Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Funding Process: Community Safety Investment Framework (CSIF) supports projects that improve wellbeing of Calgarians through an equitable and effective crisis response system. Visit Call for funding proposals for currently open calls.

2023 – 2024 City of Calgary Community Safety Investment Framework - funding allocations

Organization Name Program name and description Funding Amount
12 Community Safety Initiative Society

East Calgary Ambassador Program: to support those most vulnerable in the community to access referrals and to help the communities to be safe and inclusive.

Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary

Outreach and Cultural Reconnection: to ensure urban Indigenous peoples and unhoused community members have access to necessities, mental health support, cultural support and access to vital services after crisis. Ensuring community wellness and promoting accessing community supports.

Alberta Northern Spirit Foundation

Circle of Wisdom Elders Senior Wellness Project: to support Circle of Wisdom with in-home support, one to one support, risk assessment prior to Indigenous seniors accessing crisis services.

Alexandra Community Health Centre

Mental Health and Addictions Outreach Initiative (MAOI) Expansion: to provide supports to street-involved people experiencing addiction and mental health issues.

Calgary Alpha House Society

HELP (Human-centered Engagement Liaison and Partnership) team: to provide a trauma-informed, culturally aware, and timely service that reaches individuals struggling with substance use at the street level. *Funding of this program is shared with the Calgary Police Service. The indicated funded amount reflects the contribution from the City of Calgary.

Calgary Alpha House Society

Ambassador Program: to increase the availability of non-emergency support and outreach services and to have a friendly presence in the greater downtown area.

Calgary Catholic Immigration Society

The Tapestry Project: To facilitate access to mental health support amongst members of Calgary’s diverse ethnocultural communities through community outreach, awareness raising, system navigation, and capacity building.

Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse Society

Calgary Sexual Violence Crisis Response: to enhance sexual violence crisis services for individuals who have experienced a recent sexual assault, by providing information, options, and advocacy that empower individual survivors to choose the path to healing that best fits for them in the context of their individual lives and values.

Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society

Dermot Baldwin Way ResponseSupporting homeless Calgarians in their journey towards finding stability and permanence in housing. In addition to serving those within the shelter system, the program engages those who may not be accessing shelter services.


Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society

Mental Health & Addictions Systems Navigation Support ProgramThis program provides assistance to clients who are struggling with mental health or addictions, helping them navigate Calgary's mental health & additions system, moving them forward in their housing and recovery journeys.

Calgary Health Foundation

Sheldon Chumir Urgent Care Social Work Wrap-Around Care: to provide a responsive, expansive service for people in crisis, to address the systemic barriers those most vulnerable are having at accessing services in Calgary.

Centre for Newcomers Society of Calgary

Newcomers Therapeutic Crisis Intervention: to provide therapy support in first-language services for newcomer clients within the first 24 hours of receiving a referral, and offer 24/7 support for newcomer youth referrals.

CUPS Calgary Society

Connect2Care Community Crisis Response: to provide timely crisis intervention for vulnerable Calgarians and to improve access to community services through care coordination and systems navigation.

Distress Centre Calgary

Enhanced Crisis Supports for Those At-Risk of SuicideTo provide immediate, single point, multiple modality access for Calgarians in suicidal crisis and their families, and provide 24/7 wrap-around support to individuals at risk of suicide.

Distress Centre Calgary

Community Information Exchange and Community Connect YYC CollaborationA collaborative project to reduce siloed work through effective processes and technological integration. This collaboration aims to create a more integrated and impactful support system for individuals with complex needs.

ECSSEN Career School

We Are Together: to provide supportive listening in a culturally responsive way and connect callers with community services through 24/7 non-emergency response to a crisis.

Fear Is Not Love Society

Crisis Line Enhancement: to increase accessibility of crisis lines by providing an option of online text-based crisis support.

Immigrant Outreach Society

Road To Recovery (RTR)To provide culturally and linguistically responsive crisis response for East Africans residing in Calgary.

Kerby Assembly

Enhancing Unison's Elder Abuse Resource Line (EARL): to ensure that Black and Racialized seniors are appropriately supported when accessing the EARL line and that supports are available to a greater number of Calgarians.  

Ladies in the Family Foundation

HERCONNECTA community centered and community-driven program to address mental health and addiction issues among black immigrant girls, women and their families.

Luna Child and Youth Advocacy Centre Ltd.

Multi-disciplinary Team Coordinator and Integrated Case Management: to provide dedicated staffing responsible for integrated case management response to crisis.

McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association

Collaborative Outreach Preventing Exploitation - Community Response Model Triage: to provide a collaborative and coordinated approach to triage and case management supports for youth at risk of or engaged in sexual exploitation in the city of Calgary.

Nisa Foundation

Nisa Homes - Remote Casework Program (RCP): to provide support to vulnerable and marginalized women experiencing domestic violence and poverty through outreach and remote casework.

Punjabi Community Health Services Calgary Society

Rapid Response: to provide quick response to those from the South Asian community in immediate need of Mental Health and Addiction counselling services.

RESET Society of Calgary

EXIT Program Crisis/Triage Initiative: to facilitate and support immediate safe exit from sexual exploitation for women age 16+ and their children.

Sagesse Domestic Violence Prevention Society

Peer Crisis Support: to support the expanded crisis triage and emergency response for clients impacted by domestic violence across Calgary.

Somali Canadian Society of Calgary (SCSC)

Mental Health and Counselling for East African CommunitiesTo provide comprehensive, culturally-informed crisis supports.

The Immigrant Education Society (TIES)

BENCH: Building Equitable Newcomer Crisis Help: to increase engagement with and uptake of crisis services by providing equitable culturally and linguistically relevant primary crisis services for Black, Racialized, and equity-seeking groups that address current barriers

The Mustard Seed Society

SEEDreach: to provide more accessible care to individuals experiencing crisis and streamline access to other services.

United Way of Calgary

Action Table Calgary (ATC) is a new community approach that will help Calgarians with multiple risk factors urgently needing help. The partnership between United Way of Calgary and Area, The City of Calgary and the Calgary Police Service (CPS) brings representatives from community agencies together to provide coordinated support services within 24 to 48 hours.

Wood's Homes

Strengthening Family and Youth Crisis Response: to provide immediate and no-cost crisis support to clients from professional crisis counsellors to children, youth, and families.


2023 – 2024 Calgary Police Community Safety Investment Framework - funding allocations

Organization Name Program name and description Funding Amount
Alberta Health Services

Mobile Response Team (MRT)Provide clinicians to staff the MRT consult line – a resource for frontline police who encounter individuals experiencing mental health crisis.

Alberta Health Services

Police and Crisis Team (PACT)Provide one clinician to a PACT team – a partnership between AHS and Calgary Police that offers mental health assessment, support, and/or consultation in crisis situations and can arrange urgent psychiatry assessments and referrals as needed.

Calgary Alpha House Society

HELP (Human-centered Engagement Liaison and Partnership) team: provide a trauma-informed, culturally aware, and timely service that reaches individuals struggling with substance use at the street level. *Funding of this program is shared with The City of Calgary. The indicated funded amount reflects the contribution from the Calgary Police Service.

Calgary Police Service

Missing Persons Team - Indigenous Navigator / LiaisonAddress and prevent violence against Indigenous women and girls by reducing the number of missing Indigenous peoples reported and ensuring that the victims and families receive culturally appropriate supports, information, and resources.

Carya Society of Calgary

Older Adult Crisis Stabilization Outreach Team (OASCOT): To provide older adults experiencing homelessness, mental health and addictions challenges and complex needs with the necessary supports that allow them to transition to appropriate housing with wrap-around services that create the conditions to age well in community.

Centre for Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Respite Care in Calgary: To provide timely, accessible, people-centred care for those in suicide crisis, diverting from hospitals, and creating a connecting organization in the recovery path of guests.

Distress Centre Calgary

211/911 Co-location and CollaborationTo embed 211 call-takers in the 911 Centre to divert lower-risk mental health crisis calls away from emergency services to 211/Distress Centre

Immigrant Outreach Society

Immigrant Outreach Crisis Response (IOCR): To provide East African refugees with complex mental health and psychosocial challenges with a trauma-informed and culturally appropriate crisis response that is rooted in community needs and reduce unnecessary engagement with law enforcement agencies.

Kindred Connections Society

Community Connect YYC - Crisis Response and Coordination: To provide access to much needed mental health and counselling supports, including case management, for those experiencing crisis and those providing a primary response to those in need.

The Children's Cottage Society of Calgary

Heartstrings - Family Mental Health Crisis Support: To ensure that parents experiencing a mental health crisis are provided with timely support that is designed to meet the needs of not only the individual but also their family members, keeping children safe, and preserving the family in the process.


2022 City of Calgary Community Safety Investment Framework allocations

Organization Program name and description Funding amount
12 Community Safety Initiative Society

East Calgary Ambassador Program: to support those most vulnerable in the community to access referrals and to help the communities to be safe and inclusive.

Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary

Outreach and Cultural Reconnection during COVID: to ensure community members have access to basic necessities, mental health support, cultural support, and access to vital services during the crisis.

Alberta Northern Spirit Foundation-Wholistic Community Development

Circle of Wisdom Elders and Seniors Centre: to provide 24-hour access-wrap around support service to Elders/seniors and families in crisis.

Alexandra Community Health Centre
Community Mobile Crisis Response: to provide community-based first response that provides support to those experiencing non-emergency crises.
*Funding of this program is shared with the Calgary Police Service. The indicated funded amount reflects the contribution from the City of Calgary.
Alexandra Community Health Centre

Mental Health and Addictions Outreach Initiative (MAOI) Expansion: to provide supports to street-involved people experiencing addiction and mental health issues.


Homeless Street Outreach: to refer clients to the appropriate services such as housing, based on the individual situation.

Calgary Alpha House Society

Alpha House Ambassadors: to increase the availability of non-emergency support and outreach services and to have a friendly presence in the greater downtown area. 

Calgary Alpha House Society and partners

Downtown Outreach Addictions Partnership (DOAP): to provide a trauma-informed, culturally aware, and timely service that reaches individuals struggling with substance use at the street level.

Calgary Downtown Association

Downtown Ambassadors: to provide a safer environment and to respond to the physical and mental health needs of those experiencing vulnerabilities in the Downtown area. 

Calgary Health Foundation

Sheldon Chumir Health Centre Urgent Care: to provide a responsive, expansive service for people in crisis, to address the systemic barriers those most vulnerable are having at accessing services in Calgary.

Calgary Homeless Foundation

Extreme Weather Response: to support ongoing planning and collaboration among community organizations and City services to coordinate services that help keep Calgarians experiencing homelessness healthier and safer during extreme weather events.  

CUPS Calgary Society

Connect2Care Community Crisis Response: to provide timely crisis intervention for vulnerable Calgarians and to improve access to community services through care coordination and systems navigation.

Distress Centre Calgary

Enhancing Crisis Services to Those at Risk of Suicide: to provide immediate, single point, multiple modality access for Calgarians in suicidal crisis and their families, and provide 24/7 wrap-around support to individuals at risk of suicide.

ECSSEN Career School

We Are Together: to provides supportive listening in a culturally responsive way and connect callers with community services through 24/7 non-emergency response to a crisis.

Enviros Wilderness School Association

Supporting High Risk Youth Leaving Homelessness: to enhance the support provided to youth, utilizing a trauma informed counsellor during these critical hours, and reducing the impact on emergency services.

McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association

Community Response Model - Triage for Youth at Risk of Sexual Exploitation: to provide a collaborative and coordinated approach to triage and case management supports for youth at risk of or engaged in sexual exploitation in the city of Calgary. 

National Zakat Foundation

Nisa Homes- Outreach Services: to provide support to vulnerable and marginalized women experiencing domestic violence and poverty through outreach and remote casework. 

Next Step Ministries

Emergency Safe Shelter and Immediate Trauma-Informed Outreach Support for Women: to offer an immediate safe place for women who want to exit sexual exploitation and to provide community outreach response.

Punjabi Community Health Services Calgary Society

Quick Response Counselling: to provide quick response to those from the South Asian community in immediate need of Mental Health and Addiction counselling services.

RESET Society of Calgary

EXIT Program Crisis/Triage Initiative: to facilitate and support immediate safe exit from sexual exploitation for women age 16+ and their children. 

Sagesse Domestic Violence Prevention Society

Domestic Violence Crisis Support - COVID-19 Emergency Response: to support the expanded crisis triage and emergency response for clients impacted by domestic violence across Calgary.

The Mustard Seed Society

The Mustard Seed Mobile Health Advocacy and Addictions Project: to provide more accessible care to individuals experiencing crisis and streamline access to other services.

Trellis Society for Community Impact

Sustainable Families - Harm Reduction Therapist: to provides immediate, mobile and flexible therapeutic services to families experiencing chronic and episodic homelessness. 

Trellis Society for Community Impact

Níkso'kowaiksi: to support youth and families with additional 1:1 outreach and cultural support to reduce barriers Indigenous people face and help families through a crisis by tackling the gaps in services.

Wood's Homes

Strengthening Family and Youth Crisis Response Services: to provide immediate and no-cost crisis support to clients from professional crisis counsellors to children, youth, and families. 


2021 City of Calgary Community Safety Investment Framework allocations

Organization Program name and description Funding amount
12 Community Safety Initiative Society

East Calgary Ambassador Program: to support those most vulnerable in the community to access referrals and to help the communities to be safe and inclusive.

Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary

Outreach and Cultural Reconnection during COVID: to ensure community members have access to basic necessities, mental health support, cultural support, and access to vital services during the crisis.

Alberta Northern Spirit Foundation-Wholistic Community Development

Circle of Wisdom Elders and Seniors Centre: to provide 24-hour access-wrap around support service to Elders/seniors and families in crisis.

Alexandra Community Health Centre

Mental Health and Addictions Outreach Initiative (MAOI) Expansion: to provide supports to street-involved people experiencing addiction and mental health issues.


Homeless Street Outreach: to refer clients to the appropriate services such as housing, based on the individual situation.

Trellis Society for Community Impact

Sustainable Families - Harm Reduction Therapist: to provides immediate, mobile and flexible therapeutic services to families experiencing chronic and episodic homelessness.

Trellis Society for Community Impact

Níkso'kowaiksi: to support youth and families with additional 1:1 outreach and cultural support to reduce barriers Indigenous people face and help families through a crisis by tackling the gaps in services.

Calgary Alpha House Society

Downtown Outreach Addictions Partnership (DOAP): to improve immediate connection to services to individuals presenting in crisis in the downtown.

Calgary Downtown Association

Downtown Ambassadors: to provide a safer environment and to respond to the physical and mental health needs of those experiencing vulnerabilities in the Downtown area.

Calgary Health Trust

Mobile Integrated Healthcare: to provide more fulsome, wrap-around support for vulnerable Calgarians to reduce reliance on the emergency based system.

Calgary Health Trust

Sheldon Chumir Health Centre Urgent Care: to provide a responsive, expansive service for people in crisis, to address the systemic barriers those most vulnerable are having at accessing services in Calgary. 

Calgary Seniors' Resource Society

SeniorConnect: to identify and respond to older adults who are at risk or crisis, by addressing and preventing issues related to social isolation.

Centre for Suicide Prevention

The Future of Calgary’s Crisis Response System: to build an evidence base on best practice research, analysis and stakeholder engagement to identify opportunities to transform the crisis prevention and response system.

$ 360,000
CUPS Calgary Society

Connect2Care Community Crisis Response: to provide timely crisis intervention for vulnerable Calgarians and to improve access to community services through care coordination and systems navigation.

Distress Centre Calgary

Enhancing Crisis Services to Those at Risk of Suicide: to provide immediate, single point, multiple modality access for Calgarians in suicidal crisis and their families, and provide 24/7 wrap-around support to individuals at risk of suicide.

ECSSEN Career School

We Are Together: to provides supportive listening in a culturally responsive way and connect callers with community services through 24/7 non-emergency response to a crisis.

Enviros Wilderness School Association

Supporting High Risk Youth Leaving Homelessness: to enhance the support provided to youth, utilizing a trauma informed counsellor during these critical hours, and reducing the impact on emergency services.

McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association

Community Response Model - Triage for Youth at Risk of Sexual Exploitation: to provide a collaborative and coordinated approach to triage and case management supports for youth at risk of or engaged in sexual exploitation in the city of Calgary.

 $ 146,881
Next Step Ministries

Emergency Safe Shelter and Immediate Trauma-Informed Outreach Support for Women: to offer an immediate safe place for women who want to exit sexual exploitation and to provide community outreach response.

Nisa Homes- National Zakat Foundation

Nisa Homes - Outreach Services: to provide support to vulnerable and marginalized women experiencing domestic violence and poverty through outreach and remote casework.

Punjabi Community Health Services Calgary Society

Quick Response Counselling: to provide quick response to those from the South Asian community in immediate need of Mental Health and Addiction counselling services.

RESET Society of Calgary

EXIT Program Crisis/Triage Initiative: to facilitate and support immediate safe exit from sexual exploitation for women age 16+ and their children.

Sagesse Domestic Violence Prevention Society

Domestic Violence Crisis Support - COVID-19 Emergency Response: to support the expanded crisis triage and emergency response for clients impacted by domestic violence across Calgary.

The Mustard Seed Society

The Mustard Seed Mobile Health Advocacy and Addictions Project: to provide more accessible care to individuals experiencing crisis and streamline access to other services.

Wood's Homes

Strenghthening Family and Youth Crisis Response Services: to provide immediate and no-cost crisis support to clients from professional crisis counsellors to children, youth, and families.
