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Study Update

Thank you for reviewing the draft short- and long-term recommended plans. Your input, along with technical review, helped us refine and finalize the recommendations. We presented the final short- and long-term recommended plans at an information session on March 17, 2018.

See the presentation boards with the recommended plans for the study area. These recommendations were presented and approved by City Council on July 30, 2018. View the table of contentsexecutive summarytechnical report, and appendices.

Shaganappi Trail has always been identified as a vital link in Calgary's transportation network.

In 1970, The City completed the Shaganappi Trail Functional Planning Study. At that time, Shaganappi Trail was classified as an expressway. The study recommended a major interchange at the junction of 16 Avenue, Bowness Road, Memorial Drive, and Shaganappi Trail. It also recommended Shaganappi Trail be extended across the Bow River through Edworthy Park to connect commuters to Sarcee Trail.

In 2009, Council approved the Calgary Transportation Plan (CTP). It reclassified Shaganappi Trail to an Arterial Street from a Skeletal Road and identified the corridor as a primary route for transit, cycling and HOV (high occupancy vehicles). In addition, the CTP confirmed that the Bow River crossing recommendation would be removed. This means that Shaganappi Trail will no longer function as a north to south connector across the river.

These changes require us to revisit how Shaganappi Trail was designed in the south end. The South Shaganappi Study will work with stakeholders and the public to determine the best way of addressing these challenges and ensure the future design of the study area meets the needs of the community.

Through this study, we will identify short- and long-term recommendations that accommodate all modes of transportation and align the study area with the CTP, the Municipal Development Plan (MDP), and adjacent land use plans.

Study area

The study area includes the Shaganappi Tr. and 16 Ave. interchange, the Shaganappi Tr. and Bowness Rd. intersection and the Bowness Rd. and 16 Ave. interchange.

(Click for a broader view)

Current status

The input we received, along with a technical review, helped us refine the recommendations and we have now finalized the short- and long-term preferred recommended plans. See the presentation boards​ with the recommended plans for the study area.

Review previous open house boards below.

Please note: Information about the 16 Avenue and Home Road Upgrades was available at the open house on June 14.

Study timeline

South Shaganappi Timeline

(Click for larger image)

Study goals

  1. Review and recommend infrastructure that aligns the future corridor plans for Shaganappi Trail with the CTP, the MDP and adjacent land uses
  2. Identify what land will no longer be required for infrastructure


  1. Address safety for those who use and/or live by the corridor
  2. Address accessibility across and throughout the corridor, reconnecting the adjacent communities of Montgomery and Parkdale
  3. Accommodate all modes of transportation including walking, cycling, driving, HOV (high occupancy vehicles), and transit.
  4. Move people and goods in an efficient way, providing continuous traffic flow and a reduction in GHG emissions.
  5. Preserve and enhance land within the study area where there are opportunities

How can I be involved in the study?

We hosted a variety of engagement opportunities throughout the study. People were invited to participate whether they use Shaganappi Trail daily, a few times a month, or choose​ not to use it at all. Engagement on this project is now over.

For events, go to the Engagement page.

In addition, you can sign up for email updates to get the latest news.

What is the Community Advisory Group (CAG)?

We understand that proposed solutions will be improved if they incorporate the knowledge of those who live and work near the study area and those who frequently use the roadways and interchanges within the study area. In an effort to align with Council's direction to collaborate with citizens on corridor studies and develop options that reflect citizens' needs, the engagement plan for the South Shaganappi Study included a Community Advisory Group (CAG).

The CAG worked with the project team to provide advice on:

  • community interests and needs;
  • opportunities to connect with citizens and obtain public input;
  • evaluation criteria for design concepts;
  • proposed or suggested land use concepts;
  • proposed planning recommendations and policies; and
  • striking an appropriate balance between community and transportation network needs.

CAG members were appointed by the project team to ensure representativeness of the various communities and interests affected by the study.

How long before construction happens?

The study looks at short- and long-term plans. Construction could begin on the short-term plans within five years once funding​ is allocated. The long-range plan would be implemented in 30 years.

Does the project have funding?

No. Recommendations from the study, will enable changes for Shaganappi Trail to be prioritized for funding through Investing in Mobility.

The study will also look for short-term opportunities for improvements. Low-cost changes that can be implemented with little or no construction may be funded through existing City programs and budgets.

Who should I contact if I have questions about the study?

For questions about the study, please contact the project team at

Project background

The South Shaganappi Area Study Plan (ASP) recommended The City of Calgary to undertake a corridor study due to the changes in the 2009 Calgary Transportation Plan.

The City conducted the Shaganappi Trail Corridor and HOV Study and its recommendations were approved by Council in 2015. This study was designed to address both the north and south ends of the street together. However, it was obvious that the south was different than the north, with complex considerations to address including community connections, potential redevelopment opportunities and infrastructure design that was based on the 1970s plan.

The south was separated into its own corridor study because we recognized these differences and received confirmation from the public during the Shaganappi Trail Corridor and HOV Study.


This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
