Neighbourhood Streets - Panorama Hills
Project update – November 2023
Construction of traffic calming improvements being made as part of the Neighbourhood Streets Program in Panorama Hills is now complete.
The traffic calming improvements were installed throughout the community to improve pedestrian access, reduce vehicle speeding and improve overall safety for all roadway users.
Thank you to the community for your patience during construction and for providing feedback on these improvements.
For any questions or concerns, please email the project team.
Project overview
The City of Calgary is testing a Neighbourhood Streets pilot policy with the goal of creating local streets where neighbours can connect and choose travel options, no matter their age or ability. As part of the Neighbourhood Streets Program, The City worked with the community to improve streets in Panorama Hills for everyone to travel around the community.
This project includes:
- Public engagement to listen and learn where changes are needed to make walking and wheeling more comfortable.
- Implementing temporary materials in 2021 to transform streets in ways that make walking and wheeling (biking, skateboarding, using e-scooters or in-line skating) feel safer and more fun.
- Public engagement to evaluate temporary changes to streets.
- Installing permanent improvements including pedestrian crossing improvements and traffic calming measures based on prioritization and resources.
Project history
Phase 1: Identification – October to November 2020
In Phase 1, we wanted to hear from you about how you move around Panorama Hills and to learn what improvements could allow you, or one of your neighbours, to travel around your community in a new way. The Phase 1: What We Heard Report summarizes the findings.
Phase 2: Prioritization – December 2020
Based on opportunities identified in Phase 1 and those previously identified through initiatives such as Creating Coventry, we asked the community to prioritize improvements to be made in 2021. Review the Phase 2: What We Heard Report.
Phase 3: Evaluation – June 2021 and January 2022
Part A: Testing and Activation - June 14 – 28, 2021
This phase of engagement took place while a variety of different temporary measures were installed throughout the community for a one-week period. Read the feedback from the Phase 3: What We Heard Report.
In partnership with The University of Calgary, the Northstar Residents Association, the Northern Hills Community Association and community schools, a Steet Lab was held from June 14-19, 2021 to learn how to improve neighbourhood streets for residents of all ages and abilities. The project team installed placemaking, temporary traffic calming and pedestrian improvements along a central 2km walking loop. We built temporary art experiments in a variety of locations to engage with residents on ideas that may improve Panorama Hills, including:
- Pathway art
- A play street
- Temporary traffic calming
- Front drive fun
- Reading nook
- Wayfinding and route markers
- Pop-up park & outdoor classroom
- Water safety
- School activities & encouragement
Part B: Evaluation and Design - January 17– 30, 2022
This phase of engagement examined locations for traffic calming improvements, and the What We Heard Report can be found here.
Key takeaways from public engagement include general support for the proposed traffic calming solutions, as well as suggestions for other solutions such as additional crosswalks, stop lights, traffic circles. We also heard a lack of support for the proposed measures, with cost and lack of benefit as main concerns.
Addressing what we heard
The following summarizes the range of input we received, grouping feedback into thematic areas, and how the project team is addressing the feedback into the design of the permanent measures:
Comment theme: Requests for marked crossings and pedestrian activated lights such as rectangular rapid flashing beacons or overhead flashing pedestrian lights
Rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) have been installed at Panatella Blvd at Panatella Hill and Panatella Blvd at Panton Gate locations. The project team will request painted crosswalks RRFBs; however, they may or may not be warranted based on a review and analysis of each location. Project budget at this time does not allow for the installation of RRFBs at every location, so their installation will be prioritized to select locations.

Comment theme: Concerns with the traffic calming tools being used and recommendations to use other tools such as traffic circles or raised crossings
Traffic calming curbs (yellow temporary curbs) are used in hundreds of locations throughout the city. Each curb has a vertical element to make them visible to motorists even in winter conditions. The land widths that remain even after the installation of a traffic calming curb are enough to accommodate a large vehicle, such as a fire truck.
Raised crossings are an ideal traffic calming tool and an excellent suggestion. Many locations where we are recommending temporary curb extensions, may be made permanent in the future with raised crossings, if resources allow and there are no conflicts with drainage or transit service.
Traffic circles are commonly used as a form of traffic calming; however, recent research shows they pose a higher injury risk to cyclists than intersections with stop sign control. At this time, traffic circles will not be explored as a traffic calming tool.
Comment theme: Concerns about speeding
New speed humps were installed on the northern portion of Panatella Street near Panatella Boulevard, where there is less parking than the southern portion.
In May 2021, the speed limit on residential roads was reduced to 40 km/hr. To determine if it is appropriate for a collector road to have a 40 km/h speed limit there were a number of factors considered such as, how long the road is (including playground zones), if traffic calming has been installed on the road (e.g. speed humps, or cushions), if the average speed (measured by a speed study) is consistently below the current speed limit, whether the road has low traffic volume, and whether the road is a bus route.
Enforcement by Calgary Police Service can be requested by the community here.
Comment theme: Additional traffic calming along Panamount Boulevard at Panorama Hills Boulevard
A new, permanent curb bulb out was installed at the intersection of Panamount Boulevard and Panorama Hills Boulevard. This will increase pedestrian visibility, encourage slower vehicle speeds and provide more protection for pedestrians as they navigate through this busy intersection, with adjacent park and school activity.
Detailed design
Thank you to everyone who provided input on our proposed traffic calming improvements. Based on your feedback, we have finalized the detailed design.
We installed new temporary and permanent curb bulb-outs and speed humps in key locations throughout the community. These changes will help improve safety and accessibility for pedestrians and vulnerable users, while encouraging vehicles to slow down on residential streets and near schools.
Previous work done in Panorama Hills
This project was also informed by previous engagement with Panorama Hills residents.
- Northern Hills communities have been engaged since 2012 for Calgary’s Green Line LRT. Part of this engagement has included sharing input on future station connections and walking and wheeling improvements.
- Annual Ward 3 safety meetings have helped identify locations where residents feel unsafe.
- The Creating Coventry project has engaged with Calgarians in a new way and will help identify opportunities in this Neighbourhood Streets Project.
Project timeline:
- Fall 2020 – Public engagement on identifying area for improvements
- Winter 2020 – Public engagement on prioritizing improvements identified in Fall 2020
- June 2021 – Street lab and public engagement on testing and activating improvements
- Winter 2021 - Public engagement on evaluation and design of proposed improvements
- Spring 2022 - Detailed design of improvements
- Spring - Summer 2023 - Construction
- Fall 2023 – Construction complete
Contact us
To learn more about the project or give feedback, contact 311 or email the project team below: