Happy Holidays from the Ward 1 Team!

A message from Councillor Sharp
It's been an exciting and challenging fall at City Hall as I settle in to my role as your councillor for Ward 1. We finally have our full team on board in the Ward 1 office and look forward to bringing you frequent updates on what's hapening in your ward, at City Hall, and across the City of Calgary. Look for our first full newsletter in January.
I am so thankful to have the opportunity to represent Ward 1 at City Council. It is my goal to put the residents of Ward 1 first by listening carefully to your questions and concerns and addressing them to the best of my ability. Please don't hesitate to contact the Ward 1 office with any concerns you have, or even just to say hello.
Happy holidays, and I look forward to connecting with you in the New Year!
—Sonya Sharp |

Introducing the Ward 1 Team
Left to Right: Marley Gillies, Executive Advisor; Connor Molineaux, Communications and Policy Leader; Sonya Sharp, Councillor, Ward 1; Tomi Neilson, Chief Constituent and Issues Coordinator
We're looking forward to working with you to address your feedback and concerns!
How to Contact the Ward 1 Office
The best way to contact the Ward 1 office is through the form on the Contact page. Councillor Sharp reads every message we receive.
Our office can normally be reached by phone at 403-268-2430. However, due to the COVID-19 situation, this number is not being regularly monitored. We will let you know in this newsletter when regular phone service resumes. In the meantime, you can contact us through the web and we will arrange a callback if necessary.
For many concerns, the best place to start is by calling 311 or visiting Calgary.ca/311. There, you can find information on city programs and services, request services, and file complaints with most city departments. If your concern still hasn't been addressed within the timeframe quoted with your Service Request, you can follow-up with our office. Please include your 311 Service Request number.
You can also follow Councillor Sharp on Twitter @sonyasharpyyc, on Instagram @sonyasharpyyc, and on LinkedIn. The official Ward 1 Facebook page is coming soon, too!
We can be reached by mail at:
Ward 1 Office
The City of Calgary
Office of the Councillors (8001)
P.O. Box 2100, Station M
Calgary AB T2P 2M5

Happy holidays from Ward 1
From all of us in the Ward 1 office, we wish you a safe and restful holiday season.
Highlights from the fall
- Councillor Sharp worked hard at this fall's council meetings to vote based on constituent feedback and a commitment to smart spending.
- Want to see how your councillor, and other members of Council, voted on a given issue? Check out this dashboard from the City's Open Data portal.
- Councillor Sharp successfully moved changes to the City's new Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, which comes into effect January 1st. The City is now working with professional dog walkers through the Business Advisory Committe, chaired by Councillor Sharp, to remove barriers for this growing industry.
Look for our first full update in January 2022! You can subscribe here to receive Ward 1 news in your inbox.
Categories: General, Newsletter