Green initiatives at Southland
Transforming government at Southland Leisure Centre one green idea at a time...
Southland Leisure Centre, constructed in 1983, hosts over 1.5 million visitors each year in this 227,000 square foot, large multi-purpose wellness facility. Now, with the advent of greener technology, Southland Leisure Centre will use the heat of the sun to convert energy into electricity and power to heat domestic and pool water. Additionally, new energy efficient lighting technology has replaced the old to reduce operating expenses, impact on the environment, and showcase innovation for future building projects.
Examples of green initiatives
To heat water and produce electricity
New! Southland Leisure Centre receives 600 solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. During the summer of 2015 Southland had a solar PV system installed on its roof. The solar panels convert energy from the sun into electricity that can be used in the building. Overall, this system is expected to produce between 161,000 kWh/year to 184,000 kWh, which is the equivalent to offsetting the electricity use for 21 to 24 average Calgary homes.
The system will generate financial benefits through reduced electricity costs and environmental benefits by increasing the amount of renewable energy produced. The anticipated annual cost savings will ensure the system is paid off in less than 14 years.
This project is being jointly delivered through a partnership between Recreation and Infrastructure & Information Services, under the auspice of the Sustainable Buildings Partnership Program.
The savings associated with generating our own electricity will more than pay for the system.

Solar Photovoltaic Panel
Solar thermal hot water system
As one of the first City of Calgary facilities to obtain solar energy power, the project includes measurement of influencing variables such as wind, sun angle, flow rates etc.
The City of Calgary piloted this green initiative as a pilot project which was funded by the province through the Municipal Sustainability Initiative and Calgary Recreation.

Solar panels on the roof of Southland Leisure Centre
Facility electric sub-metering project
This project allows Southland Leisure Centre to determine large energy consumption areas of the entire complex, which will allow base line consumption information as well as target areas for potential upgrades.
Arena refurbishment, electrical ice re-surfacer and lighting upgrades
The arena upgrades include new lighting, piping, refrigeration plant, and low-flow taps and toilets in the dressing room.
Southland has realized 30 – 35% in energy savings due to the installation of new technology lighting.
Southland will be the first City of Calgary arena to test an electronic ice-resurfacer, which is the newest green technology available.
Southland Leisure Centre’s going green initiatives are an example of Transforming Government as they demonstrate new approaches to building sustainable community places and spaces.
and offer innovative ways to reduce operating costs and environmental impact. These changes facilitate enhanced recreational opportunities for Calgarians now and into the future.

New ice re-surfacer