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On Feb. 9, 2015, Council approved the recommendations from the Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study (TT2015-0099).

It will allow The City to better prioritize and plan for future transportation infrastructure projects through the 10-year Investing in Mobility plan. There is currently no funding available to implement recommendations.

Study purpose

This study was designed to address both the north and south ends of the street together. However, it was obvious that the south was different than the north, with complex considerations to address including community connections, potential redevelopment opportunities and infrastructure design that was based on the 1970s plan.

We recognized these differences and separated the south into its own corridor study, the South Shaganappi Study.

Corridor Study - north of 16 Avenue to Crowchild Trail

The Calgary Transportation Plan (CTP) reclassified Shaganappi Trail from Bowness Road to Crowchild Trail from a Skeletal Road to an Arterial Street. The study looked at how best to accommodate all modes of transportation (walking, cycling, transit and driving) and confirmed the right-of-way requirements for the section north of 16 Avenue to Crowchild Trail and Shaganappi Trail (see map).

High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Study - north of 16 Avenue to Stoney Trail

The CTP retained Shaganappi Trail from Crowchild Trail to Stoney Trail as a Skeletal Road. Shaganappi Trail from Bowness Road to Stoney Trail is part of the Primary HOV network. In conjunction with the corridor study described above, the study will develop a long-term HOV implementation plan for this corridor from north of 16 Avenue to Stoney Trail.

Public engagement

The Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study included extensive public engagement through every stage of the project and adhered to The City's engage! Policy.

Each phase of engagement included multiple engagement opportunities for interested parties, homeowners and members of the general public. Feedback provided during each engagement phase was incorporated into concepts and directly influenced the refinement of five original concepts down to the recommended plan. Where feedback was not incorporated into the decision-making process, the project team reported back to community members and citizens the reasons why feedback could not be included.

Public Open House - May 1, 2014

Calgarians were invited to attend a public open house on May 1, 2014 to review and provide feedback on the recommended long-term plan for Shaganappi Trail. The plan was developed following feedback received from community members at the 2012 open house, four community conversation sessions in 2013 and meetings with adjacent homeowners in early 2014.

Attendees had the opportunity to learn more about the project through the information display boards presented at the open house, by asking the project team questions and were asked to provide feedback on the recommended plan.

The project team has summarized the feedback provided at the May 1, 2014 open house in the May 2014 open house feedback summary and verbatim notes report. The project team is working to incorporate the feedback into the final, recommended plan for the Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study and would like to thank everyone who participated in the open house.

Adjacent Landowner Meetings - February to April 2014

The third phase of public engagement for the Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study took place in November 2013. Through the engagement program, the project team heard one concept (Concept A) was viewed as the preferred option but suggestions from adjacent landowners indicated that further design changes were needed and additional meetings with adjacent landowners were required.

The project team met with approximately 30 adjacent landowners on Feb. 18, held onsite meetings with seven adjacent landowners on March 17, 2014 and hosted another meeting with landowners on April 5, 2014 to gather additional feedback and answer questions about Concept A.

Feedback from the meeting on Feb 18 and March 17, 2014 and April 5, 2014 has been used, along with input from the November engagement sessions, to create the recommended option for the Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study.

Community Conversations - Nov. 26 and 28, 2013

The third phase of public engagement for Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study took place in November 2013. Two community conversation public engagement sessions were scheduled to invite input from interested parties, community members and the general public.

The sessions were designed to encourage dialogue and discussion between attendees and to invite new ideas on how design concepts for the Shaganappi Trail Corridor can address transportation requirements in ways that better complement adjacent communities. The project team presented three concepts at the community conversation sessions. Please see Concept A, Concept B and Concept C and the Community Conversation Event Summary and Highlights report to see the feedback provided.

The project team will use the feedback provided from the November community conversation sessions and undertake a technical analysis of the concepts to identify a recommend, preferred option that will be presented to the general public on May 1, 2014.

Community Conversations - April 23 and 25, 2013

In all, 112 people participated in these sessions, which included a presentation, small group discussions to identify key themes, and a dotmocracy exercise to identify and prioritize suggestions and ideas. Attendees were asked to review an information package before attending the event. Summaries from the discussions, the dotmocracy exercise and event comment forms are available below.

Community members meeting #1 - July 24, 2012

The project team met with representatives from adjacent community associations, business owners and organizations/institutions to share information about the project. Feedback from this meeting was considered in the development of preliminary design concepts.

Community members meeting #2 - Oct. 16, 2012

The project team met with representatives from adjacent community associations, business owners and organizations/institutions to present and gather feedback on the preliminary corridor concepts, and to understand what's important to interested parties. The same preliminary corridor concepts were presented at the Nov. 6 open house.

Public open house #1 - Nov. 6, 2012 (Review of Preliminary Corridor Concepts)

About 130 people attended the study's first public open house on Nov. 6 to see the preliminary concepts for a future Shaganappi Trail and to provide feedback on the concepts presented. Highlights of what we heard include:

  • Overall, there was general sense that the Arterial designation is good and there is no need for major expansion to improve traffic flow. Some comments that traffic on Shaganappi result from congestion on Crowchild as drivers seek alternative route.
  • Feedback supports separate pedestrian and cycling facilities to improve connections to University, Market Mall and medical facilities along and across Shaganappi Trail.
  • Mixed reaction for widening Shaganappi to six lanes between Crowchild Trail and 32 Avenue due to potential property impacts on either side of Shaganappi Trail.​
  • Notable opposition to the design concept that has no property impact and no widening of Shaganappi Trail, but requires lane reversals during peak hours to accommodate future traffic volume.
  • Desire for improved transit service, bus stop locations, and pedestrian and traffic signal timing.
  • Agreement that something needs to be done at the 16 Avenue area to improve traffic flow, address merging and safety concerns at current interchange, and pedestrian and cycling connections to river pathways. Mixed reaction to proposed roundabout concepts.

The verbatim comments collected from attendees at the November open house are available in this summary report.​​​​


This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
