Chapter 3: Supporting Growth
The East Calgary International Avenue Communities share amenities, services, parks, open spaces and public facilities. However, no single community has everything residents need.
Communities rely on their interconnected features. These include commercial amenities and services, Main Streets and Activity Centres, recreation opportunities, and multi-use pathways that surround and weave throughout and between neighbourhoods.

Chapter 3 and Appendix A of the Plan include investment priorities for community improvements. These priorities don’t have funding or timelines yet. They may be implemented by The City, developers, or community organizations if and when funding becomes available.
The Plan identifies five goals that align with key planning direction in the Municipal Development Plan. These goals guide local objectives to support the Plan’s vision. They include investing in parks and open spaces, supporting diverse businesses and housing types, climate resilience, and a connected mobility network. Specific actions are identified to achieve the supporting growth goals.
Diverse, accessible, and quality housing
Expanding housing diversity would provide opportunities for people of all income levels, ages and cultural backgrounds to live in the community, support local businesses and access services.
- Non-market housing and mixed-market housing within all new development.
- Support a variety of homes, including semi-detached, rowhouses and townhouses and multi-residential homes to meet different preferences and needs.

Safe, efficient and well-connected mobility options
In the Plan Area, ensuring connections are efficient, safe and accessible is important for the mobility options available. A range of mobility options supporting walking, cycling and transit use is a community priority.
- Ensuring transit service is efficient, safe and accessible in all seasons for all age groups and abilities.
- Construction of missing sidewalk and pathway connections and curb ramps throughout the Plan Area.

Parks, open spaces and community facilities
Parks, natural areas, open spaces and green infrastructure contribute to the ecological health of the Plan Area by providing cooling and shading, wildlife habitat, public amenities and stormwater management.
- Additional functionality within existing park spaces including but not limited to providing adequate space for unobstructed sport and recreation activities.
- Enhancing diversity and inclusivity by providing opportunities for cultural expression in community facilities and in parks.

Low carbon and climate resilient communities
With climate change increasing the intensity and frequency of heavy rainfall events, the risk of stormwater flooding is rising significantly. However, with redevelopment, there are opportunities to integrate stormwater management into both private property and public property.
- Encouraging the development of net-zero emission buildings for public facilities.
- Prioritizing the protection of existing trees from the impacts of development.

Vibrant and diverse culture, arts and business
In the Plan Area, businesses offer cultural diversity and a sense of belonging for the various community members who live in or visit the area. The businesses along 17th Avenue S.E., also known as International Avenue, represent the various backgrounds in the community.
- A strong network of community services and facilities designed to meet the evolving needs of the community.
- Multi-functional community cultural spaces that leverage City places and that can meet changing community cultural needs