West Memorial application criteria

Criteria for processing new and existing applications

A new criteria for how planning, development and building applications will be processed in impacted northwest communities was developed to replace the case-by-case review practice. This criteria will be used to process new and existing applications until upgrades to the West Memorial Sanitary Trunk Catchment area are complete.

The new criteria:

  • Eliminates the need to delay applications with no sanitary impact caused by case-by-case review
  • Provides customers further clarity on how their project might be impacted before submitting an application
  • Enable customers to plan, develop or build to the furthest point possible before wastewater upgrades are completed
  • Delivers a consistent and transparent method of approving, holding or rejecting applications

Home Owners impact

Typically home owners only apply for development and building applications. Those applications with no sanitary sewer impacts will be reviewed as per normal City practices and are not impacted by the limitations of the West Memorial Sanitary Trunk. Examples include: residential basement renovations, decks and retaining walls, etc.

Home owners looking to replace a single family dwelling with two single family dwellings, semi-attached dwelling (two units), one duplex (two units) are also not impacted. We’ll review these applications per normal City practices.

Industry impacts

Depending on the application type, you’re planning, development or building plans could be impacted. See the new or existing application charts below for further details on how applications will be processed, and what potential options you might consider to advance your application when not approved.

How new and existing applications as of October 31, 2013 will be processed

May Be Approved

Application Type Potential for Approval
Application Type:
  • Land Use Amendments
  • Outline Plans
  • Condominiums
  • Tenancy Change
  • Change of Use
Potential for Approval:
​The following application types may
be approved for both new and existing
applications as of October 31, 2013.*
*Refers to approval from a sanitary servicing perspective.
All applications are subject to normal planning/building review process and the final decision rests with the applicable approving authority

Not Approved

See pdfs documents below for further information on potential approvals.

Application Type Potential for Approval
Application Type:
  • Subdivisions
  • Development Permits
  • Building Permits*
*Building permits with no sanitary impacts can be approved.
Examples: Residential basement development, decks, retaining walls, etc.
Potential for Approval: The following application types are impacted. See the pdf document below that best describes your application.
If your application is:

New as of October 31, 2013 - updated Sept 2015

How existing applications will be processed

How new applications will be processed

Creating a timeline with industry input

We’re seeking your input to help determine the timelines for construction between permits. The goal is to match West Memorial Sanitary Trunk construction upgrades with development, to allow permits to be approved before 2017. By connecting the two timelines, development can continue in a way that it matches up with upgrade construction, helping to limit delays for our customers.

Sanitary service study guidelines

If you believe your development will not increase net flow into the sanitary sewer system, you may consider hiring a qualified professional engineer to complete a sanitary servicing study. Your study will be reviewed, and should it demonstrate no new net flow into the sanitary system, it may be approved by Water Services.

All applications are then subject to normal planning/building review process and the final decision rests with the application approving authority.

>Water Services Sanitary Servicing Study Guidelines

Interim or alternative sanitary solutions

If your application type is not approved, you might consider an interim or alternative sanitary solution for Water Services for review for approval. The following chart provides further information regarding which solutions might be considered.

Additional interim or alternative solutions not listed above maybe considered at the request of industry.

Interim or Alternative Solutions Potential for Approval
Interim or Alternative Solutions:
Water Services accept the following proposals as potential interim or alternative solutions*:
  • Trucking sewage offsite
  • Diversion to another sanitary catchment or sub-catchment
  • Water Reuse**
*All options must adhere to the Wastewater and Storm Drainage Regulation
**This option will require significant analysis and regulatory approvals
Potential for Approval:
Dependent on review by Water Services
Interim or Alternative Solutions:
Water Services will not consider the following proposals as sanitary solutions:
  • Off peak pumping into the West Memorial Sanitary Catchment Area
  • Seepage septic solutions
  • Septic solutions for an individual home sewage treatment system
Potential for Approval:

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
