What to do with extra garbage, recycling and yard waste?
Sometimes your carts may be full but you still have extra materials to get rid of.
Where possible, hold onto extra garbage, recyclables or yard waste until your next collection day, when you can fit them into the appropriate cart. You can also ask your neighbours if they have space in their carts that you could also use.
Extra yard waste
- Fill your green cart first, then use paper yard waste bags when your green cart is full.
- Roll the tops of the bags closed to prevent spills and allow your collector to pick up bags properly.
- Place bags at least 0.5 m (2 ft) away from the side of your cart.
- Extra paper yard waste bags must weigh less than 20 kg (44 pounds). If you can lift with one hand, it should be okay.
Is there a yard waste bag limit?
There isn't a specific bag limit, but during busier periods, we will collect material inside the cart, but may limit the number of extra bags we pick up to make sure everyone gets service.
If some of your extra bags are not picked up, store them on your property until the next week's collection.

Extra recycling
Extra recycling bags are not accepted. All recyclables must be inside the blue cart.
- Break down boxes to make extra room in your blue bin.
- Take extra recycling to a community recycling depot or save it for next week.

Extra garbage
If your black cart is full and you have extra bags of garbage that will not fit, you will need to buy tags to put on extra garbage bags for pickup.
- Fill your black cart first - it can hold 3-4 bags of garbage.
- Place extra garbage in a bag, securely tie closed and wrap a tag around the knot.
- On collection day, place tagged garbage bags 0.5 m (2 ft) to the side of your black cart.
- Extra garbage bags must weigh less than 20 kg (44 pounds). If you can lift with one hand, it should be okay.