Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Ward 1 - Sonya Sharp

April newsletter

In this issue: changes to patios, spring cleaning, and the best suburb in Calgary!

Sign up here to get these updates via email. 

Councillor Sharp with Trevor Hittel, Mike Vernon, and Kevin Kobelka at hockey event

Councillor Sharp as Deputy Mayor with Trevor Hittel (Hockey Alberta), Mike Vernon and Kevin Kobelka (Hockey Calgary at the U18AA Hockey Provincials, hosted by the Calgary Royals.

Hi Ward 1!

This month's newsletter has updates on a number of issues that come with the season: patios, parks and spring cleaning. I hope you find this a useful summary of some upcoming events and changes that affect residents across Ward 1.

This month, I've continued work on many of the issues that I've heard are priorities for Ward 1. At Council, we've again discussed the municipal budget and taxes. Property tax bills will be mailed next month and I know many of you will be disappointed to see an increase that you neither asked for nor expected.

Not every dollar of these increases is up to Council. The assessed value of homes and businesses depends on the market and is determined solely by City Administration. But Council can control the size of the municipal budget. With Calgarians facing rising costs, this isn't the time for increased operational spending. As we plan for our four-year budget from now until November, I will be pushing my Council colleagues and Administration to deliver a budget of smart spending that delivers the services you need without unnecessary financial strain for you, the taxpayer.

In more exciting news, Silver Springs was voted the best suburb in Calgary in CBC's recent Battle of the Burbs competition! The community's prize is a new mural installation in partnership with BUMP Festival. Congratulations to all residents of Silver Springs and to the community members who have worked hard to make Silver Springs such an excellent place to live. 

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to my office with your questions or concerns. I read every email and take your feedback seriously. 

—Sonya Sharp

News from City Council

Update on street-side patios

Council has approved revised guidelines for seasonal patios on public property. The changes will improve accessibility by ensuring there is at-grade continuous sidewalk available for pedestrians. Patios on public property began as a temporary and necessary measure to support local business during the COVID-19 pandemic. It's now a successful and popular way we have improved the vibrancy of our streets. We will continue to improve the program in future years with the lessons we learn from 2022.

Resilient roofing program

The Resilient Roofing Program, which provided rebates to homeowners who installed Class 4 roofing materials, proved more successful than City Administration anticipated. Funding for this program has now been exhausted. 

While Councillor Sharp appreciates the benefit this program offered to many Calgarians, she will be working to ensure that any future programs of this nature better anticipate demand and have equitable access for more Calgarians.

Map of Haskayne Legacy Park

Haskayne Legacy Park access update

Council received an update on the Enmax Legacy Parks Program at the April 20 meeting of the Infrastructure and Planning Committee. Council heard that City Administration is continuing work on an access road to Haskayne Legacy Park, located in Ward 1. 

City Administration is working with Rocky View County and local landowners to build an access road to provide access to the park from the west. We look forward to more updates on the progress of this project in the near future. Haskayne Legacy Park is sure to be a popular destination for residents across Ward 1 and Calgary. 

Transit safety

Councillor Sharp continues to work with City Administration, the Calgary Police Service and community agencies to address the social and safety problems faced by Calgary Transit users. She also joined Calgary Transit peace officers for a ride-along this month to better understand safety issues from their perspective. Councillor Sharp has more meetings scheduled this month to bring together different agencies to address safety on Transit in the northwest specifically.

Solutions will ultimately require a combination of enforcement and addressing underlying social issues. Much of the work won't happen overnight, but Councillor Sharp will continue working to improve the safety and comfort of Transit users as long as it is necessary.

Councillor Sharp with Calgary Transit peace officers

City services and community updates

Spring street sweeping

The City's annual spring street sweeping campaign is underway! You can find the dates that sweepers will be in your neighbourhood by entering your address on Remember that there is no on-street parking between 8 am and 4 pm on sweeping days

Any dates missed due to the recent snow (and hopefully there is no more snow!) will be made up towards the end of the program, which runs until June. 

Community cleanup

A number of communities in Ward 1 are hosting community cleanup events on weekends from now until June. This is your chance to dispose of landfill items that don't fit in your black cart free of charge. More details are available on or through your community association.

Upcoming dates in Ward 1:

Silver Springs Neighbourhoot Streets pilot project

Earlier in the year, The City collected feedback on the Neighbourhood Streets pilot in Silver Springs, which included wheeling lanes and other traffic calming measures in that community. The City's What We Heard Report is now available on, along with information on steps that The City is taking to address the concerns of residents. Councillor Sharp is watching this file carefully as The City finalizes next steps.

Waste & Recycling updates

Weekly green cart service resumes this week and runs until October. More space for your yard waste!

The City of Calgary runs a complimentary compost program. You can book a chance to pick up compost made from green cart food and yard waste from the Shepard or Spyhill Landfills between April 25 and June 11 on Apppointments are currently booked, but more will be offered beginning May 9. 

Waste & Recycling carts on road

Updates in brief

  • There are a few days left to vote for Calgary's bird. Voting runs until May 1 on, with the winner announced on World Migratory Bird Day, May 14. Vote for your favourite: the black-capped chickadee, black-billed magpie, blue jay, northern flicker, or red-breasted nuthatch. 
  • The City is accepting funding proposals for Family & Community Support Services grants until June 2. Funding is available to non-profit organizations offering preventive social service programs. Details on
  • The City has some useful information on safe and accessible pedestrian crossings on

Contact the Ward 1 office

Telephone: 403-268-2430

Address: Councillor Sonya Sharp

Office of the Councillors (8001)

The City of Calgary

PO Box 2100 Stn M

Calgary AB  T2P 2M5

Facebook: sonyasharpyyc

Twitter: sonyasharpyyc

Instagram: sonyasharpyyc

Linkedin: sonyasharpyyc

Categories: General, Newsletter
