Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Stoney Trail at Shaganappi Trail interchange

Project update - August 2023

Traffic has been shifted onto the new bridge at the Shaganappi Trail interchange, and crews are wrapping up the final pieces of work this construction season. There is some minor concrete and landscaping work that crews will be doing and should be complete by October 2023.

We will not be building the pathway connection to the Hamptons community as part of the interchange construction and will have more information to share with the communities on what a possible future pathway could look like later this fall.

You can see the responses to questions asked during the design phase of the Stoney Trail / Shaganappi Trail interchange here.

The existing interchange at Stoney Trail and Shaganappi Trail N.W. was constructed in 2006-2007 and is three lanes wide, with two lanes southbound and a single lane northbound. This project will upgrade the interchange by building a second three-lane bridge adjacent to the existing north-south bridge, providing three travel lanes in each direction once completed. The final interchange will provide a multi-use pathway which will connect to pathways on both the north and south sides of Stoney Trail.

In addition to upgrading the interchange, this project also includes an upgrade to the Shaganappi Trail/Hidden Valley Drive intersection to facilitate better access to and from the community.

Project timelines

  • Detail design - Complete
  • Construction: Summer 2021 – Fall 2023

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