Macleod Trail and 194 Avenue SW Interchange
Project overview
The City of Calgary is in the process of designing an interchange at Macleod Trail and 194 Avenue S.W. The interchange is currently not funded for construction but is expected to be considered by Council as an option for funding in the next four-year budget cycle in 2022. The Macleod Trail and 194 Avenue S.W. interchange has been planned since the early 2000s and will include:
- a partial-turns interchange that provides access to and from the north leg of Macleod Trail only (access to/from the south leg of Macleod Trail will be available via the 210 Avenue S.W. intersection); and
- a convenient new parallel connector road called Sheriff King Landing on the west side of Macleod Trail, which will link 194 Avenue S.W. with 210 Avenue S.W. and provide access to/from the south

Project background
Macleod Trail is a major and historic north-south corridor through the heart of Calgary. The planned interchange at 194 Avenue S.W. will act as a gateway feature, as it will be among the first interchanges for traffic approaching Calgary from the south. 194 Avenue S.W. is a critical east-west link that will service the fast-growing residential areas in the West Macleod Area Structure Plan (ASP) area, which will ultimately see more than 30,000 people living in the area west of Macleod Trail and south of Stoney Trail. 194 Avenue S.E. to the east of Macleod Trail provides access to the communities of Chaparral and Walden.
In 2015, The City undertook a functional planning study for 194 Avenue S.W. which confirmed updated plans for both the interim and ultimate phases of 194 Avenue S.W. construction. The functional planning update included two public engagement opportunities in 2015 and 2016. The interim phase of the project – Priddis Slough Crossing – was completed in 2018 and provided a new four-lane arterial street west of Macleod Trail, connecting to Sheriff King Street. The new connection to Macleod Trail retained the existing traffic signal at that time.
The preliminary design for the interchange at Macleod Trail and 194 Avenue was completed in 2018. Preliminary streetlighting, geotechnical, and noise attenuation studies were also completed at that time. The current design project will now bring the interchange through the detailed design stage and finalize details for the roadway, stormwater, bridges, noise attenuation, and other features so that it is tender-ready if funding is approved.
The environment
The City is working closely with environmental experts and consultants to mitigate potential environmental impacts that changes to the roadways in the area may have. We are mindful of the important bio-diversity and natural features in this area and will incorporate these considerations as we complete the interchange design and for future construction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are the interchange and roadway improvements needed?
These improvements are needed to improve overall safety and traffic flow in the area and accommodate future traffic volumes and growth planned for the area. 194 Avenue S.W. is a critical east-west link that will service the fast-growing residential areas in the West Macleod Area Structure Plan (ASP) area, which will ultimately see more than 30,000 people living in the area west of Macleod Trail and south of Stoney Trail.
Why is the interchange only designed for partial-turns to and from the north leg of Macleod Trail?
Due to the proximity of 194 Avenue to 210 Avenue S.W., there is insufficient space for entrance and exit ramps to and from the south leg of Macleod Trail. Sheriff King Landing, which runs parallel to Macleod Trail, will be constructed as part of this project to provide alternate access to and from the south leg of Macleod Trail.
What are the anticipated changes in noise with the new interchange and how will it be mitigated?
New or higher noise attenuation walls may be warranted at various locations along Macleod Trail and 194 Avenue S.E. The City will be contacting property owners adjacent to the planned interchange to engage them about these options.
Project timeline
- Finalize engineering design: Fall/Winter 2021
- Present to CPC: Spring 2022
- Construction: TBD based on next four-year budget cycle
Project area
Click to enlarge aerial view of the project area
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Project budget
The project budget will be confirmed during the detailed design stage ahead of future Council consideration for funding.
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- Stoney Trail/ Ring Road
- SW Calgary Ring Road (Government of Alberta)
- West Macleod ASP