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Glenmore Athletic Park Track and Field Redevelopment

The proposed development at Glenmore Athletic Park involves the construction of new and upgraded athletics track & field facilities that will be constructed near the southwest corner of the park. 

Untreated Water Use for Irrigation – June 2024
  • The City is watering the field at night with non-potable water to support work on the turf that is required for project completion.
  • Glenmore Athletic Park’s in-ground sprinkler system uses untreated, non-potable water to efficiently irrigate the playing fields.
  • We are focusing on the critical project areas, using as little water as necessary.
  • Sourcing untreated, non-potable water directly from the Glenmore Reservoir for irrigation doesn’t affect the drinking water supply coming from our treatment plants.


The new amenities will replace the ageing infrastructure that has reached the end of its usable life and is costly to maintain. Calgary Recreation will take this opportunity to modernize the track & field amenities with upgraded infrastructure and equipment to keep pace with athletics standards.

The project will include:

  • 400-metre eight-lane running track
  • Throwing sport area
  • Natural turf multi-sport field
  • Relocation of existing bleachers


Relocating the track will make room for the re-development of athletic fields along 50th Avenue in subsequent phases of the redevelopment. The project design phase will also be reviewing parking, access and site circulation needs to support the current phase.

The project provides the following benefits:

  • Reduction of ongoing annual maintenance and improved operational efficiencies.
  • Enhanced site accessibility, placemaking, and connectivity to the community.
  • Upgraded amenities to continue hosting tournaments and events.
  • Modernized service offerings to meet citizen expectations.

This investment in outdoor amenities at Glenmore Athletic Park will serve Calgary’s amateur sport community by providing high-performance sports facilities. It is also significant for promoting the local economy, fostering cultural vitality, contributing to a vibrant neighbourhood and encouraging healthy, active lifestyles.

Importance of Running Tracks in Calgary

  • The City of Calgary Sport Field Strategy (2016) notes that "athletic parks provide key ‘hubs’ for sport activity and are generally well maintained due to the presence of on-site staff."
  • In the Amenity Prioritization analysis undertaken by Calgary Recreation in 2024, outdoor walking, running, and track and field amenities were indicated as "highly important," and the sixth most important recreation amenity overall.


Capital investment in this project will generate 43 full-time jobs (based on Infrastructure Calgary’s economic impact assessment model).

The contractor will adhere to The City’s Community Standards Bylaw, 5M2004 for hours of operation, material storage and construction best practices, including dust mitigation. If you have questions, please contact 311.


The estimated project cost for this work is $13.8 million.


Late Summer 2024, The Track & Field amenity is anticipated to be available for public bookings.

Spring 2024, Final construction activities on the natural turf fields areas have been delayed as a result of weather, water restrictions and some remediation work to ensure the fields meet The City’s required standards.

November 2023, Construction is substantially complete. Fencing will remain in place until Spring 2024 to allow the recent seeding and sod to establish on the site fields and pathway areas. The site will be ready for use in Spring 2024. Minor construction activities will also occur at that time but will not affect bookings.

2020-2022Related Project - Adaptive Roadways Program - The Adaptive Roadways Program will be implemented on several Calgary roadways, including 50 Avenue S.W. For more information, please visit the Adaptive Roadways webpage.

2018, City Council approved this project as part of the One Calgary 2019-2022 Capital Budget.

2012-2017, 50 Avenue S.W. Corridor Study - The concept planning process for Glenmore Athletic Park brought forward public concerns around parking, traffic and accessibility. A transportation corridor study of 50 Avenue S.W. was completed to explore issues and opportunities for accessing the area. The study identified current issues and concerns with 50 Avenue S.W. and provided recommendations for future improvements. For more information about the corridor study, please visit the 50 Avenue S.W. Corridor Study webpage.

2016, Tennis Court Replacement - Construction of the tennis courts at Glenmore Athletic Park was completed in 2016.

2010the Glenmore Athletic Park Concept Plan was created to guide future capital improvements to the park. Development of the Concept Plan included extensive public engagement. City Council voted to approve the plan on July 19, 2010.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
