Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Stoney Trail at 80 Avenue N.E. flyover

Project update - November 2023

Construction is scheduled to be substantially complete in November 2023. Crews will return in Spring 2024 to perform the final touches including final grading, boulevard seeding, and painting. The flyover will remain closed until the corresponding infrastructure within the adjacent Homestead Development is completed. Completion of the adjacent infrastructure is anticipated for spring/summer 2024.

Thank you for your patience during this work.

Project impacts throughout construction

The speed limit on Stoney Trail close to the construction area may be reduced to 80 km/h during construction. There may also be delays due to reduced and/or partial lane closures. Access will still be maintained in both directions on Stoney Trail and we will make every effort to limit impacts on traffic; however, motorists are advised to expect delays and use alternate routes when possible.

About the project

In 2018, City Council approved the East Stoney Area Structure Plan (ASP), which included plans for a flyover across Stoney Trail at 80 Avenue N.E. The primary purpose of this flyover is to reduce fire service response times from Station 32 to the East Stoney Area and the overpass was considered a requirement for area development to proceed.

The flyover is required to provide the 7-minute emergency response time for the Calgary Fire Department approved by Council to the future development east of Stoney Trail. This development area is not large enough to support the capital and operating costs required for a stand-alone emergency response station.

The flyover will be a two-way, single lane bridge that will be operated by traffic signals and automated gates on each end to control the direction of travel for emergency and transit vehicles and prevent public vehicles from accessing the flyover.  The flyover also includes a multiuse pathway on the southside to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists. 

Project renderings

Project timelines

  • Detail design - Complete
  • Construction: Summer 2022 – Fall 2023

Construction activities are dependent on several factors. Timelines may change due to inclement weather, complexity, supply chain, and/or other unexpected circumstances.

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