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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007

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Amending Bylaws - 2018

Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 has been amended by the following bylaws. With the amending bylaw there is a summary, a link to the report and a link to the amending text. To search for Public Hearing minutes and video related to the item, please visit, and enter the bylaw number in the search bar to the right.

Bylaw 13P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 13P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: April 2, 2018

Bylaw 13P2018 is to implement the "Downtown Parking Strategies" contained in the Calgary Parking Policies (TP017), recently approved by Council on May 29, 2017 through TT2017-0383 (Downtown Parking Strategy Policy Revisions). The new strategies require the existing cash-in-lieu program be concluded and replaced with a new program that instead involves relaxations and subsequent payment of a fee towards off-site transportation improvements. Replacing the cash-in-lieu program requires amending the LUB to delete the cash-in-lieu rules and policy references, and to insert rules and policy for the new program.

Bylaw 16P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 16P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: April 2, 2018, Sections 34(1)(b)(i) and 39(1)(b)(i) comes into effect immediately

Bylaw 16P2018 focuses on amendments for homeowners and small businesses by clarifying use definitions, removing redundancies, aligning portions of the Land Use Bylaw with the Alberta Building Code, and removing process requirements from the Land Use Bylaw. Some of the specific amendments include creating a new use, Recyclable Material Drop-Off Depot, allowing window wells and air-conditioning units in both side setback areas for single family and semi-detached homes, allowing limited storage for the Home Occupation — Class 1 use, and allowing Accessory Residential Buildings less than 10 square metres to be next to the home. Housekeeping amendments are also included.

Bylaw 17P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 17P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: April 10, 2018

Bylaw 17P2018 is to facilitate improvements in how citizens and communities will learn about an application in their community, by requiring an applicant to post a large format notice for select applications. Administration has heard from Council, citizens, communities and Administration that larger notices are needed for more significant developments that could impact a community. Requiring an applicant to post a large notice is in line with what other municipalities require, and increases citizen awareness of an application in their community. This amendment also includes wording changes to encourage citizens and communities to provide comments when there is support for a development, rather than only in the cases of opposition or concern.

Bylaw 18P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 18P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: April 2, 2018

Bylaw 18P2018 is to support investment in existing restaurants and the local economy,  This amendment deletes the minimum motor vehicle parking stall requirement for Outdoor Cafes.  The amendment also exempts motor vehicle parking stalls that would otherwise be required as a result of interior alterations that increase the public area but not the gross floor area to any size of an existing approved Restaurant: Food Service Only, Restaurant Licensed or Restaurant: Neighbourhood.

Bylaw 24P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 24P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: March 13, 2018, with the exception of Subsections 1d), g) and j) - in reference to Backyards Suites - which comes into effect on the date of approval by council of restrictive standards relating to the design of Backyards Suites across all land use districts.

January 29, 2019, subsections 1 d), g) and j) regarding Backyards Suites are effective on the effective date of Bylaw 10P2019.

Bylaw 24P2018 is to add Secondary Suites and Backyards Suites as discretionary uses in the R-1, R-C1 and R-C1L districts.

Bylaw 25P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 25P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: April 24, 2018.

Bylaw 25P2018 amendments to the Land Use Bylaw to allow cannabis retailing through a new use called Cannabis Store, and to change the names and definitions of Medical Marihuana Counselling and Medical Marihuana Production Facility to Cannabis Counselling and Cannabis Facility respectively.

Bylaw 39P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 39P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: June 11, 2018.

Bylaw 39P2018 adds section 25.3 to the Land Use Bylaw to enable the addition of insulation to the exterior of an existing low density dwelling by allowing wall structures to project into required building setbacks and exempting insulated wall structure from building coverage rules. Construction for the sole purpose of adding insulation to an existing low density dwelling does not require a development permit.

Bylaw 40P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 40P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: June 25, 2018.

Third Party Advertising Signs generate a significant source of revenue for The City that can augment funding for service delivery.  Bylaw 40P2018, allows both Sign — Class F (conventional paper) and Sign — Class G (digital)Third Party Advertising Signs as discretionary uses on twelve specific Calgary Transit parcels in the S-CRI District.  The amendments allow one additional vehicle scaled Third Party Advertising Sign on three properties.  Pedestrian scaled third party advertising (new definition) is allowed on all twelve Calgary Transit properties.  Policy updates were also approved by Council for the Calgary Third Party Advertising Sign Guidelines, and will provide guidance to the Development Authority when reviewing Calgary Transit applications.  No changes were made to the current rules that allow existing Third Party Advertising Signs to remain on Calgary Transit properties (grandfathered) with a valid Development Permit.

Bylaw 51P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 51P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: August 6, 2018.

Bylaw 51P2018 adds a definition for the freight rail corridor in subsection 13 (63.2) and enables the Development Authority to condition a Permitted Use (subsection 28 (6.1) and a Discretionary Use (subsection 38 (3)) on a parcel adjacent to a freight rail corridor. It also enables the Development Authority to implement the Development Next to Freight Rail Corridors Policy and require additional information as necessary to mitigate the impact of a potential train derailment and noise impact associated with freight rail operations.

Bylaw 52P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 52P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: August 7, 2018.

Bylaw 52P2018 is to include buildings on the Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources to be exempt from a Change of Use Development Permit if they are located in the Centre City Enterprise Area (CCEA), with some exceptions.

Bylaw 26P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 26P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: July 30, 2018

Bylaw 26P2018 is to align with federal and provincial legislation that legalize cannabis sales and production. Providing broad opportunities for retail cannabis sales minimizes impacts that could otherwise occur in a narrower range of locations while providing opportunities for local business and economic diversification.  Separation distances can minimize impacts to sensitive uses and ensure that overall, cannabis sales are not concentrated in specific communities or main streets.

Bylaw 67P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 67P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: September 25, 2018.

The amendments for Bylaw 67P2018 (PUD2018-0864), add a requirement for notifying Subdivision and Development Permit applicants about the status of their applications as: complete, incomplete, or deemed refused.  The notification requirements are the same for both types of applications.  These changes were required to align with Municipal Government Act amendments.  An unrelated, clerical change updates the name of the historic inventory to Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources.

Bylaw 61P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 61P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: October 9, 2018.

The amendments for Bylaw 61P2018 provide incentives to existing homeowners to add a front porch to their home, and to home designers to incorporate front porches in the design of new infill homes. This is done without the drawback of it being included into parcel coverage and taking into consideration the impact of the porch to adjacent homes. This is applicable for low density residential districts in the Developed Areas.

Subterranean (basement developments) will no longer be allowed to extend into the front setback area.  This change supports the protection of public trees, provides an opportunity for soft landscaping in the front yard, while providing flexibility of basement development in the rear yard.

Bylaw 62P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 62P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: October 9, 2018.

Bylaw 62P2018 amends the R-CG District to adjust required front and side setbacks on corner parcels, minimum front setbacks and maximum building heights to support more sensitive integration of new developments in infill locations while providing more development options on corner parcels. Amendments to the definition of Secondary Suite and Backyard Suite support more consistent processes for secondary suites in semi-detached dwellings.

Bylaw 83P2018

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 83P2018. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: December 10, 2018.

Bylaw 83P2018 amends the Land Use Bylaw to provide Administration more flexibility in how citizens are notified of development permits and appeals. This will allow The City to find other, more adaptable and desired ways of communicating with citizens. These changes will also mean the additional time and accompanying delay to accommodate newspaper deadlines will be eliminated from our approvals process. The improvements to citizen notifications on development in Calgary will be a big step towards making our planning process more transparent and accessible.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
