Calgary AfterSchool community partners
What is a Calgary AfterSchool partnership?
Calgary AfterSchool (CAS) is collaboration network of organizations who provide afterschool programming during the school year for children and youth in grades 1 -12 (or ages 6 – 18). View the Calgary AfterSchool Strategic Plan.
All partners are trained in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Sequence, Active, Focused and Explicit (S.A.F.E) principles and outcomes. In addition, partners will train together to learn and use current best practices through CAS training. Some community partners are funded by Family & Community Support Services while others are privately funded, however, funding has no effect on partnership eligibility.
We have two types of partnerships:
- Direct partners, who directly run programs for children.
- Support partners, who provide free resources like training or programming space.

Calgary AfterSchool partnership benefits
By becoming a partner you will have access to the following benefits:
- Opportunity to list free programs on the Calgary AfterSchool web page.
- Access to the School Connections YYC program providing free access to spaces in schools through the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) and Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD).
- Access to SEL and SAFE training for all staff.
- Invitations to additional free training sessions.
- Access to CAS network of contacts including other partner organizations and preferred vendors.
- Becoming a listed after school partner on the Calgary AfterSchool community partners page.

AfterSchool partnership eligibility
A CAS partner can offer a variety of programs, however to be considered as a partner they would have the meet our framework criteria for at least one of their afterschool programs. Partner candidates must:
- Be a registered non-profit or government organization.
- Carry Commercial General Liability Insurance.
- Offer programs at no fee or a nominal fee.
Additional partnerships criteria
- Offers afterschool programs in Calgary for children and/or youth.
- Programs occurs during the school year for at least 8 consecutive weeks.
- When charging a fee, organization must offer a 100% fee waiver (with no proof of income) enabling any participant with financial barriers to attend.
- All staff have completed a PIC with Vulnerable Sector Search, and are cleared to work with children and youth.
- All staff are currently certified in First Aid/CPR Level C.
- The
staff to child ratio is 1 staff to 15 child/youth or less.
- Volunteers may be included as staff if they receive the same front line training, have current First Aid/CPR certification, and have completed and passed their PIC with Vulnerable Sector Search.
- The organization commits to actively participate in CAS work groups, output, and impact reporting.
- The organization identifies Calgary AfterSchool as a partner on marketing material.
- Organization can prove they align with the Calgary Afterschool Strategic plan.
- To ensure sustained participation, the same program operates at the same location for the same group of participants throughout the school year.
- Staff have successfully completed the SEL & S.A.F.E online training.
Applying to become a partner
If you are interested in becoming a partner, contact 311 and they will put you in touch with an Afterschool Program Community Liaison. The steps in the process are as follows:
- Meet with an AfterSchool Community Liaison.
- Determine the best fit (direct partner or program support partner).
- Confirm eligibility using the framework criteria checklist (direct partner only).
- Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to become an official partner.
AfterSchool partner agencies
Our network of partners offer a wide variety of programs, and it changes every school year. For the most updated list, please view the Find a Calgary AfterSchool Programs section on the AfterSchool programs page. Whether your organization offers similar types of programs or ones not listed below, it is highly encouraged you contact us if you’re interested in becoming a partner. Some examples of past programs hosted include:
- Arts & crafts
- Bicycle mechanics training
- Career development
- Chess club
- Community clubs
- Computer skills
- Cooking
- Cultural awareness
- Literature
- Creative writing
- Dance
- English language skills
- French language skills
- Gardening
- Homework assistance
- Leadership training
- Music jam sessions
- Senior/youth encounters
- Self-defense
- Sports
- Theatrical arts