31.       Heritage Park

32.       Beaver Dam Flats Park

33.       Carburn Park

34.       Southland Park

35.       Fish Creek Provincial Park

36.       Griffith Woods

37.       Ralph Klein Park

38.       12 Mile Coulee Park

Map 3: Major Parks

Rules Governing Class G Signs — Digital Third Party Advertising Signs

115.1 deleted

Prohibited Locations for Digital Third Party Advertising Signs

115.2 1 deleted
2 Digital Third Party Advertising Signs are prohibited on any site where the sign is positioned such that the copy on the sign is visible from:
a 14 Street N.W. from John Laurie Boulevard, north to Country Hills Boulevard;
b 14 Street S.W. from Glenmore Trail S.W., south to Canyon Meadows Drive S.W.;
c 52 Street East, from 17 Avenue S.E., north to McKnight Boulevard;
d 85 Street N.W. from Bowness Road, north to Bearspaw Dam Road;
e 87 Street N.W. from Bearspaw Dam Road, north to Nose Hill Drive;
f 17 Avenue South from the eastern City limit, west to the Canadian National Railway crossing of 17 Avenue South near 52 Street S.E.;
g 32 Avenue N.E. from 36 Street N.E., east to the City limits;
h 64 Avenue N.E. from 36 Street N.E., east to the City limits;
i 96 Avenue N.E. from Harvest Hills Boulevard to Deerfoot Trail;
j 144 Avenue N.W.;
k 162 Avenue S.W. from 37 Street S.W., east to Macleod Trail;
k.1 Airport Trail;
l Anderson Road;
m Barlow Trail from the north City limits, south to the junction of McKnight Boulevard;
n Bearspaw Dam Road from 87 Street N.W., east to 85 Street N.W.;
o Beddington Trail;
p Bow Bottom Trail;
q Bow Trail from the junction of Sarcee Trail S.W., east to the junction of Crowchild Trail;
r Canyon Meadows Drive;
s Chaparral Boulevard;
t Country Hills Boulevard;
u Crowchild Trail;
v Deerfoot Trail;
w Falconridge Boulevard N.E.;
x Glenmore Trail from Elbow Drive S.W., west to the City limits;
y Glenmore Trail from the Bow River, east to Ogden Road S.E.;
z Harvest Hills Boulevard;
aa Heritage Drive from 14 Street S.W., east to Haddon Road S.W.;
bb Heritage Drive from Bonaventure Drive S.E., east to Blackfoot Trail;
cc John Laurie Boulevard from Nose Hill Drive, east to McKnight Boulevard;
dd Macleod Trail from 162 Avenue S.W., south to the City limits;
ee McKenzie Lake Boulevard S.E.;
ff McKenzie Towne Boulevard S.E.;
gg McKenzie Towne Drive S.E.;
hh McKnight Boulevard from Deerfoot Trail east to Barlow Trail and from 36 Street N.E., east to the City limits;
ii Memorial Drive N.E. from 39 Street S.E., east to the City limits;
ii.1 Metis Trail;
jj Nose Hill Drive;
kk Peigan Trail;
ll Sarcee Trail N.W. from Crowchild Trail, north to the Transportation and Utility Corridor;
mm Sarcee Trail from the Trans-Canada Highway, south to the junction of Glenmore Trail and from Southland Drive, south to the City limits;
nn Shaganappi Trail;
oo Shawnessy Boulevard from west City limits, east to Shawnessy Drive S.W.;
pp Southland Drive from west City limits, east to Haddon Road S.W.;
qq Southland Drive from Bonaventure Drive S.E., east to Deerfoot Trail;
rr Sun Valley Boulevard from Macleod Trail, east to Chaparral Boulevard;
ss the Transportation and Utility Corridor;
tt Trans-Canada Highway from the Bow River, west to the City limits; or
uu Trans-Canada Highway from 6 Street N.E., east to the City limits.
3 Digital Third Party Advertising Signs are prohibited on sites adjacent to Bowness Road from 62 Street N.W. to 65 Street N.W.
4 Digital Third Party Advertising Signs are prohibited on street or utility rights-of-way.
a major parks as referenced in Section 115;
b escarpments and pathways;
c riverbanks; and
d natural areas,
when the copy is visible.
a the digital display is visible from a building containing a Dwelling Unit; and
b is located less than 125.0 metres, measured from the face of the digital display to a building containing a Dwelling Unit

Siting of Digital Third Party Advertising Signs

115.3 1 A Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must not be located within 30.0 metres of any Freestanding Sign, facing the same oncoming traffic;
2 Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must be removed from a parcel upon expiry of the development permit for such a sign if a development permit application for a Freestanding Sign is approved within 30.0 metres of the Digital Third Party Advertising Sign;
a must be located at least 300.0 metres from any other Digital Message Sign or Digital Third Party Advertising Sign when measured from the closest point of the sign containing the digital display and to the closest point of another sign containing the digital display when the signs are facing the same oncoming traffic;
b must not be located within 75.0 metres of any Third Party Advertising Sign facing the same on-coming traffic and must not result in more than two (2) signs displaying third party advertising greater than 4.6 metres in height and 4.5 square metres in area within a 225.0 metre radius of each other facing the same street;
c except where specified in subsection (d), must be located at least the following distances from any property line shared with a street:
i 17.0 metres where the posted speed limit of the public thoroughfare is 100 kilometres per hour or greater;
ii 16.0 metres where the posted speed limit of the public thoroughfare is 90 kilometres per hour;
iii 14.0 metres where the posted speed limit of the public thoroughfare is 80 kilometres per hour;
iv 10.0 metres where the posted speed limit of the public thoroughfare is 70 kilometres per hour; and
v 6.0 metres where the posted speed of the public thoroughfare is 60 kilometres per hour or less.
d may be located closer to a property line shared with a street identified in subsection (c) provided that:
i the sign replaces an existing approved Sign — Class F on a parcel;
ii the development permit approving the Sign — Class F remains in effect; and
iii the distance from the sign to any property line is not less than that of the existing approved Sign — Class F.
4 Trees required under an approved development permit must not be removed or altered in any way to accommodate the placement or visibility of a Digital Third Party Advertising Sign.
5 A Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must not be located on, or attached to, a roof of a building.
6 A freestanding Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must be separated from:
a a Directional Sign, exceeding 3.0 square metres in sign area, in a street right-of-way;
b a street intersection or railway crossing by at least 30.0 metres; and
c the curbline or edge of a major street, expressway or freeway, to the satisfaction of the General Manager Transportation or his delegate.

Height and Size of Digital Third Party Advertising Signs

115.4 1 The maximum height of a wall-mounted or a freestanding-flush Digital Third Party Advertising Sign is 10.5 metres and it must not extend above the eaveline.
2 The maximum height of a freestanding Digital Third Party Advertising Sign is 8.3 metres, and if any portion of a freestanding Digital Third Party Advertising Sign is located within 6.5 metres of a building less than 8.3 metres in height, the sign must not exceed the height of that building or 6.5 metres, whichever is greater.
3 The dimensions of the sign area of a Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must not exceed a vertical dimension of 5.8 metres by a horizontal dimension of 7.0 metres, with allowance for a 1.5 metre cut-out to the top and face and a 0.70 metre cut-out to the sides and bottom of the Digital Third Party Advertising Sign.
4 The maximum area of a Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must not exceed 25.0 square metres and only one face of a double-faced sign may be used to calculate sign area.

General Rules for Digital Third Party Advertising Signs

115.5 1 The applicant for a development permit for a Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must show that the Digital Third Party Advertising Sign is compatible with the general architectural lines and forms of nearby buildings and the character of the streetscape or area within which it is to be located, and does not severely obstruct the horizon line.
1.1 Digital Third Party Advertising Signs with a sign area greater than 4.5 square metres may only be located in the CR20-C20/R20 District where:
a it forms part of a comprehensive development; and
b it has been incorporated into the design of a building or structure.
2 A Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must not block natural light or the sky from surrounding buildings' windows and doors.
3 The lighting or orientation of a Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must not adversely affect any neighbouring residential areas.
4 An auxiliary sign or other material must not be attached to, on, above or below a Digital Third Party Advertising Sign.
5 The backs of all Digital Third Party Advertising Signs and all cut-outs must be enclosed.
6 The space between the faces of a double-faced Digital Third Party Advertising Sign must be enclosed.
7 Electrical power supply to the Digital Third Party Advertising Sign or base landscaping must be underground unless otherwise allowed by the Development Authority such as, but not limited to, situations where reasonable access to an underground power source is not available or the Digital Third Party Advertising Sign is located in an area where underground power has not commenced.
8 A development permit for a Digital Third Party Advertising Sign may only be issued for a period not exceeding three (3) years.
9 Prior to a development permit expiring for a Digital Third Party Advertising Sign, and upon receipt of a new development permit application for the same Digital Third Party Advertising Sign at the same height, size and location, the Development Authority may apply the rules referenced in subsection (10).
10 When considering a development permit application for a Digital Third Party Advertising Sign referenced in subsection (9), the Development Authority:
a must consider if the proposed Digital Third Party Advertising Sign is compatible with the general architectural lines and forms of nearby buildings and the character of the streetscape or area within which it is to be located, and does not severely obstruct the horizon line;
b must not approve the development permit if a Freestanding Sign has been approved and constructed within 30.0 metres of the Digital Third Party Advertising Sign;
c may only approve the development permit for the Digital Third Party Advertising Sign when the use is listed in the District; and
d must not approve the development permit for the Digital Third Party Advertising Sign when the sign is located within and the digital display is visible from 125.0 metres of a building containing a Dwelling Unit.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
